Is Trump Serious About Draining The Swamp? Your Thoughts

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

My View

I thought that Trump was serious when I voted for him. Of course, I would not have voted for him otherwise ;>

However, every day that Trump does not move against the garbage of the Political Class is a day that I lose additional faith that it is indeed his intent; also, every day that he does not take the initiative against them is a day that they gain strength and he loses strength...if he is indeed serious


  • It is hard to read indicators considering Trump's history of conflicting statements. He has indeed made different statements regarding Clinton herself:
    LOCK HER UP became We will not pursue the matter to more recently We need another look at Clinton's emails

  • We have seen firings of leakers for the most part, not arrests. The ...cough, cough... "big" arrest of the anti-American ding-a-ling named Reality Winner seems to me to be more PR than anything else. The fact that this hate-filled loon was working in the security community gives proof to how subverted the security community has become, and how deep the Deep State has polluted it.

  • We have seen Trump run rings around the media. Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) speaks of how Trump plays the media by making seemingly poor statements that they overreact to, and in the process proving his point. The Trump support community (and most especially The-Donald subreddit) calls this 3D chess.

  • Trump still has not moved against McMaster (who has publicly betrayed Trump) or Mueller (who has not only gone beyond the mandate of his office, but who has staffed his organization with democong donators and Clinton Foundation lawyers). This to me is the most serious indicator that Trump is not serious.

  • I sent several messages to the Trump campaign (email, LinkedIn, Twitter) long before the election, indicating his need to create an organization to counter Deep State action against him. This included choosing people to fill government offices, and especially in the LE and security community. I repeated this call after his election and before the Inauguration. I never had any response and I have not seen any indication of such an organization. In fact, even the grass roots organizations supporting Trump seem to be haphazardly run.

  • Ivanka and her husband are globalists/liberals. Adding these family members to his administration clouded the mission of Making America Great Again

  • Trump allowed the courts to make an unconstitutional power grab. Not only were the positions they took unconstitutional, they were hypocritical in terms of their earlier rulings about who had the power to enforce immigration law (state responsibility vs federal)

  • Trump has not moved against the "sanctuary cities". Every single public official supporting this policy is in violation of 8 USC 1324. Period. End of story. There is no exemption in this law for being a pretentious leftist douchebag.


  • Trump is serious, but in over his head. He knows how to operate against the media because of his experience participating in it, but did not recognize the treason of the Political Class or how deep it's infection of the government has become

  • Trump isn't serious. Becoming President is a joke or a life goal, and all he has to do is enjoy the office and troll the media.

  • Trump is serious, but he is playing a long game in terms of building the anger in America. At some point he calls for the line (military and LE) to go after the Deep State...or perhaps calls the public to do so.

  • Trump is serious, but he is moving slowly and taking one piece off the board at a time. He has neutralized the press and has made significant gains in policy through the use of executive action (dangerous in itself)

  • The Deep State isn't serious about their coup. They play their media games with the goal of keeping their liberal cultists in a frenzy and donating to the Party in between bouts of foaming at the mouth. Trump knows this and allows it...

  • Trump is a Deep State shill, and this is all dog and pony show.

What are your plans?

Have you gamed this out yet? How will you react if the Deep State succeeds in a coup? How will you react if Trump becomes a dictator? How hard would you laugh if Trump simply had all the media arrested under the "Russian propaganda" law they put into place to protect their Narrative?

So what are your thoughts? Comment now, or lament in the re-education camps ;>

Any indicators or scenarios I missed, or didn't think through?

image source

My Books


Perhaps maybe he didn't have that great of lawyers and advisers as he first thought. Hes doing great on some maga stuff, but it would only be short lived if he doesn't seriously attempt to drain the swamp and right now thats where he is lagging and dragging his feet at the moment.

I think that our biggest problem as a society is expecting that other people are going to the hard work of fixing the political system, especially when those people are politicians ;>

Following that, we need to be able to understand why Trump is lagging and dragging, and create effective strategies for supporting him, or bypassing him for the goal of draining the swamp

Elizabeth “Betsy” Southerland, who had worked at the EPA for thirty years, resigned on Tuesday.

An indicator of the the slow and steady model; OTOH hand, 30 years is a full career, she wasn't fired...nobody has combed through her career history and dug up any crimes she may have committed either ;>

No. Selfish and untrustworthy.

any thoughts as to how things play out from that point?


Nice article. Trump won't be allowed too drain the swamp, the deep state is very real. Trump, is a state actor like all the others. The masses of drone like politically correct zombies are naive to think that real politics are played out to the public, it is all done in the shadows and private conversations, what we see and hear is pantomime. They show and say what they want you to hear and see, nothing will change for the better and in another four years the pantomime begins, again cant wait for the shit slinging show to start again.

The masses of drone like politically correct zombies are naive to think that real politics are played out to the public

FWIW, I think it's not that most folks are buying anybody's game; they just keep their heads down and go about life.

Also FWIW, it is long past time that people that want to keep their level of prosperity to start looking at how things have played out over the last half century (at least)

I agree with everything stated. Many blessings

A. Trump is serious, but he chose to protect his life and the life of his family first, so he settles for small victories.

B. Trump is a chill. Bush and Obama were also against the wars and America being a world police.

One of those 2 I would say.

I do remember seeing Bush's reading list after his election and it was all neocon material... I supported that at the time b/c I was a neocon at the time

live and learn, unless you're deep state...then it's live, ignore, and steal LOL

I recently heard about this. For me Bush has always been an evil guy, maybe Trump will be as well some day.

I lost my trust in Bush at the same time I stopped being a neocon. There was a discrepancy in stated intentions vs. performance ;>

What?!?! A politician lied to me?!?! I AM SO STARTLED!!!


Sir, are you suggesting the representative governmental system we have is deeply flawed?! That is ANTI-DEMOCRATIC!



in seriousness, governance is not inherently flawed past the point where it itself is governed by humanity

well I guess that wasnt that serious either LOL

There is no way to answer this.

Except that if he was not playing in their game, Chump would be dead.
But, that assumption leads to all kinds of conspiracy theories.

So, what I rely on is the awakening of the people.
People are starting to change. Its like someone turned on a light, and all of sudden people are starting to see that DC is filled with cockroaches.

The biggest awareness change has been in who/what are psychopaths/narcissists. When you know that such a creature exists, and you know that they can only lie, then you know if you elect one, what you are going to get is a bunch of lies and deceit. Soon, show traits of narcissism will be a death nail to an election campaign.

And the only game plans that can be made are you and your group of friends. Building sustainable lives and living. Hoping that the govern-cement will fix anything worse than hoping the Charges win the super bowl. Sure it could happen, but don't wait for it, and if it does happen it will most likely be meaningless to your actual life.

Except that if he was not playing in their game, Chump would be dead.
But, that assumption leads to all kinds of conspiracy theories.

At it's most basic level, the actions of Congress merit a lot of discussion of various conspiracy theories!

Some are less likely than others, but the actions, especially of the gop establishment, are at odds with their moral and legal duty, so we ask WHY?

So, what I rely on is the awakening of the people.

It only takes III%

Well you have take into account that everybody is against him. Democrats, media and even most of the Republican party.. He is fighting a war with multiple fronts. Yes I believe in him. I don't know if his intentions are purely altruistic. Maybe he wants to drain the swamp just because the swamp is against him. Or maybe because he is 100% Patriot. For me, it's the results that matter. And from what I have seen, he and his few allies appear to do the best they can. All we can do is support him and put pressure on our elected officials to do the same. We still have 3.5 years to go. If he fails in major promises (e.g. Obamacare) well... No second term for him!

I understand this, but I do think we need to cut to the bone in understanding the situation completely. Those people that do not have faith in Trump need to have their plans in place for failure to MAGA

I think Trump is doing what he can to drain the swamp, but the US government seems to be quite corrupt right now. If the things happening in USA were happening in my country (Sweden) the people would expect the government to do something about it. I think it´s very important to punish people who have been umasking (spying) on their pollitical opponents in the election. The Fisa court has reported this but many newspapers don´t even write about it. Unmasking for political purposes shouldn´t take place in any election.

I think Trump is the real deal, but I may be wrong. Only time will tell. I never heard accusations of him being involved with the elite's giant conspiracy, until he ran for President. He's already done a lot of good - going after pedaphiles, TPP, vaccines, giving the states back some of their power (such as regarding homeschooling), trying to stop Obamacare, trying to reduce taxes, etc.

Some of this could be a dog and pony show, but he acted immediately on a lot goof stuff. Another example is hindering lobbying, on day 1! He was already rich and successful. He could have ended his life without all this controversy. I think he's old enough now and accomplished everything else so he's ready to make america great again, even if he's risking his life in the process.

these are all indicators that he is serious

I want him to more visibly, and more forcibly in doing so ;>

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