How effective were the "Fake News Awards" in Information War?

in #trump7 years ago

I'll start by saying I considered them a big nothing-burger; however, I already knew everything that Trump revealed here, AND I want blood, so my judgement here is not reliable.

You can see them at the GOP, or if it's still offline due to traffic, the archive

/pol was good enough to do a screen cap...

Did Trump troll his own voters by holding back for an hour? or did it drive more interest?

  • Do you think this helps his Information War?
  • Were you let down, as I was?
  • Does this sway undecided voters, or does it inform those who haven't been informed yet?

Hey man... check out my post today! It's the best of the series!!! By the way... are you still taking contributions for the @informationwar bot??? I wouldn't mind kicking down a few $$$ every now and again like i do for familyprotection.

I did a quick scan of them while curating @informationwar earlier! lookin good! I did full body in gym today, but if I can recover energy, I think I can summarize all three of these posts in terms of the militant democracy concept I had been working on...I'll let you know if I put that together today

I just wanted to get your opinion on today's By the way... How about a RS???

oh, as far as donations, how about this...delegate some SP instead, that way you keep your investment in the platform, and can pull it out when you need it! thanks for offering!

I tried to figure out how to do that... the process is far beyond my technical knowhow!

if you want to give it a try, I'll walk you though it on on sat or sunday ;>

I mean, yeah you can donate if you want, but I figger you might want to keep as much as possible

If I delegate it comes off my VP (which a bunch of people count on it seems). If I could shoot 5 or so SBD it will pump up IW's purse. I make out pretty good with fampro and try to give back 10% off each post. I thought something like that (I know IW's posts don't pay as much- but still).

On a brighter note- I'm thinking about q 97 Mercedes SL 600 V-12 (if I can get the price where I want it). The 280 ZX is still for sale- but it's a project, not a car!

cool, and gracias! That will def help out!

that is a nice looking car, for sure

I'm trying to get him to dump the 280 ZX for a grand just to get it out of the garage.. It's worth more than twice that, I'm sure. If I can get the price of the Merc. down to $4000- $5000 I might be able to swing it!

just to be sure, you're buying the Merc and dumping the 280?

also check out latest post re #releasethememo


Curated for #informationwar
Relevance: efficiency in information war, feedback
Our Purpose

I think this helps in creating more opposition vs the establishment media. Anything he does to do that and bring down establishment govt helps, even if it is only a bit. Great ideas cannot be contained once released. Alt media is going to take over, much as decentralized crypto will too.

why do you think it was effective?

Having more firepower against the media is effective in showing another side that most people don't see. He constantly is doing a battle and that is getting other people emboldened to battle with him.

I should add, by battle with him I mean on his side*

Yeah- Like a dud firecracker. Would have been fun if he would have live streamed himself reading them aloud. But, it's more than any other president has done, so let's give him that.
Have a great evening. :)

It was a nothing burger for me as well. I did not pay any attention to it.

I didn't pay attention to it. But it is a major slap in the face to MSM. Even my liberal friends have to deal with these facts when I send them the link.

liberals? with facts? do these go in the same sentence ;>

I hope it was a full hand print slap, but I dont have any way to measure!

8 years of making excuses for Obama really puts them in a post-fact paradigm.

Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

details details.
I love it when Trump plays them like a fiddle.
If he has any sense
(and he does)
this will make GREAT ammunition in the next election.
it should be fun
stock up on popcorn early
avoid the rush.

do you think this brought uncommitted people into the fold, so to speak?

well yeah.
the only people who have a lower approval rating than congress
are the media.

Waaaaay below bubonic plague and social diseases....

your choice sir, a CNN newscast...or a dripping sore on the end of your johnson

Gran post amigo, mucha suerte y éxitos para su blog, un saludo desde Venezuela:)

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