
Sadly that is how these powers tend to work, they want to rake in the money off the military war machine and keep creating inflated currencies to control everyone from having a voice to stand up against the machine. I am seriously hoping for no more wars but it seems to me the men behind the curtain are playing with that game again and in a full force fashion to pick fights all over the world. This is where I fall short on even remotely admitting my kinship of being American, I don't carry that sort of mindset to think its okay for us to constantly run over other countries and its really shameful the people over here back such actions every time the media tells them its a great option to take. War does nothing but set the world backwards and I really hope we eventually get leaders that grasp that concept for once.

I really think my grandparents made a huge mistake leaving Ireland when they were teenagers to come to this place, its getting rather hard to back a system that keeps so much control over the world with no concepts of bettering the world with such controls.