Banksta's Paradise feat. Donald Trump: New Video Fully Exposing Trump as Puppet for Zionist Bankers & My Thoughts on QAnon, a Massive Psyop

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

Donald Trump exposed as a Deep State puppet of the Zionist warmongering bankers in just 20 minutes, this is one of the best video compilations I've seen yet exposing Trump as a puppet, so I just had to share this awesome recent video put together by Adam Green of Know More News. Hope everyone appreciates it as much as I did, and if you do, please share as this is important information.

Banksta's Paradise feat. Donald Trump:

I'm not sure who can watch this video, soak all the information found within it in, and still think Trump is anything but a complete puppet of the very Deep State which the mysterious figure QAnon claims he is fighting. I haven't made any posts on QAnon in the past, and it seemed obvious to me from the very first day I heard of the QAnon phenomenon and looked into it, that Q was a massive Psyop. But despite all the evidence now available after nearly 2 years of this man's presidency, I still run into people in comments sections on various social media platforms who are die hard QAnon and Trump supporters who also claim to be 'anti-establishment' and 'awake'. I decided to finally share some of my thoughts on Q briefly, so here goes.

First, for those unfamiliar, here is the popular Qanon video, Q - The Plan to Save the World:

The Q mantra is 'Trust the Plan, Trust POTUS,' but POTUS is a lying hypocrite and not at all trustworthy, so if 'the plan' involves trusting Trump then there is no logical reason why any free thinking individual should blindly trust 'the plan'! And this is what Q is asking his supporters to do, blindly trust 'the plan,' which includes blindly supporting Trump, thereby pulling well-intentioned people back into the snare of the left/right paradigm.

Trump and the Deep State

It was obvious to me well before the 2016 election that Trump was a liar, a hypocrite, a bully, a rich elitist, and despite his claims to the contrary, a political insider who was good friends with and a staunch supporter of his so-called political opponent Hillary Clinton. See my blog post from just before the elections exposing both Trump and Hillary as two wings of the same Empire-building bird of war:

The Lesser of Two Liars and the Tyranny of Democracy: Exposing Trump, Hillary, and the Establishment's Endless War(s)

Those who think that Trump is fighting the Deep State Establishment must not understand that imperialistic foreign intervention and perpetual war is the fuel which feeds the Deep State, and that the pro-Trump Zionist-run Israel is as much a part of that evil cabal pulling the strings behind the scenes as the US Military Industrial Complex and CIA are. It is impossible to be truly anti-establishment or against the Deep State and at the same time support US interventionist foreign policy and perpetual war, as Trump has been consistently doing. One of the major things which absolutely never changes no matter which party is in power and no matter who is 'elected,' is that the war machine marches on, US empire-building continues abroad, and US funding of war only ever increases.


Q talks about the Deep State Cabal, but without clearly defining it, is able to dupe his followers into believing that Trump is bringing the Deep State down, which is the opposite of what he is doing. The 'Deep State' is made up of the following entities: Rothschild bankers & oil cartels including Genie Oil/US Federal Reserve Banking System/corporate mainstream media/CIA/MI5/Mossad/Military Industrial Complex (war profiteers - Raytheon, etc.)/the 2-party election system, left-right paradigm/Big Pharma/Monsanto/Prison Industrial Complex (for-profit prisons)/US Police State (militarization of police & increased police brutality, corruption)/etc., and all of the lobbyists and puppets of these entities. I'm sure I missed a few, but these are many of the major players. In a nutshell, the Deep State is run by International Bankers, Zionists, War Profiteers and all of their political puppets and organizations.

Below are some of my thoughts on Q and some videos and links further exposing Q and Trump.

My Thoughts on QAnon - Massive Psyop to Distract the Waking Masses from the Truth

QAnon is a massive psyop in my opinion, an opinion based on a lot of truth and facts. It's so easy to see that Trump is not one of the 'good guys,' and is simply another Zionist puppet of the elite bankers. That Q says Trump is on their side shows me just which side Q is really on - the side of evil, lying, psychopath warmongers, such as Trump and very many in his cabinet.

Trump isn't making America great again, he's making Israel great again!

trump make israel great again.jpg

He didn't drain the swamp, but filled it with even slimier swamp monsters - warmongering neocons and Zionists like Nikki Haley, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner among many others. There has been no 'storm' of arrests of the 'bad guys'. Hillary isn't in prison. The troops have not been withdrawn from Syria, and the Trump administration is now preparing for war on Iran, and has supported Saudi coalition's genocide of Yemenis with US airstrikes and even ground troops in Yemen.

Trump pardoned Dwight and Steven Hammond in the name of justice, but what about Schaeffer Cox, Jeff Weinhaus and numerous other political prisoners suffering far worse injustice than the Hammonds were?


He hasn't made a single move to dismantle the Federal Reserve Bank. The US military under the Trump administration has a more bloated military budget than prior administrations, and is dropping more bombs around the world than all prior administrations at a statistical rate of 1 bomb every 12 minutes. The US under the Trump administration is seeking to give Israel more financial aid than all prior administrations, fully supports the Saudi coalition's genocide of Yemenis, and the national debt continues to rise significantly under his administration.

Trump is just another puppet, and Q is clearly working on his behalf. Controlled opposition at its finest, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Psyop is being run by the Mossad, CIA or members of Trump's cabinet, because that is who Q benefits - the Zionists and US imperialism, aka the Deep State, the very cabal they claim to oppose.

Brian @HighImpactFlix (HighImpactVlogs) put together the following excellent video exposing QAnon, and I really appreciate his take on it:
"Q - The Plan to Save the World" - Red Pill or Red Flag?

QNN - Another video by Brian showing how QAnon is pushing the same agenda as CNN -

Here is another video exposing Q and Trump by TeamWakeEmUp/RedSilverJ, just uploaded today -

And last but not least, a great post by @ClarityofSignal -
My Two Cents On The #QAnon Phenomena - An "Open-Loop" Psyop of the Deep State Colluding With The Global Mafia:

Thanks for checking out my post and have a great day everyone. Peace.



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