We Are Being Lied To About Yet Another Middle Eastern Country By Yet Another US President

in #trump7 years ago

Do you know who the single biggest donor was to any candidate in the 2016 presidential race?

Hillary Clinton's massive $1.2 billion losing campaign budget might make you think that it was one of the many, many powerful influencers who were looking to get on her good side prior to her anticipated coronation, but it wasn't. The largest donor to any campaign was oligarch Sheldon Adelson, who gave $25 million to the Trump campaign, and who in 2013 said that the US should drop a nuclear bomb on Iran.

After his election win, Adelson gave another $5 million to Trump's inauguration, the largest single presidential inaugural donation ever made. Newt Gingrich, another of the billionaire's hired politicians, has said that Adelson's "central value" is Israel.

Last week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, another Adelson lackey, made an absurd and dishonest presentation arguing in favor of the termination of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal. Today, Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal and announced aggressive new sanctions against Iran, like a good little boy. Lobelog's Eli Clifton has published an article on how two other pro-Israel, anti-Iran oligarchs, Bernard Marcus and Paul Singer, helped pave the way for this decision along with Adelson.

If you want to know what policies a politician will take seriously, ignore his campaign rhetoric and look at his largest sponsors.

In his statement on the decision to pull out of the deal, Trump repeated the brazen, demonstrable lie that Iran is the world's "leading state sponsor of terrorism", a lie again repeated on his Twitter account. The Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), who have been consistently on the right side of history with every attempt by the US government to falsely manufacture escalations against noncompliant world governments, released a statement in December of last year explaining how this oft-repeated allegation is completely false, and that the actual leading state sponsors of terrorism are US allies. Yesterday VIPS addressed another memo to the president describing the deceitful nature of the Netanyahu dog and pony show and explaining why it's a mistake to pull out of the Iran deal.

Trump also called the Iran deal "one-sided" in favor of Iran, when if anything the opposite is true, and said Iran obtaining nuclear weapons would trigger "a nuclear arms race in the Middle East" as though Iran's top regional enemy doesn't already have nuclear weapons. He referenced Netanyahu's presentation as though it had revealed damning new information, when in fact it did not. Iran is in full compliance with the JCPOA, and we are being lied to by yet another US president about yet another Middle Eastern country.

As I said would happen in my last article on the subject, the aggressive siege tactics have already begun. America's new Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, wasted no time calling on the German companies to cease trade with Iran. Trade between the two countries has increased steadily between the two countries since the 2015 nuclear deal. The US, Israel and their allies plan on squeezing Iran like a python until it succumbs to the blob of the western empire, likely with the aid of a CIA-backed insurgency.

Israel has wasted no time either, immediately attacking Iranian targets in Syria and then publicly bracing for an "attack" (read: retaliation) by Iran. Syria, of course, is another country which has declined all offers to be absorbed by the blob.

And, as Sheldon Adelson well knows, the blob of empire is what this is all ultimately about. A group of oligarch-controlled nations, so tightly allied that they often function more or less as a single entity on foreign policy, is trying to bully and subvert nations which refuse to join that alliance until they either capitulate or crumble. These power grabs have become more and more desperate as China rises and the US approaches post-primacy, forcing noncompliant governments into an increasingly tight alliance of their own against the blob.

I find this notion of "the blob" very useful for understanding world events and predicting how they will unfold. If the world were being consumed by an organism like in the 1958 movie The Blob, growing larger and stronger every time it eats someone, it would make sense for it to focus on consuming weaker prey first before turning its gaze onto bigger game. This is why the US-centralized empire is seen aggressively targeting weaker noncompliant governments like Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Syria while being far less directly confrontational with more powerful rivals like Russia and China. The idea is to absorb smaller rivals into the blob, strengthening the US-centralized empire and weakening its rivals, before the final boss fight against China.

The problem with this, of course, is that it's being piloted by oligarchs who are so depraved and sociopathic that they think it's normal to do things like call for the US to drop a nuclear bomb on Iran. Wars are being started and new cold war escalations inflamed between nuclear superpowers under the instruction of deeply evil, profoundly unwise people for whom the possibility of world war and nuclear holocaust is nothing more than a possible outcome in a mildly interesting game. They are gambling with all of our lives in order to secure global dominance for no other reason than their own moronic egotism.

This isn't about preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. It isn't about Zionism or Islamophobia or Christian fundamentalism either, and it isn't even ultimately about money; those are just mechanisms for manipulation and control. Ultimately, this is about power. This is about a few individuals who have been sociopathic enough to do whatever it takes to claw their way to the top of the world, and, still not content, are now trying to secure as much control as possible over as many human beings as possible in a game of world domination unhindered by conscience or moral code.

The urge to dominate one's tribe is a deep primitive impulse hardwired into our evolutionary programming. When it's inflated onto a global scale that isn't kept in check by a natural capacity for empathy, it creates a dynamic where sociopaths try to control the world. In a system where money both (A) translates directly into political power and (B) rewards the sociopath's ability to do anything to get ahead, this is a very attainable goal.

We were lied to about Iraq. We were lied to about Libya. We were lied to about Syria. We are being lied to about Iran, and for the exact same reasons as the others. We the people need to fight these sociopathic monsters and take back control of our planet.

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So if Trump is working for Israel when he exited the Iran Deal who was Obama working for when he entered it and gave Iran billions is cash?

If you want to know what policies a politician will take seriously, ignore his campaign rhetoric and look at his largest sponsors.


USA needs to stop policing the world. Let's just hope Trump brings more troops back home and doesn't start a war. Good point on Iran, here's some of my thoughts https://steemit.com/news/@crypticat/what-s-happening-meow-iran-nuclear-deal-cancelled

Congratulation caitlinjohnstone! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 39min with 18 votes.

I think it will be really hard to sell another war to the population.Last time we bombed Syria,people from each side of the political aisle united against the war.

Greetings: Just took a look at your book "Woke". Indeed you are a fighter. Perhaps you've heard of the Freemen Institute? I used to work for them professionally fighting the fight. However, now I must fight with words only. I'm 67 and as much as I'd like it to be otherwise, my health is challenging. Anyway, working on that so that I have more to give. I'm doing a series of posts I call THE ROOTS OF WAR, THE HOPE OF PEACE. Doing what I can.

In the meantime our psychopaths/sociopaths are at it again planning away our lives over $50 glasses of wine. And while you and I and thousands of other do what they can it is not enough. Not yet at least.

And why is it not enough? Because the common man will march off to war in exchange for a medal, a flag draped coffin, and to be part of the band of brothers whose duty it is to fight in wars. Face it, without these men, without the common mans willingness to fight wars, there would be no war. God, I hate being so realistic. We, who have fought the fight, must never give up but we also must have some other sort of strategy.

Many blessings upon you and your work.

I dont know what storm is brewing, but it surely does is a scary one!!!

In short yes.

I just hope Trumps blatant work for Isreal and the other puppet masters of The Evil Empire will get the American people to understand that they are the greatest threat to world peace.
It doesn't matter who the president is, as a country it is morally bankrupt.

Quote: "This isn't about preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. It isn't about Zionism or Islamophobia or Christian fundamentalism either, and it isn't even ultimately about money".
Strange, as this is about: 1/ Genocidal Israel/Zionism Cult aspirations, it's even the mentioned campaign backer's purpose, and 2/ it's also about oil.

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