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RE: True Skate Stories - Frontside Chin Slide Body Slam

in #truestories5 years ago

During the nineties I got into using Cakewalk, the rival to Cubase. I worked as a support dude for the software for some time, but never really got the hang of using it as a multi-track recorder.

As for skateboarding.. I did some when younger and took loads of risks, going down hills at 30mph with blind bends etc.., I could easily have died but you have no fear then. Never got into the tricks you did though. My board was a bit shit, but I did buy some custom wheels for it. Bright yellow!


As for skateboarding.. I did some when younger and took loads of risks, going down hills at 30mph with blind bends etc

Ha ha, you're right about being fearless when young. Me and a friend used to do the craziness called skitching. That's basically when you get a tow by holding onto the wheel arch of a car... or we used to do it with buses. That was probably one of the maddest things when I look back on it cause we were often in traffic. This video shows what skitching is:

I used to love bombing down hills as well.

P.s. the yellow custom wheels sound awesome! 🙂

Cool video, but what do you do if the irate driver brakes hard?

What kind of response did you get from the drivers considering your in full view in their side mirror?

You don't get a good response in Liverpool from the drivers if they noticed you lol

The buses were easier because they couldn't see you because the mirrors were higher. I must admit I had some sketchy moments in Liverpool city centre skitching cars.

My mate Ben who was a much better skater than me used to do it more often... But If I was out on a skate session with people better than me, I just had to follow the crowd.

Twas fun... and scary 😆

P.s if the car broke heavily, you have to push off from the wheel arch, to negate the momentum, and head for the kerb.

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