20% Tron Profit in a day - This shit is just to easy like swapping birth control for tic tacs #465

in #tron6 years ago (edited)

It has been around 36 hours from i began my Tron trade in the hope to make an easy profit. Click Here to see the post i made about it yesterday. I sold out some Tron after it jumped 25% in a day with the hope to buy back more when the price dropped off. I thought if i sold 5000 at 5 cent a piece, it was not unreasonable to think i could buy back 6000 at 4 cent a piece. Sounds easy, right? its only like 20% are whatever in a few days/weeks. I've had better

Still dont believe?

You can be just be like me when you grow up. Dump all your saving's and investments, sell all your silver and gold and follow my advice to riches

Charts for dummies

If you see the chart of some shitcoin you own and the charts looks like this. Sell that shit the fuck right away. If you look in the blue circled parts, you can see that when shit go up,.....shit go down. If you look in the red circle, you can see that shit has gone up but........that shit aint gone down yet? This is the time to work your crypto mojo and dump that hoe to pick her up again when her ass is cheaper and she's aint so fussy. Please note, this only works with coins/tokens you already own so you have to sorta be a crypto Pimp and use your coins as hoes to get you your money. It's works perfectly until the shitcoin moons and and your stuck with USD fucking T. But the plan is simple.

Fast forward 36 hours

And make me look like a Tron wizard genius. Yeah, you know it. Price has tanked and sitting at just over 4 cents as i guessed it would. Just remember if you do lose money it's on you and you most likely did something wrong and screwed it up yourself. Dont be bringing that hate to my door, i live with stackitis and cant handle negativity. I dont do mistakes im a Tron wizard and i have a tron dog called ''backthefucktheup'' guarding my tron stash. That's the disclaimer and warning.

Lets get into it. I sign into Binanace were i am holding 245 tether (USDT) which i got from selling 5000 tron 36 hours ago. I need to convert these USDT into bitcoin (BTC). This is very easy to do. You start by going to the USDT/BTC market and selecting 100%. You can see that i will receive 0.03 BTC for my USDT. I converted 0.029BTC the other day so smallest of gains on that trade, i'll take it.

After the above transaction is complete, i went to the BTC/TRX market to see what my profit would be. I was aiming for 6000 and i knew it was tight. We can see i just scraped it and no more. I click conform and buy the Tron tokens.

We can see from my shot that i ended up with 5946 tokens after a big sell in came in. I like in and out quickly and bother with trying to play the game for a few cents.

So, here we are. The tokens are already in my account and ready to withdraw back onto my metamask wallet.

Here is a shot of my metamask wallet before i make the withdraw. I had 5168 tokens this time 2 days ago.

Simple enough to make the transaction. I copy my tron wallet address which is just my metamask address and click on withdraw. I am brought the this page where i paste in my tron address and enter in my full balance to be withdrawn. I can see that 70 tron are taken for the fee and i will receive 5876 in total. No complaints there, thought i was 120 tron fee last time i did this so i was happy.

2 minutes later, BOOOM !!! its here and i have gained around 1000 Tron are 20% for a total of 20 minutes playtime. It took longer to do the screenshots and edit them.

Round up

Like i said in my post yesterday, piece of piss are walk in the park if you dont understand that. I have done this type of trade at least 6-7 times and it's always working very well always giving 10% + yields. All i do is when i see a coin i own go up more than 20% in 1 day, i sell it out and hold it in either BTC, ETH are USDT as they are more stable and wait for the price to correct itself. If it bounce's 30%, im aiming for a 20% drop. It sounds very simple but there a few things to factor in. BTC, ETH and NEO are bottom dollar hoes, they stay with me. Everything else is fair game and ready to be used. The lower the market cap, the risker the bet because there is a better chance it will continue to raise. It might get a small dip but you might miss your trade. I would not be doing this trade if my bitclave (Cat) were to jump 30% in a day as it sits currently at around 2370 on marketcap and there is a better chance it will continue to raise. Thinking about it now, i have only done this trade with coins ranked between 10-50 on marketcap. I am going to continue to do these trades as and when they pop up.

Im just remembering right now that binance do funfair (FUN). I should have picked up 1200 of those with the profits instead of shitty tron coin. Nah, i like tron but i like funfair more :D Maybe next time

This post is mainly for entertainment and i do not advice anyone to listen to me. I am a silver stacker at heart and no very little about crypto's. If you have any questions about silver are gold, im your man :D

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---- TRON is up 25% - Time for a trade ----

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(Can not find the owner of this banner but thank you, it's awesome)


Congrats man! If you keep it up you'll be a millionaire in no time.

Yep, i think your right and i think i will hit a million. Im just waiting for tron to go to $180 and im home in a boat dry with a million dollars.

Ohhh, wait. Thats not even a million pounds sterling. I guess is needs to be about $220 ffs, now it seems like a dream.

💰💰💰gonna be Rich, biatch!

Thats right, gonna be dipping in tron and hoes.

It's a good market for ranging trading at the moment that's for sure. Well done. Watch out for the FOMO. It might creep up on you ;)

CAT is up around 30% today and im tempted but i think i might leave this one and wait for a better day

Thanks man, i never knew it was called ranging trading.

Oops, I messed that up. It's called "Range Trading" if you want to read up about it, have a look HERE

Fuckin’ A UK — i’mma glad you’re my broker! ‘Cause we may get broker, but it’s gonna’ be fun!

I like what you did there,

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 7902.00USD

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 67402.68
ETH 3481.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65