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RE: An Open Letter to the Community - HF22.5

in #tron4 years ago

I'm referring to "Now we will wipe out your stakes for sure!!!". That's what they were afraid of. That's a pretty hefty amount of money, and I'm sure the now-main-investor wasn't happy about losing control over this pool of money. IF the wittnesses were clear about their intents and IF they were super-transparent that they absolutely will not erase it, then maybe today's takeover weren't happening. Just maybe. But I'm sure that agitating the crowd to erase those funds will not make the situation lighter. That's all what I wanted to say.


I am pretty sure we will end up with two chains now. 100% centralizing the chain was not the way to go.

At this point Justin is worthless in the blockchain space. Tron will tank after these actions. What a scammer!

Yup. Everything looks like this is going to happen. Especially 100% wittness pool + 24h powerdown. I'm actually pretty surprised that it's 24h, not 1 minute or "immediate". I wonder why did they even considering leaving any delay. But, we'll see. There's some slight chance that this will actually be positive. Wanna a lotto ticket, anyone?

What do you mean 24hr power-down? I just tried, it is still 13 weeks. or is it only for their accounts?

In this article under which we're commenting now ( there is a note in "Commitment to the Community" stating that they are going to reduce the power-down time to 24h. Now this article has been edited and the same note states

Deploy in the next Hard Fork as soon as possible to reduce power down time to 1-3 days in alignment to other mainstream blockchains, while open for discussion for better economic implications.

They changed 24h to 1-3 days, probably it sounds now less outrageous :)

it should have been done a long time ago and restore SBD settlement in STEEM after 24h, as it used to be

Ok, thanks.

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