Steemit Troll Defense - Defend Yourself From Trolls With These Fun Sticker RepliessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #trolls8 years ago (edited)

I've found myself occasionally bumping into an occasional troll on Steemit, and am never quite sure the best way to respond. Do you argue back? Do you just ignore them? Do you flag them? Do you report them to steemabuse?

There are a lot of different ways to handle them, and sometimes it depends on the situation. I wanted to add one additional tool into the tool-belt for the fight against the Steemit trolls though: Troll Stickers.

Troll Stickers are images that you can use to reply to people that are trolling. When someone is being abusive, unreasonably disrespectful, or just plain nasty/mean - just slap a troll sticker on them.

"You suck..."

"You are all just a bunch of scammers!"

"You can all go to hell!"

And several more..

Feel free to use these anytime you would prefer not to engage further with a troll, but would still like to warn the rest of the community to stay away!

(All images are from and are free and safe to use without reference.)


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Where is "Troll Face"? :)

These are the only ones I could find through pixabay. I didn't want to risk using any pictures that were not free to modify/use, so I only looked there. If you know if any others that would be good to include, feel free to add them in the comments here :)

Thank you for sharing. I followed you.

you did well @timcliff is well worth following ) one of the best in this community !

Thanks @gomeravibz, I appreciate it :)

Hello @timcliff hope you are trolless for now at least. I have saved your list of photos each one has it uses, but praying i have no need of them. Hav e you seen our mutual friend luminousvision ?? he has been down flagged into the ground, a rep of 0 !!! now !! what a strange story and i am glad i kept away as apparently he started to terrorize quite a few of his favorite hit list, of which surprisingly i was not one )) steem On !!

Well as you can imagine, he was my inspiration for this post :)

Believe it or not we continued chatting after the post payout closed. I can't say that we got to an "agreeable" state by the end, but it at least got to the point that we had a relatively pleasant conversation compared to how it started. I think by the end we at least understood the other person's point of view.

Anyway, I'm trolless for the moment - but I have my arsenal ready now in case one decides to show up again :)

Wow what a pest this charachter is then !! Unbelievable really, its funny as my story with him hit me square in the eyes and this is why I was immedeately as aggressive towards his behaviour as I was. I felt his presence and way as being so abhorrant that i felt the need to make him visible to others in the community !! So he has been pestering you too for the story I had, funny as he seemed to steer clear of me and I never heard anything more from him, how strange as i would have thought he would have come after me with all guns blazing after my visible disgust in my post to him !! was not just you eh ?? look at this. i came to this post and made a comment on how it was cool to buy so much steem power so cheaply. He replied to me but his reply was greyed out and it turns out that he was being flagged systematically by this nasty piece of work on every post he amde. I was so surprised to see this charachters name again I went by his wallet to see where he was at and discovered that he has a reputation now of zero. So it would seem he has blown himself to dust in this commnunity and I say good riddance as we do not need or want his sort here !!

Yeah, somebody did a bit on that and called it "steemacide" :)

One other interesting thing - if you check out his wallet, is he actually has quite a bit of SP.

Anyway, I have no hard feelings towards him and have actually continued talking to him after the post. I even upvoted a few of his comments, because he seemed to have had a change of tone and had started to become friends. Interesting way to start out a friendship though, lol.

Oh i see, well picking a fight relentlessly with Big Bernie whale is a crazy thing to do for sure !! Why would he have done that really ?? Well this must be the first true case of Steemacide as you say !! Its sad as actually when i talked to him on that "No Flow " post he seemed so keen on improving Steemit, now he has put himself in the gutter as from where he is there can be no coming back now !! So i suppose he will just sit on his account and hope that the value goes back up !! So moving on how do you see things progressing now ? Do you think we can expect the price of Steem to rise back up any time soon ??

Yeah, it did not end well for him

As far as my outlook on the price, I am bullish long term, but I don't know what to expect as far as when it will turn around. Here is my latest technical analysis though:

yes a strange story for sure !! I feel bad as maybe it was my initial attack which produced this feeling of resentment !! Yes he has about the same SP as me !! I think I will keep away from him as i most certainly do not want to be drawn into similar issues with him !! But then i dont see how he managed to get himself downvoted to zero !! Seems pretty drastic and very unnecessary !! Talking about weridness on this site , here is another which I think might raise your eyebrows !! I have had this account coming and commenting on many of my posts !! But never more than two words then his comment is always voted up by a certain jamesbrown !! What is going on here do you think ?? Look at all of his comments always the same sort of two word none sense !!!

Strange indeed. It is probably a sock puppet account. I have a few myself (having them isn't against the rules) but usually people are more discreet when trying to build them up.

As far as his account going to zero, it was partly from the downvotes he received for the comments in my post (including downvotes from berniesanders) but what did him in was he picked a fight directly with Bernie in one of his other posts, and every time he threw another attack at Bernie, he downvoted it. Steemacide in it's purist form, heh.

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