Upvoting Satan: ethics of upvoting rapists, trolls, theives, and violence

in #trolls7 years ago (edited)

When people first start on the platform they almost always start the same way. "Follow for follow?" "Upvote for upvote?" Soon after they realize that it didn't get them very far. Then they try spending hours a few hours on their perfect post... it flops. Then they get frustrated. Then they think Steemit is a scam. Sometimes they even go after people personally that are making good money on posts.

"How dare you earn, when my post went unnoticed?!? I deserve to be paid. How dare the whales skip my post and award that other post?!? It isn't even talking about what I deem to be good, important, or well-written."

Sometimes they start confronting the whales. "You circle jerking asshole, how dare you upvote that shit content!" Sometimes it's true. Most of the time it's just a whale voting for someone they've interacted with positively before and supporting their content. Yeah, so, they go a little insane. Then they catch a flag.

This is the point all hell breaks loose

People from the outside world aren't really capable of handling negative criticism. They can't hold themselves responsible for their actions. They are used to causing harm and harassing people all day without consequence. When they get to steemit and find out for the first time that there are consequences for their actions and they are held responsible it's like they snap. They can't take it.

So, now it's flag war time, but these fuckin' morons don't understand stake weighted down votes.

flag (1).png

OK, so now they are losing because they started a flame war

Yeah, so they realize that their little votes don't do much so they just start flaming people. They go on posts, they go into comments, maybe they build bot armies. They say horrible shit about you. They start tracking down friends and family. They post all of that shit online thinking they are some empowered crusader on a holy war of biblical proportions because you held them accountable with a flag.

Ok, so now you have to escalate cause these fuckers are everywhere

What else are you gonna do? You're mad. They broke the rules. You were within your rights to flag, and now they go even further out. Worse yet, the flags didn't go down as you thought they would. Instead of outright nuking the little fuck now they found a whale that supported them. All the post rewards you took and all the ways you shattered their rep just bounced back and got more monies. So, not only did you not silence the critic, not only did you not take away all their rewards, but now you have a pyschopath with a whale backer that didn't exist before. So, while you're trying to escalate and nuke the moron that's clearly in the wrong. You're burning SP and wasting rewards on some little shit who keep getting saved.

First off the answer is deescalate

I found this out in my very first flag war. I dropped some nukes and a very clear psychopath ending up getting whale support and none of it went as planned. So, I realized even while clearly in the right that it didn't have the effect or consequence I was looking for. So, now while I still support flagging in the sense of self defense going balls out nuking isn't so much of a great plan. You gotta find a way to deescalate shit.

Stopping others from upvoting Satan

Let's say there is a massive troll that's up to no good. We'll call them not2good. And let's say they are supported by a powerful whale with millions of SP or for god's sake what if even one of the founders was supporting a well known troll. What do you do?

I think the trick is to undermine the whale support. Going all out on attack isn't going to have intended consequences. Getting the whale or possibly the founder if that's necessary to realize they are supporting people calling for violence, rape, trolling behavior, the death of family members, etc seems critical. Doxxing isn't ok. Calling for harm is bad. Literally just going deep into personal insults or involving family is way over the line.

Cause once the troll is isolated you're in a better stronger place, but when you nuke this platform seems to have a way to support the troll.

So, moral of the story from what I can figure out is when hit with a troll you can flag them, but it's probably best not to nuke them, because it calls in support of other people who think even troll rapists flaming every post with drivel have a right to speak. Violence in self defense seems aok, but when you switch to offense this place will rally for the wrong team. If you go too far, it's best to deescalate yourself and get the whale support to back off.

But please check yourself.

If you find a well known troll on the platform please don't upvote them, don't support their posts, and don't encourage them. And if you're a massive whale or you're like a founder with a ton of sway please don't spend a ton of your SP on saving horrible people on this platform.


...and there are posts like this one of the reason I follow you @aggroed, thank you, finally someone spoke up!
We were talking with fellow Steemians that we need to write a post like that, but you got us all - much better, we're all minnows anyway, a witness is more accountable!

I've been on Steemit for the last 2,5 months and I haven't flagged anyone yet, but I have been 'harassed' let's say, or pushed - to upvote, to follow...at a comment, private chat, or as a tag at a public chat room. It's just annoying and especially infuriating when those people actually end up making money!

To be honest, the reason I joined Steemit and I like it that much so far, is because I didn't have to deal with all that, like on other social media... But then again, especially me, who went hiking in Trolltunga (literally means 'Troll's Tongue in Norwegian) I should know that trolls are -apparently- everywhere... so somehow we need to protect our reputation, even if that means flagging...

I will continue this long conversation at another comment, later on, or at another post if not in private, for now, thanks again!
Mission: Flag Satan
Challenge Accepted ;)

Crazy! LOL love that you tagged Satan. :) Sorry to hear you were in a flag war... hope that never happens to me, but if it does, now I know what I should do instead of going into war. Thanks for the heads up! Fingers crossed, I don't get trolled one day​.

Yeah, well, keep being a nice lady that'll help, but ladies on the internet also find a way to catch trolls. It's tough out there. Be safe.

awww :) Glad you think I'm a nice lady! :)

Haters gonna hate hate hate.... Players gonna play play play.... (Taylor Swift) hehe

Hi @aggroed I've published an article about you, check it out, if you can, thanks.

26 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Day To Follow 31st July 2017


I almost went nuclear recently, but stopped myself...

I just ignore them, anyway how do I know other people don't think I'm a troll, or an idiot or any other stuff? I have only been flagged 3 times and the three times it was some person who had gone nuts and was flagging everyone, luckily with very low VP, so they didn't really do much harm.

Exactly. Some people just are here to vent anger.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself haha. Basically everyone starts off the same way, well for the most part and then we begin to learn , that's why they say , we live and we learn the hard way

It's very sad to hear thats even hard for someone with your popularity to nuke a troll into nirvana

How do you reason with someone who clearly puts no value in reason? How does a minnow make a difference? Do you just Turtle, pull your head in, ignore the attack and hope it goes away? I expect a productive Activie blogger would just walk away from the platform when faced with that kind of attack. Thought provoking post, thanks for writing. Also mspwaves best waves! ~Mr Dingo

Sort of. You have to make tough decisions - do I back down, or potentially harm my earnings or audience?

The perpetual sycophancy around here is a form of soft-censorship. If you choose to speak your mind, you are raising your profile and you may catch an attack from someone. You can't please everyone all the time.

How poor a life does a person lead when they have to lash out in such a way. All to true, that you can't please everyone.
Although freedom of speech is not a right to say what ever one desires without consequence. And should someone have their feelings hurt when others don't validate their opinion, immediately call it censorship? That's not how it works.

I haven't even really begun and I'm beginning to think the risk far outweigh the benefits...time wise.

It's a shame because I've made some new...possibly good friends from all over the world here.

Is there a place where these trolls can be named? This way noobs like me know who to avoid from the start.

O man you are so right! Steemit should be a fan place where people first enjoy without thinking about the financial rewards... seeing so many negative things here it's so sad! But we have to move on pass this times and of course always Steem on in a positive and original way!

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