Three things market manipulators will say to get you to sell in a hurrysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #trolling8 years ago (edited)

In school we were taught the natives were cheated by the Spaniards since they exchanged gold for small mirrors because they had never seen a mirror prior to Christopher Columbus' arrival.

But I actually think the Arawak were very smart in their choosing, they were not just calculating value based on scarcity, but perhaps they were smart enough to purchase the mirrors for their use and not the novelty.

What is gold good for? Jewelry and electronics. You can still make pretty things to wear with other rocks and they had no electronics in the 1400s, no use for gold. But mirrors...mirrors have a use outside vanity. You can have eyes behind you, be aware of what's happening in different directions without having to turn your head. You can probably communicate within long distances by just having the mirror reflect the sun in a pattern.

Back then, natives would speak to each other through the density of the jungle by whistling. Maybe they just saw a way to improve their network, become more efficient. Perhaps they wanted to experiment with this new material, who knows, maybe they thought they could light a fire more easily being able to redirect the sun.

We are made to believe these people were stupid based on our current standard for value, but I would dare say the short-sighted were actually the Spaniards who didn't care to mistreat the land and its people in search of stones with imaginary value.

As the interest in cryptechnology grows, more and more people who perhaps don't understand the concept behind this tech are starting to research hoping to make the best possible investment. Being that I've been reading up on this subject for little while, I wanted to warn others about the things that are often said to manipulate the market.


Is undoubtedly a sensitive subject. The whole point in these kinds of investments is that you have more control over its future. A blockchain doesn't have to be public to be a blockchain, there is no requirement of transparency. If every single thing in the works to advance the adoption of the technology is made public, every speculation, every proposal, then should any of those things not be achieved it can be seen as a failure from those involved with it which may affect its value.

Not just that, but anyone with an interest can join the spaces where the technology is being discussed with the intention of sabotaging the project. Mechanisms to make communication easier, like being able to spot spam and remove it, should not be mistaken for censorship.

Just marketing

If the trolls can't convince you by telling you about how you can be censored, they will say the reason there is censorship is because the technology is just talk and no results. They will say that the price is just a marketing hype and it doesn't speak for the technology. Some may even speak about how the tech is just people believing and without belief there would be no project, this will sound very logical because they are not lying. It's true that while there are physical aspects to many cryptocurrencies they could not survive unless people believe in them enough to invest themselves. It is at this point that you should probably start wondering why those speaking are trying to stop you from believing...

Not decentralized

If all fails they will tell you about the mafia that is running the show behind the scenes. They will tell you that because some people may have acquired a high stake, the rest of the investors wouldn't have a shot at having their voices heard. It's the same logic people use here on Steemit for the whales.

Something can be considered decentralized the minute is not dependent to a single entity, so in theory, a project with 4 believers/investors is already decentralized. it decentralized enough? No, specially if security is a concern. Four people/computers may be easier to corrupt than one million, that is the importance of decentralization. However, when a blockchain is born it is centralized. Every single blockchain out there was born of centralization because a person gave life to it, when other people start getting involved in this creation they are in fact validating and decentralizing it.

A blockchain could have 10 million investors with equal shares and some could still say it is centralized in a world of 7 billion.


Those of us involved with cryptocurrencies are not offering decentralized alternatives, we are offering some alternatives to possibly decentralize by way of code and mass adoption.

The images displayed above are not my property

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the natives were cheated by the Spaniards

... this is your fist sentence. what natives, what country? I know what you were alluding to but please do not ignore detail - it is everything. offence, but the grammar and cognitive dissonance were so bad I could stand to read past;

I would dare say the short-sighted were actually the Spaniards who didn't care to mistreat the land and its people in search of stones with imaginary value.

.....Id rather not waste my time spelling it out to you...perhaps read your own post again and you will understand.

hopefully your next article is worth reading!

This is not cool. You should help people improve, not acting up like this, @coloured-content.

Yes. I am trying to help him improve.

Of course, you ARE correct; but I also was telling the truth. I know he can handle it and I wanted to let him know why I only read 1/4 of the article....should have explained myself better though.

I can accept criticism of my grammar any day if you actually help me improve. I actually have a reason why this could be difficult to read, English is not my first language after all. Why cognitive dissonance though?

It seemed to me you were trying to say one thing yet your words said another....I did not know English is your second language though.

Didn't mean to lash out like that....but its more than the grammar.

To me the article was actually confusing.

Have you read other articles from my blog? I don't think I did anything different for this one. If you can point out what you think could be confusing maybe I can take a second look so that others have an easier time understanding. Thanks!

This is the story I was told in Dominican Republic, about the Taíno/Arawak people.


interesting that you were told that the natives were stupid without analysing why they would want the mirrors.

Analysis was never part of my formal education, I was just taught to repeat. I am pretty sure to this day they are teaching the same exact same story in schools.

All i can say is good post:)

I think this is a brilliant observation!


Anything in particular though?

I don't want to write a chapter on it, so I'll try to keep it short and blunt. The mentality/illusion of needing something (that you don't) because commercials told us so. It is a big subject that involves class status and majority of people will pay for it (which is why I believe precious metals to be worth holding on to, more than fiat currency)

And just like you touched on at the start! Mirrors to these people had a much greater purpose/efficiency than metal rocks

I spent the last year in the US and I did notice a big push to sell metals on TV

No big push required, we have all been exposed from a young age. You didn't see any engagement ring commercials? Why would one need to purchase a diamond for a joint communion?

Yeah, we undoubtedly have been influenced to give perhaps too much value to certain metals. I just had never before seen metals, not jewelry, sold on tv.

I think you are only referring to a single cryptocurrency.

Just Marketing .. Not Decentralized .. That's what people usually see about Dash.

It is Normal to minipulate Markets ! Make people sell .. That's how speculators work .. They make people dump and sell the product at cheaper price then buy from them and sell it at higher price ..

How you deal with that right ? You just sell .. You don't ned to be aggressive in supporting it just sell at high price then buy again at the end you will make much more money than those long term investors.
Why do they fail in dumping it ? Let me Answer this qustion.

As For the current rumors which actually refer to Dash ..

One day Dash was DRK ( Dark coin ) It was really decentralized going the same path through bitcoin but now I kind of agree with it not being decentralized but I don't agree with it being just marketing

Back to the question .. whyb Dash didn't dump ? it is MasterNodes .. Those old invstors might see dash as a new digital currency so the demand rise but wil be as successful as bitcoin ? That I can only leave it for time to answer.

Now Let's how to benifit from speculation
Now let's do it on Numbers .. Let's say someone bought MasterNodes when it was 17$ Which is 17,000$ For a MasterNode .. but a speculator bought only 1,000 Dash and wasn't intersted in a longterm investment
Two Months Later .. The price reached the summit 58$ .. Now We have 58,000 $ for the speculator and the MasterNode made 16 extra dash which is 928$

The MasterNode Only invests .. He only sold half of those 16 Dash .. So He now has 464$

The Speculator Sold it all at 58,000$ and Started dumping it .. Made those rumors every where so people can sell him at cheaper price .. he then bought other 1000 dash at only 35 $ which is 35000$

So Our speculator friend mad more than 20,000$ in a month just by speculation and sending rumors to every body .. Interesting right ? Making more money than those olds who only know to keep

Not interested in profiting from other people's loses. I want everyone to win ;)

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