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RE: Kappa Temple and beautiful shrine with lots of moss

in #trip5 years ago

Nice pictures!

What I really like are the small shrines that you can find everywhere. Just open google maps, zoom in and choose one. They often have really funny shapes (ground) and with street view you can have a good look.

Just one really random here:,137.2386432,3a,75y,244.39h,93.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srgvpnqvjgZXvNUS3BOumoA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


That's good!
Yeah me too! There are about 80,000 shrines in Japan ... many of them are small shrines.
The small shrines are called "Uji-gami" and they are the gods that protect the that place.

Shrines and temples have different roles, but both are wonderful😃

Posted using Partiko Android

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