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RE: It's Oh So Quiet! But I'm Still Here And I'm Not Going Anywhere!

in #tribevibes6 years ago

Steemit would be a sad place without you and I for one would miss you dearly, SO DON'T YOU DARE GO ANYWHERE ;)
I think the lack of interaction has much to do with all the alternative crypto-sites that are being developed, like whaleshares and other alike. I personally haven't got the energy to start all over again by signing up to these other outlets but all the best to those who do. As many of us say; I came here for the crypto but stayed for the community. Now the community is dwindling a little I find myself writing for more personal reasons, but saying that I still manage to find many new steemit member to interact with and there is a push to promote the UK scene at present which is awesome to be a part of. Big love to you Aishlinn and you know I'll be here till the dying days, so keep on blogging with me :) xx


hey Dan, been so long since we connected, I am not planning on going anywhere, the community we have on here is too freaking special and even though I would at one time been that person who would have been telling others to step away from the screen Steemit is a big part of my life, and I am excited about what will come out of it, for me it has great potential. Just missing out on some interaction, but you know like everything it goes up and down, I here with you my friend and I hope you are well, lots of love xxxx

We are both very busy nowadays and have come very far since we started. I'll always check in on you from time to time :) Your right about this being a special place, I just hope it will always be here for us. Very exciting times indeed :D Love to see you doing so well on here. Speak again soon xx

I DONT WANT TO START AGAIN ON WHALESHARES. plus, i don't really like it that much.....

Steemit still confuses me and I've not even taken a look at Whaleshares as my brain would probably explode. lol. Each to their own I guess. Good to hear that I'm not alone in wanting to be 100% steemit :)

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