Words on Our Mortality , Are We Living Life To The Fullest!

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Life is so beautifully fragile. We really have no idea what awaits us, what challenges/lessons are lurking around the corner. We can be so at peace one moment and then in pure panic the next. This fragile balance is something we need to learn how to embrace.

Yet so often, we live our lives as though we are invincible. Forgetting how precious life really is. The last two years have been like a roller coaster for me, where our mortality has been shoved in my faced on a few occasions. These fingers of fear, brushing up against me, trying to get a firm hold on my life. I have felt the fear of what could have been, and great sadness at what has happened, knowing that how we react really determines how we live our lives through those challenges.

We all know that life and death are intertwined, we can not have one with out the other, such is the natural order all things.

So Learning to accept death, just as we do life, is really important and helping those who are facing it, to embrace it, is such a wonderful gift that we can bestow upon them. It is such a huge transition and it needs to be honoured. WE need to surround those we love, with love and with respect, to really listen to them and honour whatever it is that they wish. By doing that, it allows us to live more fully, moving away from the fear that surrounds death and seeing it for what it really is, a natural part of life.

I wrote recently, how grief is just another form of love. It just takes us on a different journey and it hurts like hell, but that's because we have loved with all of our hearts. That love continues through the stories we tell and the way we continue to celebrate those people within our lives. Grief stays with us, it never leaves.

But Those brushes with death have really reminded me, about the importance of living. Of being fully present in my life. There are plenty of things that I really want to do, countries I want to visit with my girls, mountains that I want to climb, seas that I long to swim in. But all of those things are not as important as being present in my life.

Living each moment and being fully aware of what is happening around you, that is what is most important. Finding the joy in these moments, because what we all know for certain is that we have this moment right now, it does not matter where we are , it just matters what we are doing and how we are doing it.

This week @porters put forward a question for TribeSteemUp, asking "How different would your life be, if you knew these were your final days?".

When I first read that question, I felt like it would be way too emotional for me, but actually my answer is pretty simple really, I would spend all my time with my girls, singing with them, reading to them, climbing trees with them. Being fully present and witnessing each day with them, listening to the birds, watching the sunset, embracing whatever comes my way, so that they get to see me, living life the way it is meant to be lived.

It matters not where I am, only who I am with and that when I am with them I am fully present and aware!

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Once you discover what you would die for,,.. you also discover what to live for! Your love and devotion to your children is so beautiful! Xxx

thank you Alex xx

There is nothing fuller or more complete than someone who has found peace with who they are, who they love and why they exist. I really liked @eco-alex's comment below too - about finding what you would die for is the flip side of knowing what you live for.

A lovely reflection, my dear.

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