What would be your perfect day? Are you living it and if not why? - TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question


The perfect day, what does that entail. Hmmmm.......

I am not one to strive for perfection. There is this idea floating around, that we all need to aim for perfection, to put our best self forward all of the time. To always strive for greatness.

But in what way and manner? We are all so different and where does this frame of mind find into that?

This frame of mind, that most of us where exposed to growing up, be it from our parents, family members or from our teachers, it was all fuelled by their idea of success. Of being competitive, of conforming and fitting in. Of being the model citizen.

So when I hear the word perfect, I tend to turn against it, because of the image, of perfect that society has imprinted in mine and so many other people's minds.

I have no desire to be perfect, if anything I strive more for the imperfections in life, because to me they are more wild and free, more true to self.


My days happen in a natural kind of way, I get up and go outside before my girls awake and greet the day. I love those moments where it is just me and the majestic olive trees that surround me.

My days are full of activity, providing for my children, tending my garden, hanging out with the animals. Climbing trees to harvest fruits or nuts. Handwashing clothes and washing my dishes outside under the shade of a beautiful fig tree, that is bearing fruit which is not quite ripe yet.

Being surrounded by the sound of nature and feeling very much alive, as I stand there barefoot and breath ii all in and breath out my gratitude for all that I have .

Everyday I take time to breath in my surrounding, and breath out my gratitude for what I have. For the life that I provide for my children. For the choices I have made, that brought me to where I am now. I consider myself very lucky.


Lucky besides all the heavy stuff that has happened in my life in the last 2 years and I know that I am not alone when I say that. So many people have been going through so much upheaval in their lives recently, that it would not be unexpected of me to say that my ideal day would be before all of this happened.

But no it is not, I do not look to the past or to the future, I look at what I have right now. And right now as I sit here typing this, I have lots of heart ache, grief, pain from a very irritating injured shoulder and I could focus on that, well I guess I kind of am. But I have so much more that the pain and the heartache. I have this moment right now. It is the simple things that make me happy, that remind me of what is important.

The simple things, that are actually such a huge act of rebellion to a mainstream world that I want no part of. The things that bring me closer to nature, closer to myself. Taking responsibility for how I live my life.

Everyday I wake up so grateful to be here, so grateful to have my health, to have fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, food to eat that I have grown with my own hands. Living a life, where my children have the freedom to be who they want to be. Everyday living my life being true to who I am.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Thank you for this beautiful reminder, that there is joy and wonder in every day, and perfection is an ideal that can never exist.

That is such a wonderful way to be and you seem quite fortunate to have such an ideali.c place. Your writing seems to bring me right in to your world as you breath it all in! I would love to be able to walk amongst those ancient olive trees and see the kids playing freely out in nature - sounds pretty fabulous to me! Thanks for sharing!

I can say you are living a perfect day but yes the injury must be causing a lot of discomfort but again that's temporary and soon will be healed.

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