Manipulating Knowledge -What Has Happened to Our Rites Of Passage

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Today I read an interesting post by some one who was reflecting over life and the many problems that can occur within ones life time. These problems were explained as something negative that can happen to someone and are unwanted, with no way out. The four problems he identified , were Birth, Old Age, Disease and Death.

Disease I get, no one wants that, but there are ways to treat a lot of diseases today, quite efficiently if you know where to look. Knowledge is power for sure. But the others, Birth, Old Age and Death. All of these are rights of passage. They are a natural part of life and they really change us, in such profound ways. And yet here we have some one who identifies them as huge problems. Why? I ask myself this question, because it really saddens me to think how far we have come in some ways, but yet how dangerous a road we have taken for others.

It is how we think that dictates who we are, what we create, or indeed even if we believe we are capable to create anything. I understand that there is a natural fear of the unknown, but how much those fears are being manipulated by others, seems to be almost unknown. Life is a circle, we are born, we live our life and then we die. But death is not the end of the circle, it is just the beginning of another life cycle. Whether you believe in re incarnation, heaven or like me that your body returns to the earth to feed the soil, so therefore your body feeds new life. We are part of this circle, as is all living things.

But there are so many more parts to our circle, so many Transitions, Rites of passage. These need to be marked, they need to be celebrated, rituals/ gatherings need to be held so that we move from one period of our lives to the next. These celebrations help prepare us, educate us and provide us with the time to listen to our own inner wisdom and that of those around us. Yet it is something that so many of us are missing out on today.

Our lives are so hectic, we are so bombarded by external noise and external pollution, that so many are not even aware of the importance of marking these hugely influential times within our lives. So they go unacknowledged and at these times we may find that we have created challenges and risks for ourselves unconsciously, craving this acknowledgement that our lives are changing and seeking out guidance from others.

But of course unless this is something that is actually happening around you, you will not be able to identify it in that way. It will just be a hunger that you have and you will seek out ways to fill that hunger. But will it be in a creative or destructive way? That depends on what is around you and what is being promoted around you. But for us to thrive in life, we need to respect all aspects of life, of our natural life. It is not something that should be feared or viewed as problematic. It is something that needs to be embraced and celebrated.

I am a huge advocate for Natural Birth as many of you will know from reading my blog, but more than that I am an advocate for a woman's right to choose where and how she will birth her baby. But when important information is being kept from women, information that would effect her decisions, then how can she make an informed choice. So many women today are not informed about the potential risks that happen when you attend a hospital or go for an ultra sound Scan. Yet the one thing that is being played out, is the fact that birth is painful and something that you will want to pass quickly. So that their offer of making you more comfortable and of the whole "procedure " being almost pain free is too much to pass up on. But all these interventions are not risk free. Yet is that being discussed, No, the emphasis is always on the pain that the mother will experience. This is something that is focused on and so much fear is build up around it.


Me and my firstborn at her naming ceremony.

Women have been birthing their babies naturally for thousand's of years, I have birthed 2 of mine naturally. What I went through, to birth them earthside, prepared me in certain ways for motherhood, it was an initiation in itself. At the end of the day once you birth your baby you are a mother, but there are somethings that are beneficial for us, that help prepare us. These things are not being talked about, they are not being promoted. As mothers we deserve all the respect and help given to us. We need to be ready both mentally and physically and yet no one wants to talk about it. Instead all the focus is on the pregnancy and the birth. Yes that is huge, but it is only part of what makes you a mother. We need time to sit with others and talk and share what will happen, what has happened, we need to be supported. This is what happens when we actively create time to celebrate our rite of passage into motherhood.

But this is exactly what needs to happen during any Rite of Passage. I have just announced the TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question which ties in with this, so if anyone wants to answer it please do. "What is your understanding of Rites Of Passage? Are They Important and why do you think it is something that is mostly ignored in the western world Today ?". The deadline is next Wednesday the 19th December. I plan to write more on this really important topic in response to that question.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Rites of passage: you open the door, walk through it, and close it behind you. Sometimes you may even include additional steps, such as knocking three times, wiping your feet, bowing to whoever is inside, asking for permission to enter, etc. In many modern doorways all this has been reduced to the bare minimum. Lots of times there is even a sensor, opening the door for you, so all you gotta do is walk through, without thinking much about it. Instead, you can think about whatever it is that you were going to do in there, or remember the things you forgot at home. In either case, the modern world prefers you to be somewhere else than where you actually are.
Thanks for writing this post, @trucklife-family, eliciting this doorway analogy in my mind.

Gosh that's twice today I've just wanted to write 'ditto' under your comments! Love this analogy about the doors - I hadn't thought of that before.

My Dad does have a special knock that I now mimic.... we've never been one for doorbells.....

Hahah, here where I live the default condition for doorbells is that they don't work. Thanks for pointing out how similarly we think. Originally I was just going to put my thoughts into comment, but now I just might elaborate on it a bit more.

I think you should. Please let me know if I miss it! My father used to come over when I first moved out of home and tidy my doorstep if I wasn't home. 'Like eyes,' he said 'the entrance of the house is a window to your soul.' ... he was horrified I think, that my soul might be full of boots, umbrellas and bags of recycling.

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I really like how you interpreted this and you are so true in your words, every day we go through rites of passage. I look forward to reading more xxx

Yeah if education wasn't so subjective or if only it could stand alone as real truth without some sort of agenda people could maybe know their choices.

It's really ugly to use painless comfort and speed as bait for hospitals to make more money.... but you already know my view on this!

I sure do my friend, so many today really have no idea that they even have a choice xx

Its sad really. I think it would be difficult to put blame on anyone for not being educated or on any of the educators... I think that was a qotw for ecotrain actually right?

By the way I'd be interested in knowing more about the naming ceremony you had. 😁

that is coming soon, I also wrote about it in my very early days on here, but will share a different version this time round as part of the TribeSteemUp question, feel free to get involved xxx

Oh cool, I'll be looking forward to reading that.

Excellent that you bring up this topic! My husband and I were just talking about that and how it is being lost and how many folks are getting lost too.
Motherhood is such a big one and how many people are left alone never fully transitioning, to their own detriment and to the detriment of their child.
I'll be thinking on this one to see if I can add to the discussion.

Oh great I would love to hear your wisdom on this, it really is something we need to start taking back xxx

Oh, I missed the TSU QOTW go up, I'll have to think of my own response now, thankyou!

We can definitely shy away from change in our lives - it's unsettling for us because we aren't really taught about it in this culture. We need more ceremonies to mark these times of growth and transformation so that we can look forward to them and understand them better.

exactly we are educated to be scared of change, but there is nothing more natural at the end of the day. I look forward to reading your answer xxxx

I've thought about this many times over the years. I remember my ex-wife and I were watching this dreadful "point-of-sale vendor" commercial (long after everywhere had POS devices) where heavy-set 60+ guy pulls up in front of a big house in a bright red sports car, thicc girl at his side... The whole thing was just so sad, because it was capitalizing on the insecurities of retirees in such predatory fashion.

And my ex remarked that it was due to rights-of-passage within American culture. The only real rites of passage that are publicly endorsed in America are all "achievement based." You have your highschool graduation, college graduation, "open house" (when you buy a home) and possibly retirement parties... and so forth.

Very few rites-of-passage exist for less tangible moments of life, and most of those are decried by society. Achieving puberty is ridiculed and menses full-on demonized. While getting your first lay is glorified (among boys at least) virginity is ridiculed. You get the idea... Every rite-of-passage in America involves either Entering or Escaping a stigma of some sort.

This is a terrible state of affairs, and largely coincided with the rise of mass communication, which basically... cheapened such moments in life. Once upon a time, your first trip to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show was a rite-of-passage among adolescents... but now that everyone knows about it, it's lost much of its cultural weight.

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