Ulog #9: What H-O-M-E Means To Me

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

dd salve.png

One of the MANY homemade (and natural) salves and lotions I make

About nine months ago I made a post about being grateful for ALL things HOME related.

Here is my original list with some more elaborate details and explanations:

  • Homemaker- Yes, I am a stay-at-home-wife and LOVE every minute of it

I have been a stay-at-home-mom (10 years) and stay-at-home-wife (the last 2+ years) and I wouldn't change a single moment of either time. When I was home with my three children when they were in elementary school, I was so involved with their schools and extra-curricular activities. As a homemaker and SAHW now, I am able to garden, learn new skills and be here for my husband and have the opportunity to create a lifestyle that we are both happy with.

  • Homemade- Yes, I cook from scratch and prefer cooking my husband a nice "home-cooked" meal than going out

To this category I want to add two more homes. Home-style and Home-Cooking. These three homes seem to go hand-in-hand.

  • Homesteader- Yes, I have a garden, preserve food, grow herbs, make my own soaps, lotions and other natural beauty and health needs, and at one time had a goat and chickens (some day soon hoping to re-visit that part of homesteading)

I am learning new skills every day that passes. I have leaned more about herbs, edibles, flowers, foraging and how to make tinctures and salves. My skills mindset feels as though it has no boundaries and I'm constantly looking for new ways to make my homestead more self-sustainable and become more self-reliant.

  • Homegrown- Yes, I garden like there's no tomorrow. I even purchased my first beginner's greenhouse this past year

Since this post I have added a second (and larger) greenhouse, turned to learning more about and growing vegetables in buckets as well as learning new ways to preserve the foods I grow. In the search right now for a pressure canner so I can expand the ways I preserve foods. Just the other day I harvested one potato plant, grabbed some peppers, zucchini and green beans to toss on the BBQ grill for dinner's side dishes. Nothing better than knowing EXACTLY where your food has come from.


  • Homebody- YES! I would rather be home than ANYWHERE else

Yes... sad but true. If I could stay on the property 24/7/365, I would. I set aside one day per week to go do errands as I don't like crowds, traffic or being away from home for too long. While Mr Golden D is a go, go, go person and I am the complete opposite, we usually come to a compromise on the weekends or when he is home on the rare day off from work.

  • Homelife- My homelife is wonderful; but still has its ups-and-downs. Hey, who doesn't?

I am too OCD for my own good and when someone ( cough Mr Golden D) tosses a wrench into my plans, I tend to veer towards hostility. This kind of goes along with being a homebody, because his wrench is usually... let's go somewhere today... in public...

  • Homesick- Yes, when I am away from home I miss it (also miss my jammies)

Well... yeah. Again this goes along with the homebody and homelife mentality. If you love your home, why would you ever want to leave it?

  • Hometown- Nothing's more comforting than saying or hearing, "Yeah, in my hometown..."

I absolutely love listening to people talk about their hometown. So many lively stories and such fabulous characters evolve from these stories. Think about it for a minute... everyone has a hometown and when you think back to certain people, the silliness that ensues... these stories are GREAT!

  • Homey- Yes, this is what I do to make our HOME a place to want to be. Cozy, comfy and full of love and warmth

A cool, rainy autumn day... a pot of chili simmering on the stove (made with your preserved diced tomatoes, chili sauce and spicy jalapeno peppers) and a good documentary to watch, a great book to read or even an indoor project getting done. All these remind me of why I make my home home-y.

All these H-O-M-E words mean something to me. They are what makes me... well, me.


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Oh wow ! I think your actually pretty lucky

Thank you and yes,I feel the same way. VERY fortunate

It's always good to hear that....
Contentment is the key.

Yes... we (Mr Golden D and myself) are very happy with this way of living. It may not be for all couples or women, but it's what we both want.

I am enjoying being at home now, after all the years of my jobs taking me away from home. You miss so much being gone all the time so being a homebody with the family is a good thing.

SO true. Up until December 2016, I was working 50-55 hours week... I do more hours now at home and when I fall asleep at night I am at peace knowing the work I did was for us... not someone else's payroll.

Yeah making someone else all the money and they pay you the crumbs. The great land of Capitalism!

There are only few wives now a days that are happy to be SAHW. They find staying at home boring. You have good #ulog post. Keep on ulogging!

You are upvoted by #ulog-curator. Follow @coolarth and @mrxplorer for more upvotes in the future.

God bless!

I am never bored-lol
When my kids were little and I was a SAHM, I was busier than if I were working a 40-hour week. Endless list of chores

That’s very nice.

Excellent article. I really liked it. Thank you for doing STEEM - better. Good luck to you and Love.

Отличная статья. Мне очень понравилось. Спасибо, что делаете STEEM – лучше. Удачи Вам и Любви

I'm glad to see that you're happy with where you are and what you do. And I see that you're also progressing with your garden and your skills :)

Being at home is a lot of work and many people don't realize that.

Oh, and I would go for that chili now :)

Oh yes... I love being at home; and having the opportunity to be able to be at home.

I have to admit since being home now.. my garden has grown HUGE and my expectations of future years' gardens is getting even bigger!

nice ti see you are happy! Have a great days!

Love this @goldendawne! Home sweet Homestead. I did a HOME post as my introductory post when I signed up. It is really nice seeing the similarities and your couple extra home truths

Oh... I think I vaguely remember that post!
And yes... Home Sweet Homestead!

As they say "home is where the heart is." Lovely post @goldendawne.

100% agreed!
Hubby is a little old-fashioned in his way of thinking... mom/wife at home with kids, house, etc while he earns and supports the family. It works for us

My dad was the same way and I must say I did enjoy coming home after school and having my my mum around.

Which salve is better? The dandelion one or the Comfrey one?

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It depends on what you want to use it for.
Comfrey is good for pain, arthritis (anti-inflammatory) and bruises, etc; whereas dandelion salve is good for dry and chapped skin or lips and muscle soreness.It also has anti-inflammatory properties but I would use the comfrey salve for a more powerful punch against aches, pains, etc

Natural lip moisturiser, interesting! Thank you!

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