Random Thoughts & Thankfulness

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)


Photo courtesy of @ElGeko

Lately, my days consist of waiting for an interview decision and wondering to myself why do I love Steemit so much? For one, during a rather hard time overcoming bullying at work I left a career I thoought was a dream come true. After leaving I had a long process of recovering from PTSD.

The person at work would come after me while I was alone and in a closed door room, proceed to interrogate and attempt to dominate me while no one else was around. Images of this would haunt my waking days and reality that no one came to my aid after I requested help took a lot of energy and positivity out of my life.

After I left this place of employment was when I found Steemit, and my therapy. Whether it was the kindness shown by many, even more so it was the acceptance I found in the arms of people that had no idea that I was encouraged by them, and for that I will always be grateful.

Some have left but some are still here and there are many I find the joy in their company every day. Whether it is the sweet artistry of @elgeko when he shared the art with me above, my beautiful friendship with @immarojas, the sweet humor of @steemitqa, the support of @underground, the smart female companionship of @whatsup, the pure brilliance of @battleaxe, the tough love of @enchantedspirit, or the fresh genius of @penderis I always feel at home on Steemit.

When I peruse my comments I have beautiful friends that show me their love such as @friendly-fenix, @freebornangel, @riverflows, @trucklife-family, @tattoodjay, @tryskele, and many more. Without all of you and so many more I would not have made it through a not so easy time and I thank you.

We all live through trying times and when we have each other no one can take that away from us. These experiences could not happen on any other platform other than Steemit. We are special, never forget that. This post is dedicated to all of you.

Much love,

Eagle Spirit

PS. If I forgot your name don’t get butthurt, there are only so many names a person can remember. I love you too!


Dang! What is with people who feel the need to dominate and conquer others? These weirdo's will attempt to push your buttons to get an emotional reaction out of you because they want to exploit it as weakness. They have no respect anyone.

Time will heal what cannot be fixed today, the hurt will fade and you'll be free once again! :))

yAy!! thank you so much @cyberblock, feeling bad for doing my job was the worst. typically i’m hired to find mistakes and keep on top of legal cases and when some egos are bruised by mistakes it gets taken out on the help. however, this went way beyond the usual blame it really was attempts to save face and like you said exploit weakness that was basically made up or exaggerated. proof was given too. anyhoo, my hopes are to be free again and thank you for your encouraging positivity. this helps so much! xx

I'm too emotionally involved to not love Steem. :) I appreciate you too!

you and me both sister, i appreciate you more! :)

FLAGGED for Posterity, btw ;)

no flags nooooo 😭😭

Even if you have forgotten your slightly odd friend @spozone. I upvoted you anyways cause I still love shoes too. 😝(substitute shoes for you in most any song it works)

oh snap, was hoping i didnt forget anyone!! so sawry my dear spozone 😭😭 yes shows are so loved!!

Everybody likes pineapple emojis!!!

Jus’ keep swimming 😁

thank you my dearest damus, you are my most loved pirate!!

@eaglespirit I am Glad you are on STEEMIT too. It is such a Joy to see People share in order to Heal......................

thank you my sweet stok, yes share and heal is amazing. much love, ES

Thanks for the mention and I to feel the sense of community on here makes it a platform like no other

You are so much loved tatt, you spread the tatt love wherever you go and it is then returned to the blockchain. thank you for all you do!

I am not sure I do much more than the average person on here, but thanks :)

you really do a lot and help so many of us, thats why im appreciative of you! xx

Thanks again 😎

so much love warrior woman, some people feel so intimated when the come into contact with a true warrior, they can not bear to see some else shine and you shine very bright my friend. We are all here for you and thank you for bringing your light into my life xxx
When I speak of warrior I mean it in the best possible way and for the best possible cause xxx

thank you my dearest truck, your comment hit my heart full of love and i thank you for that. yes i get the warrior reference totally and you are 100 on that light part. you see me and it has been said when i walk into a room i am very bright sooo for even many miles away only those that have sight will see, thank you sis.
eagle spirit

Wow that picture is truly gorgeous. I didn't know that you were bullied at work and I certainly sympathize because it happened to me as well. It is such a horrible thing to go through. You are such a beautiful soul and I cannot understand how anyone would want to do that to you. Thank God for this platform and all the wonderful support we get here. Love you lots you beautiful woman you xx

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yes he did a beautiful job, its a snap i gave him of a hopi tribal member and he added my eagle. yes i was kind of at my last two positions but more so on the last. pure demon. the light is bright as truck said and inwas pretty much done being used to help possibly change peopel away from dark at theworkplace if you catch my drift. love you more River, eagle spirit xx
how did you recover?

I broke!! Didn't go to work for a month, cried constantly and saw counsellor and naturopath to boost system, cut back hours, came back stronger and more able to avoid and assert myself ...

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wow, thats amazing! the more i stood up the more ppl gathered against me. even when i went to the chief. no one stood by me or did the right thing. they knew i had a case bc i documented it and had photos and witnesses. bad news. glad you kept your job and stood strong!

That's terrible. Was there not a bigger body you could consult? We have a union that the school was scared of I think but they were very professional and supportive. Very. A very supportive head of department too. Phew.

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yes it was terrible and no there was no one. the only one was a chief (my head) and he threw me under the bus and got everyone more angry at me and i was toast. as in a goner.
soooo i was alone (but not alone.)

That sucks. Why do people get so mean

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the age old battle of good vs evil

I love you too!

We love you more.

🤗 E.S. 🤗

that kinda got me more emotional “we love you more”... all choked up

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