
Thanks it looks like a nice sunny day here today a pity I am going to be busy with meetings most of the day :(
Cool you have a word for it

Cheer up' your day for a walk is tomorrow ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

I am actually planning on taking a full lunch hour today and going for a walk shortly ;)

Sounds wonderful 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

And it was just got back to my desk now was so nice out even with a cool breeze

Look forward to see shots taken :) Your short walks really inspire lazy-me :)

Fingers crossed I got some good ones i was playing around with my new lens
And i say a short walk I probably walked 2 miles LOL

Wow! Your walk can still be called short: if your speed was high enough we can measure it in time units ))))

Posted using Partiko Android

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