Tree Tuesday, Still some spring blossoms about

in #treetuesday5 years ago

Tree Tuesday, Still some spring blossoms about

This is a post Is for Tree Tuesday hosted by @old-guy-photos, A challenge I enjoy both joining and seeing all the tree posts others share,

I have had a post prepared for two weeks now for Tree Tuesday but then I see and get shots of trees around at the moment with lovely spring blossoms so that one will wait for another week to share

In the Garden soutside my Office building is a nice little park and gardens, and with the nice weather o recent its so nice to head out there for a break during the day or at lunchtime.

Just a week ago these trees were completely bare and look at them now

1 Tree Tuesday Spriing colors UN Gardens.jpg

Sony A7iii 24mm F7.1 1/320 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

The colors that come after the long dreary winter are so welcomed it seems by almost everyone, at lunchtime the other day I had my lunch down in the gardens, Luckily it was my normal early lunch at 11;30 ish, as by the time I was finished my lunch many had the same idea and were heading out there.
The colors and warmth of the blossoms are so beautiful I had to get a couple of close-in shots of them

1 Tree Tuesday Spriing colors UN Gardens-2.jpg

Sony A7iii 184mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And another sclos ein shots of them, I guess this isn;t strictly a tree shot but the blossoms are on the trees so I think that counts, doesn't it ;)

1 Tree Tuesday Spriing colors UN Gardens-3.jpg

Sony A7iii 115mm F6.3 1/500 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And the next shot shows some new growth on the trunk of one of these trees

1 Tree Tuesday Spriing colors UN Gardens-4.jpg

Sony A7iii 240mm F6.3 1/200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And since iit is a tree Tueday post let me share a shot of the trees from the other end of the path to finish off this post with

1 Tree Tuesday Spriing colors UN Gardens-5.jpg

Sony A7iii 134mm F6.3 1/200 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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Thanks for the resteem

Lovely! He color of the sky is so beautiful! I love these pics. The blossoms are do beautiful in their arrival and unfolding! Awesome contribution @tattoodjay 💗 keep up the great submissions!

Thanks I do love the colors of this season especially on a nice day with blue skies, unlike today where it is grey and raining

Beautiful photos Jay!! The blossoms are so pretty! You are lucky to have so many beautiful spots around you to photograph!!

Ys indeed i am truly lucky :) thanks for the your visit

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Some beautiful and uplifting shots, Jay:) My son and I were thinking that the spring trees from a different almost look like fall trees. We are Lemony Snicket Fans and so we have labeled this time of year False Fall.

I love False Fall what a cool name for this season Lov wit and I may steal it ;) thanks so much :)

What an amazing place for a lunch!

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Ohh yes it is such a lovely spot and I am just heading own there now for a quick stroll to stretch my legs :)

Have a nice Tuesday walk 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

It’s rainy and Géry at the moment but i am still hopeful I can get out for a walk

Don't you love to walk in the rain?

I do actually on a nice day, but not so much with my camera even though it is waterproofed I Like to keep it dry

Oh yes, you are quite right. Walk with a camera is different. I remember my walking in the rain with camera and making shots. Water ran down my arms into sleeves - it was dubious pleasure

I do have a smaller camera that I sometimes use in the rain it is pretty waterproof and also one of my spares so I don’t worry to much if it gets wet

Hey @tattoodjay, the spring is so uplifting, love when the trees just pop out and show their beautiful colors. Although I now live in Upstate NY, I am a JERSEY GIRL.

I did live in Jersey for a few years all be it in Jersey City :)

And although I live in CT and work in NYC, I am a Kiwi still AKA a New Zealander ;)
Yes after a long winter the spring colors are so uplifting

Nice day for taking pictures :-)

That day it surely was a delightful day to be outdoors

Those are some beautiful blooms. I was looking out the front window at our house yesterday and I noticed that the trees were starting to bloom. I even mowed the lawn for the first time this year over the weekend.

Glad the blossoms are starting there it is so refreshing seeing all the color after a long winter

I think its been about 10 Years since i last move lawns when I lived in Jersey city, and it was such a small bit of lawn, I just used an old push mower that was there when I moved in LOL

What a difference a week makes.

Especially at this time of year I noticed this morning on these trees many of the blossoms have washed away in the recent rain and now the greens are coming out on them

...and time moves on and the world keeps spinning. Green is good too!

Yes green is certainly good for sure and your comment made me think of of a song but for the ice of me I cannot think which song it is

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