Tree Tuesday - Full and Bare

in #treetuesday6 years ago

Tree Tuesday - Full and Bare

Sony A7iii 28mm F8 125 ISO 100
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A post for tree Tuesday hosted by @old-guy-photos, this week a couple of shots of trees in Downtown Milford CT.

It's great at this time of year to see all the fresh green leaves on the trees, like this one in front of the Milford Bank.

trees bare tree.jpg

Sony A7iii 30mm F8 1/125 ISO 100
Click here to view larger

But not all trees, this one beside the Old Taylor Memorial Library seems to be struggling and is still so bare I wonder if its just a slow bloomer or is not going to change this season, but even bare I think it has such a cool character to it

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!steemitworldmap 41.222014 lat -73.057572 long Downtown Milford CT d3scr


Wow they almost look like paintings! Very nice :)

Great images. The trees seem to represent various stages of life. Sometimes we are full of life. Sometimes we are dry and bare.

The color really stands out.

I love the thoughts you give to my posts like this so insightful :)

Thanks for the kind reply. I feel it is a much better experience when we engage each other authentically. Most of my rewards on Steemit has been the people and learning/hearing from them. Keep up the good work!

That first tree is so vivid,
Do you know what tree is that exactly?
Nice photography by the way


Thanks Kindly and no sorry I am terrible with knowing tree types

The tree at the library is an interesting one. I like the backdrop as well. It would be curious to see how that will look like when it blooms.

The green in the first photo really pops against that blue sky.

Thanks I loved how those colors worked together

I will definitely seat under the tree next to the library! Cool shots JJ!! :)

Yeah I could imagine having a picnic there :)

I really like the building in the lower photo. Yay for Tree Tuesday! :)

it is such a cool building for sure

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by @ecs creator & community leader @chelsea88.

Nice photos @tattoodjay :D
The second photo is really great!!!

No problem man, and thanks for the tip 😀🍻

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wow i really felt the life and love of the fluffy green tree and then as i scroll down the color of the building and the gray of the "dead" tree... great shots. thank you for sharing.

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