Tree Tuesday - Walsingham Road 2

in #treetuesday6 years ago

More Trees Adorning Walsingham Road, Hove

Last week I mentioned that whilst out walking, in mid April, I was amazed to see how many different trees there were in a single street that had come out of their winter hibernation. And that I counted 8 unique species in all. (Original post here)

I showed you 4 of the 8 so here are the other 4.

I'm posting these tree canopies for @old-guy-photo's Tree Tuesday Initiative.

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Tree 5

Tree with Pink Blossoms. Is it some kind of cherry?

Tree Tuesday 5.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 6

Is this a horse chestnut? The leaves, at least, are a bit distinctive?

Tree Tuesday 6.jpg
Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 7

Red leaves and some distinctive buds on this one. Ring any bells?

Tree Tuesday 7.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 8b

This one and the next one are the same kind of tree I think. They appear to have different levels of health though. Quite distinctive leaves. Anyone know what it is?

Tree Tuesday 8.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 8 Not as healthy.

tree Tuesday 8b.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

So there you have it. Eight different species of trees in one short road. 😁

You can view trees 1 to 4 by clicking on the link.


I'm not at all good with tree ID but I love the selection! Great photos!

Thanks @melinda010100. I'm not very good with trees either but I'd like to do better! 😁

I love the reddish leaves on the one tree. I can't identify them either, I am mainly the flower lady. lol

Yep. There seem to be a lot of us that are OK with flowers but not so many knowledgeable about trees @sunscape. 😁

Love the canopy. Reminds me of the midwest in the US. I lived on a street in Minneapolis with huge elms on each side of the street that formed a full canopy. Don't get that at all here in my part of California. I'll study up on your trees later ;)

I love that tunnel effect you get with trees here @steven-patrick. Not on this road as it's too wide. But this weekend when we were driving through the countryside we went through some beautiful tree tunnels with lovely dappled light.

And trees happen beautiful))

thank you for visiting @olesia. 😊

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