Tree Tuesday - Walsingham Road

in #treetuesday6 years ago

Trees Adorn Walsingham Road, Hove

Whilst out walking, in mid April, I was amazed to see how many different trees there were in a single street that had come out of their winter hibernation. I counted 8 unique species in all.

The road is only about 500 yards (450 metres) long so I think that's pretty impressive.

Here are 4 of the 8. I'm posting these tree canopies for @old-guy-photo's Tree Tuesday Initiative.

If anyone knows the names of any of them please let me know in the comments. I could do with improving my tree identification skills. 😁

You might need to click on each photo so you can seem them in a bit more detail.

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Tree 1

This one is just about beginning to bud.

Bare Branches 2.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 2

Another one just beginning to bud but I think it's different from tree number 1 as the branches appear to grow in a more vertical manner.

Bare Branches.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 3

This one could possibly be the same species as Tree 4, at an earlier stage, but I'm not sure. What do you think?

In Bud.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 4

This one and the next one are the same kind of tree just at different stages of growth.

Just in Bud Before White Blossom.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Tree 4 Further on in growth.

White Blossom.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

I was really surprised to see that although some of these trees are the same species they seemed to be at very different stages of growth. I can only think that must be due to how much sun they get but that's just a guess. 😁


Well you will be disappointed in me but the only one I'm taking a shot at is the last one. I'm thinking crabapple. I have one in front of my house so that's a safe call I think.

Well to be fair I think even if you know tress these are quite hard because there's not a lot to go on, especially in the top photographs @steven-patrick.

I think you might be right regarding the crab apple.

Google says:

How to Identify a Crabapple Tree:
They have oval leaves that come to a point.
Leaves are light green in the spring, darker green in the summer, and turn a yellowish-orange or reddish-purple in the fall.
The edge of the leaves are serrated.
The backsides of younger leaves are hairy. ...
The leaves and fruit form in clusters.

Maybe when I'm feeling a bit more energetic I could go back and see if I can find anymore clues. 😁

I'm not too familiar with their names, but they all look quite diverse. I liked the first photo. It is interesting to know its name.

The first one maybe a little too bare for anyone to work out what sort of tree it is @madlenfox but it will be interesting to see if anyone has any ideas. 😊

Beautiful tree photos! I'm not good with tree ID!

Oh yeah without the leaves, its a real challenge to ID them lol.

Yeah. I should probably go back and see if I work out which ones are which now they've got more leaves @old-guy-photos.

However, I've had a bit of a computer catastrophe and I feel that I will be spending the next few years trying to sort that out. Bit of an exaggeration but weeks at least. So there won't be much time for nice little photo jaunts! 😢