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RE: tree tuesday — bird feeders and trees are good things

in #treetuesday6 years ago

Nice photos! The second shot of the squirrel... "bird" feeder in the tree looks like a great location. Have you seen any fur-birds, yet?

There are some feeders behind my apartment, that are up on steel posts. One night, I heard something out there and here were deer, licking the seeds out of the feeders with their tongues! At least the squirrels have to be smart-ish about it!


lol....we took that one down....the squirrel got to it and turned it upside down....we buy the good seeds so they told their friends, who told their friends and so on. Abbey had a blast chasing them out of the yard.

We have a lot of coyotes in our area this year and the city has asked us not to feed the birds....the seeds bring mice - yes, check, and chipmunks, yes, check check, and rabbits...oh ya.....which bring predators like the coyotes.

Seeing deer licking out of bird feeders would be funny. Some squirrels have manners.....some are quite rude and scream when I dare go out to the yard. I'm not scary looking.....they just don't want their meal interrupted.

Those squirrels are crafty little buggers! Well, some of the are... I've seen some pretty dumb squirrel moves, like the one that tried to jump from the feeder and did a belly-flop on the bricks below or the one that got himself stuck with a foot trapped in two different patio chairs. I had to free him with a screwdriver and some thick leather gloves (just in case), for which he did not thank me.

Coyotes, eh? We have them around where my parents live. Some of the neigbors' dogs got mange from them, though I'm not sure how that works. I mean, coyotes aren't really known to hang out with the neighborhood dogs and chat over a rabbit-burger...

Good luck with the feeders! Those squirrels are crafty!

You see some crazy stuff where you live. America is like that though. Full of squirrels people acting like nuts!!! lol

In Canada, coyotes are notorious for their BBQ rabbit burgers. The dogs usually wear garden attire. Cats however, are not invited - they keep a watchful eye on things from top of the fence for these occasions.

This is truth and not alternate facts.

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