Holiday Tree Toss 2017 ~ Episode 5.3 ~ A Bit Of Historical Perspective As We Move On Into Potential Finds Of 2018 ~ Original Photography and Rather Short Discussion

in #treetosshistory5point37 years ago (edited)

Holiday Tree Toss ~ A Very Very Special Extra Feature

A Rare And Historic, Holiday Tree-Toss Update:

2017 Trees In Review

Where Are They Now?

A Comparison Study

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Then and Then

This tree was abandoned in the winter of 2017. Photo A on the left, shows the tree in February, when I first noticed it by the side of the road. It was a big, bushy monster, and still in good, usable condition.

The photo on the right, Photo B, was taken later on in May. The tree was still in the same area after three months. A bit worse for wear, but still functional as a tree of some sort. However, it had been moved 23 feet to the left. Probably by the irate home-owner when the Yule squatter became a hindrance to the mail-person reaching the letter-box.

And Now

I stopped by this area the other day (January 2nd), to check on the tree, just to see how it was faring. And it was long gone. Hopefully someone gave it a good home. We can all wish it so, out loud, with all our effort and might.

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Chalmbers Street ~ January 2, 2018: Life In This Area Has Returned To Some Semblance Of Normal-icy

That concludes the "Where Are They Now" segment of this post. Which, I suppose, IS the post. So, this concludes this post.

Stay tuned to this channel, as you never know WHEN these Yule trees that just keep on showing up, might show up again in the future. After all, 2018 is only 9 days old today.

~ Finto ~

Proof Positive ~ Previous Posts:

Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 1: About-Town Trees
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 2: Froggy-Pond Trees
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 3: An Alien Plot ?
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 4: Deep Tree Poetry
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 5.1: Tree Toss November 2017
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 5.2: Tree Toss Skeleton Tree 2017

Holiday Statistics Always Brighten Up A Party

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Just a bit of historical data, to add some pleasing atmosphere to the 2017 Tree Toss posts of 2018. I'm not sure what that graph above demonstrates, but it sure is fun to look at.

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the 2017 Christmas Tree Toss In Historical Perspective. If you have any thoughts about famous moments in Christmas tree history, any new ideas on Creative Landscaping With Your Holiday Tree Discard's, old trees as a weed-growing medium for human consumption, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 01/09/2018 @ 12:22

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 22

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A photo of No Tree. I like that.

I think they call that High Art. Or what most people prefer, after Christmas is over, and there are still posts about Christmas trees O :

Or using "negative space". Very important in photography! LOL!

LOL. Good one. I seem to use some form of that a lot in my art. Though intent may be lacking.

I'm glad at least one of them was rescued. :)

LOL. Me too, hopefully it got taken to a nice home for SOME purpose. Extra-large hanging bird feeder, practice tree for next year's decorating, large scouring pad for a swimming pool cleaning outfit, or one of those drag-behind-a-tractor-like-an-old-mattress-springbox-thingies, for smoothing out a gravel driveway. Good luck, wherever you are, little tree...

Oh! Congratulation for your great effort! It's good that we do not see the trees on the ground again.... In the meantime, I'm quite curious where they are now!

Yes, it's fun to look at the graph indeed!

Great work! ;)

Thank you. And you may see a few more NEW ones on the ground one day soon. After all, it's a whole new year! We can only hope the old ones' went to a good home. Glad you liked the highly mathematical graph too. All those statistics can make you dizzy too late at night though.

You're welcome! I do really hope there will be no tree on the ground in the future and the old ones should go to a good home.... Ah! You did really great job! ;)

Well.....there are already trees on the ground for this year. I wonder if I'll put out more posts???????

Oh! I'm sorry to hear that..... I absolutely agree with you, you may put out more posts sooooooooon!

Found two more today. Once I have a bunch, I'll launch into the NEW YEAR of trees ( :

Um! I don't know what to say now..... I do really hope that these are the last ones and no more tree like these in the future! ;)

Is it really getting that old and mundane? Or are you using reverse psychology, in the hopes of seeing post after post after post once more, to fill my blog and your feed in the year of 2018? (I'm a very literal person, and don't really get this whole humor thing)...

I was worried the final photo would have been taken by the tree with you bound and gagged on the side of the road in it's place...xmas macabre.

Hmmm, great idea #27...tie self up next to busy road and take tripod photos lying next to dead tree. That gave me quite a chortle. The Revenge of the Wronged Trees. Thanks for the morning mirth.

I love this look into the consequences of this annual arboretocide.

We used to burn ours as part of the annual brush burn. Although we've planted a few live trees after the holidays that have now grown out of control.

Now we just use an artificial tree that Starbucks was throwing out one January. The Wife likes it to smell piney so she stuffs in a few fallen boughs from the yard.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed more looks at the annual yule toss. It has become quite enjoyable biking about town, looking for my new-year series. They seem fall out of vehicles on a regular basis. (Year 2018, tree #1 discovered just yesterday. I swear I just heard a huge, collective moan well up from somewhere worldwide on the Steemit chain.) My final post may have something to do with a funeral for 2017, much like your disposal. Stay tuned.
I love the idea of a Starbuck's castoff. And re-usable. The Wife (your moniker) is very smart, adding odoriferous boughs to the thing. Never would have thought of that. I have some silver aluminum spinning-multi-color-light-plate trees, but that is a drawback, no nice smell. Now good idea #28 can be put into practice. Though the clash of organic and industrial might be a bit harsh.

Maybe they threw it in the pond! With that other one! I do think Christmas trees could provide some cover for good edible weeds. I wonder what you could find. Get a close-up photo of those weeds in the last picture and I'll take a look at them. They could be lunch! :D

Ha ha, I'll have to go down to the Froggy Pond and see if it shows up. Though it would be a Looonggg trip across town. Then again, from what I've seen, these Tree-Tosser's are a tenacious bunch. Nothing would surprise me anymore.
Next time I'm by there, I'll try to remember to take a picture. Those weeds may BE edible. Ooh, a new idea for these old trees, sell them as a weed substrate for people to use as a growing medium for gardens and weed-patches.. Talk about multiple use. Can you on a tropical beach somewhere very soon? Sometimes you just gotta dream BIG.

For your new venture, shipping might be expensive. But don't hold back! What you don't make in profits, you can make up in volume! ; )

I can just see mailing old, dead, dried out Christmas trees all over the world. Packaging might be a bit of a problem...but UPS probably has some ideas in their 'great tips on mailing those super ideas for tomorrow, TODAY! ' site. I better get busy on it...

I think the US Post Office will let you just put the address and stamp right on it, without additional packaging. My mom sent me a big plastic frog that way. But maybe an old Christmas tree would seem like a flammable item, lol.

What mayhem in the auto-sorting machines..."Who threw in the 6' True Fir,'s gummin' up the works, BIGTIME!!"

these trees must be saved!

I fully agree ( :

And here was I, cheering for the alien plot!

LOL. That tact has been put forth heavily in post no. 3 of the Tree Toss. I still lean in that direction as well. Just makes sense, some sort of listening device, or other important aspect of alienic activity.

good post congratulations

I just found another one! It's here.

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