The Holiday Tree Toss Of 2017 -- Episode 5.2 ~ The Christmas "Gift" That Keeps On Giving And Giving And Giving ~ More Amazing Finds! ~ Original Photography and Discussion Of Even MORE Incredible Note ~

in #holidaytreetoss5point27 years ago (edited)

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Christmas Trees From The Holi-DAY 25, Of 2016 -- Still Showing Up

~Proof Positive ~ Previous Posts:

Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 1: About-Town Trees
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 2: Froggy-Pond Trees
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 3: An Alien Plot ?
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 4: Deep Tree Poetry
Holiday Tree Toss - Episode 5.1: Tree Toss November 2017

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Meanwhile, Across The Road

In my last post on the incredibly prolific, unbelievably resilient Holiday Tree Toss of 2017, we discussed a few more Christmas tree finds, right before THE BIG DAY of 2017. Yes, yes, I realize I am still talking about Christmas here, and it is now past New Year's day, of 2018.

But Holy Toledo folks, think about it. This is utterly amazing. These trees I've been finding around town this past month are from Christmas 2016!! A whole YEAR later. And people are still discarding their used-up Yules' at an alarming rate.

And what's even MORE laughable, if not a bit disturbing, is that it's now time for all these post-holiday, fallen Christmas-angel, tree-hooligan's to start dumping their LATEST living room, forest-decor pieces from Christmas 2017. WOW, is about all I can put forth at this moment.

An Artsy-Fartsy Find ~ Holiday Tree-Toss From Christmas 2016 -- Chapter 5.2

Wandering across the highway from the discarded trees in Pond No. 1 in Chapter 5.1 [Holiday Tree Toss -- Chapter 5.1] I discovered some MORE recent Christmas tree discardia at Pond No. 2. This particular 'tree' was found stuffed up against a sign post along the road. As you can see, it is not so much a tree, as the barren skeleton of a tree.

In a brief, lip-quivering moment of deep, heart-felt joy, I was happily taken back to one of my posts of old. I truly believed I had found a long-lost forest friend from earlier in the year. At first I was most happy to become re-acquainted with my old, fir buddy. At least on some scale or another. "Are you my happy Christmas tree find from last February", I wondered aloud to the remnant tree, and absolutely no one else within earshot at Pond No. 2.

Let's Review -- A Brief Bit Of Visual History

Exerpted From Previous Post In February. A Tree By The Sign Post:

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History Repeats Itself?

This tree in the above photo showed up in February, and in my Holiday Tree-Toss Post No. 2 [Tree Toss No. 2] Could these be the same tree? If so, it has gone through an incredibly sad, degradation-al metamorphosis since February.

It IS in the same place as before, more or less. The sign post in the photo from February (above), way back by the Subaru, is the same sign post the 'skeleton tree' was recently found leaning against, as shown in the next photo below.

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A Mere Shell Of A Once-Proud Yule Tree

Are you my long-lost friend from February, little tree? Did you completely fall apart, and become a mere skeletonesque piece of your former self? I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think even the worst ravages of nature, over a six month period of deepest winter could reduce the tree of February, shown above, to this bony shell of a tree, discovered by the sign this November. Are you the bare-bone innards of this previous, bushy find my friend?

A Harsh History

What happened to this sad little wisp of a tree? It resembles the bleached bones of a dead whale rotting on a sandy beach somewhere in the Pacific. What IS your story, little tree frame? Were you dragged behind a car for miles and miles and miles, then thrown at the sign with certain disdain? Were you part of some special art project, now long-ago history and abandoned by the road?

Your branches have been snapped off in some violent way, with the bulk of your remains left to rot into a most macabre ending. If only you could talk, ghost-y bones of a once-majestic holiday a tree. We might understand your plight.

Oh, That's Right

Large hand-slap to the forehead! [HERE] Writing this post has re-awakened some of my napping memory cells. A few details of my Adventures in Holiday Treeville this past winter are now flooding back over me like a flushed toilet with a dry-cleaning delivery-bag stuffed down the swirlie hole.

This skeleton tree can NOT be the same fat and happy brown tree, shown in the photo above. Because that particular tree is now sitting back at my house. Due to circumstances beyond my control at the time, I had to take that tossed-tree home with me, after I photographed it for Poetry Post Number 4. And, believe it or not, I still have that tree.

I hope to provide more details about this little hard-left turn in a future (final?) post on the Holiday Tree Toss. Suffice it to say, this is NOT the same tree. Of that I am now positive.

But What About The OTHER Tree?

As for our skeleton tree by the sign, we may never know the history behind it's eventual demise. So, I think I will take IT home as well. The tree has a certain, je ne sais quoi, artistic bent to it. In just the right place, with only one red ball looping down off the top, it might make a pretty nice Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I have almost a whole year to work that one out. I'll keep you informed, as this incredible idea develops.

I'm titling this:

Dry Holiday Bones

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The Forlorn, Bleached Remains Of A Once Up-Standing, Yule-time Tree

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Holiday Tree-Toss Episode 5.2 -- Part II

Will This Never End?!!

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Just Waiting and Waiting...

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...And Waiting Some More, For Just The Right Moment

As Amazing As It Looks

You're not going to believe this. The trees in this truck were still sitting there, right up to this past Christmas. I took these photos a couple of weeks ago, under the guise of: " I better hurry up, I'm sure this person will dump these trees before Christmas this year." Hence, they are taken at night with a flash.

What's really amazing, is that these trees are left over from LAST Christmas. Just sitting there quietly in the truck, waiting for the right moment to 'roll out' onto a darkened, moon-free road some night.

Biking by this truck last night, January 2nd, I noticed they are STILL there. Possibly waiting for a couple more trees to be added from THIS Christmas? I guess we could give the truck owner an extra ten points for waiting until the back is chock FULL of trees, in the name of efficiency and fuel savings and all that.

Reality -- Another Name For Repetition-ally Re-in-forced Experience

I also suppose I could take the high road here, striving for 'seasonal-nice', and give the truck owner(s) the benefit of the doubt. And say these are headed to the old-tree recycle repository, or to the official tree dump. It IS possible.

But somehow, with my past history and deep involvement coloring this whole Tree Toss debacle, I'm leaning more towards a late-night, 'drive-by heaving', somewhere in our fair town on some moonless night. It just makes more sense, when I think back to all the things I've discovered in the past 12 months.

Another interesting point here: Notice there are TWO trees in this truck. The second photo above, complete with handy-dandy blue arrows, shows the top AND bottom of Christmas trees. All mixed in with a big Rhododendron mess.

What's The Story, Morey?

Hmmm. Are you a two-tree Christmas house-dweller, Tree Toss person? Did a friend stop by and give you HIS tree to dispose of for him as well? Or did someone drive by in the dark one night, and throw THEIR old tree into the back of your truck? In the hopes you wouldn't even notice. The questions are spinning about in my head faster than that large, swirly, baggie-in-a-bowl discussed a few paragraphs above.

I will have to keep riding by on my bike, to see what transpires in the next year or so with these trees. (Reminder to Self: New Year's-2018 Resolution No. 2 -- "Develop some new hobbies".)

All Good Things Must Come To An End (Or Do They?)

Well, this concludes the latest installment of The Holiday Tree Toss -- 2017. I am hoping if any more trees from 2016 show up, it will be very soon. Otherwise, I am going to become VERY confused by all of this from now on. How in the world am I supposed to know what year the tree I find is from, if we start over-lapping years, people? It just makes my job as catalogueurre of the errant Christmas trees that much harder to navigate.

"Please think of me, before you toss."

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the Next Installment of the Holiday Tree Toss, 2017. If you have any thoughts about ditching your Christmas tree(s), how to map this sort of thing better in the future, why anyone would do this sort of thing, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Poste Scripte: If anyone can properly identify where they have seen our ghosty skeleton tree in the near-past, you will get an award: My unilateral, un-dying, really swift and keen personal admiration, plus 3 cyber Kewpie dolls. Just right to set upon your computer shelf. I know, I know, hard to believe. But sometimes you just have to go all out in these things.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 01/03/2018 @ 03:53

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

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I really feel sorry for the trees: /

It does seem sad to just throw them out, after they gave their life, and so much joy to us for the holiday. Not sure WHAT is a good end? Maybe chipping them for the garden? All back to the earth. Or saving them and making a sculpture. Fire Marshall might have something to say about that, with a 50 foot pile of dead trees in the yard. "But it's Art!" Thanks for stopping in and the comment.

Of course it is unceremoniously dumped in front of the No Dumping sign.

We should expect no less. I thought that was a bit apropos, as well as funny as all getout.

Sometimes the behavior of our friends can make us laugh, whatever we do we must be entertained with jokes

we may not be aware if we make funny things and people laugh at us

I feel the sadness of these poor unloved trees and they didn't even get the respect of a proper disposal.

They are forlorn little forest friends, aren't they. All that holiday joy, then just tossed aside like all the other roadside junk. I'd bring them home, but would now have a giant pile to deal with. (Wait, I DID bring some home..) Thanks for stopping in and viewing and commenting on the continuing Tree Toss of 2017. This year is still young....

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