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RE: Travel adventures - Slovakia - Morské oko

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

Hello @delishtreats! At last I am catching up with your travels in Slovakia. It is so intriguing to see photos of a country you have never been to before. I have absolutely fallen in love with this place! The forests are breathtaking. It is great to hear they are protected from removing wood from. From your photos it apprears that the eco system is truly flourishing. Those little pale blue flowers are so beautiful. The whole scene is really fairytale like as you say. The lake too is just amazing and all those trout, wow! Is there fish farming going on there? Those trout seem to be used to being fed maybe. That mansion is beautiful - the combination of stone amongst wood like that is very apprealing. It would be a great place to have a birthday celebration for sure. That way we can come back and have a look inside the mansion too. Haha It would have been magical to take a little rowing boat out on the water in my imagination anyway. Like as not it wouldn’t be allowed but a lovely thought nonetheless😉🍀🌈💛🦋🌴

Thank you so much for a wonderful walk. Every part of it was just so enjoyable. Slovakia is stunningly beautiful and now it seems fitting that a beautiful flower such as yourself should come from such a fairytale land. Have a happy smile filled weekend.


Hello my dear Sallybeth! Thank you SO much for your comment and for the time that you took to write it!

I'm happy that you like the place! I haven't appreciated it enough before I left. It was so boring, lol. Now I love coming back!

No, no, there is no fish farming there. They are used to being fed because everyone who comes there throw them some bread :) it's been always like this. Or at least as far as I can remember.

They renovated the mansion just recently and I always wanted to go inside. It will be a treat to celebrate the birthday there! I will bring you inside with me of course! :)

Imagination has no limits. You can even go swimming there (in your imagination of course :) )

You are SO sweet! I can't even express how much I treasure our friendship! Thank you for being YOU!

Wow so many trout by nature’s hand! I love that 😍 sometimes we have to leave behind what we had to appreciate it the most but better late than never is all that matters 🤗🦋🌴❤️🌈🍀

Exactly! And I might move back one day ;)

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