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RE: Aragunnu Campground, Mimosa Rocks National Park: LyreBirds, Whales, Eagles and Strange Dreams

in #travelfeed5 years ago

I read your post after I wrote this. I havent had chance to reply. It fairly blew me away we had similiar experiences, and often do in these kind of places. I can recall at least five over the years where I have had really powerful and disturbing experiences, including one in QLD where five of us woke simultaneously at 3 am and LEFT because it was so intense!

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I know, right!?!

It was explained to me that some folk are more sensitive to others. It’s not about being special but just how we all have slightly different sensory acuity. I can’t handle white noise for example, and yet no one else around me seems bothered by it. Buzzing of lights and so on. And yet others I know can’t handle certain light frequencies and I’m fine with them.

But the dream-based stuff is a way that the Land gets your attention... as explained it’s a gentle reminder to properly introduce yourself to the land. Once they know who you are, the spirits of the place are happy to welcome you again and again.

I plan to head back to Aragannu and spend a good week there some time, make sure I’m properly equipped (like with firewood for example 😉)

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Oh, we're going back this September! We're in love. Ugh, white buzzing noise? Can't stand it. I think some people might hear things but not listen to them - perhaps dismissing them as 'wierd feelings' or 'strange dreams' without recognising their significance. I think I've had those dreams on country so many times I know what they are now. And me, a sceptic - as I know you are - but there are some things that just ARE and this is just one of them!

September?! Count me in!!

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Awesome. September holidays, with Sofia? We're gonna drive up on the Friday night. Stay at Bruthen then keep driving. Folks say there's a good camp ground there.

🤣bruthen? Used to live there. Daughter was born there (homebirth of course).... 🤣 not sure what campground your referring to

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Ah so thats what you meant when you said 'my neck of the woods'. Yes, my folks were rapt with the little campground by the river.

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I don’t think my daughter will come. She freaked out at the goannas hanging around and didn’t like the drop-toilets.... 🤣🤣

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Oh lol!!!!! How will she ever leave the city? I didnt see goannas sadly. Too cold? I didnt know they laid their eggs in termite mounds!!

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