Not Everything is Beautiful: Serious FOMO & Being Roombound

in #travelfeed6 years ago


So last night this happened - Agung erupted with a massive bang about 9 pm, but I didn't here it as I was doubled over in the bathroom in pain between throwing up. I don't know what it is about this volcano but she's having a wierd effect on me both emotinally and physically.

If you've ever had a UTI (most woman I know willl feel me at this point) now imagine it with a tummy bug, here called Bali Belly, over the top of it. As I write now, I'm nibbling dry crackers and feeling every muscle in me ache, and hoping I'll feel better tomorrow. I have a serious FOMO - fear of missing out - and I'm NOT patient with illness. I have too much to do to be sick - swim with fishes, for one. Anyway, I'm counting my blessings that I'm staying here and not going to Nusa Penida as planned - no way could I have done that boat trip today.

So yesterday Jamie went on a mission to find me every alternative remedy he could find for this infection. Amed doesn't have a well stocked chemist or a doctor, so natural remedies were the only thing going. With a UTI you have to drink a LOT of water, and we added some kombucha with ashitwaba that we found from a Swedish ayurvedic therapist who has a beautiful garden and accomodation set up here. The garden's gorgeous - there's a stone labrinth there for meditating, something I've always wanted to make in my garden, though I can't imagine the weeds. But I digress. The thought of walking in circles right now is making me queasy.


Other remedies included papaya and papaya seeds, mustardy and peppery, from the trees next door and teased down with a bamboo stick. The manager of the accomodation here also found me some bicarb soda, which she has to get from Denpasar miles away. She goes there shopping onces a month, and picks up things that you just can't buy around here.

By mid afternoon I'm all googled out, and starting to worry about what tropical bug I've picked up here. My head is exploding with pain and I'm starting to feel nauseous. J. and I jump into a taxi - better now than in the middle of the night. I'd rather, at this point, be safe than sorry. I'd rather cure my body naturally but on the same hand I'd rather have antibiotics just in case. The hospital is 45 minutes away up a very windy road. I breathe and look at the rice fields.

In the hospital I'm in the triage waiting for my results when an ambulance pulls in, and the woman in there is brought screaming into the bed next to mine. We can't see her but the screaming is awful. I start to cry - I could never be in medicine. I couldn't bear people's pains. I squeeze Jamie's hand tight and send prayers to this stranger through the curtain.

I'm given a positive result for some nasty bugs, some antiobiotics, panadol and anti-nausea pills. I have to eat first, so plan to take them when I get home. The drive back though is hellish - I sit with a plastic bag on my lap and try my best not to vomit, but this is quite unsuccessful. I manage to catch most of it in a bag and breathe until the driver pulls over and I rush for the door to vomit again onto the street, projectile being an understatement.

This sets the pattern from 7pm until 3 am in the morning - breathe (badly) doubled up in pain on the floor (I can't bear the bed) and then convlusive, painful tummy convulsions. Jamie forces water and charcoal tablets down me, so then I'm just vomiting black water. Eventually, he finds some lavender oil and some sugary ginger tea which reminds me of flat ginger beer at home, just what I'd normally have if I'm ill. Somehow the two familiar remedies sooth me and I finally fall asleep.

In the morning our mate sends us pictures of the eruption we missed. It send plumes of ash and smoke 2000 metres high and set the hillside alight, lava flowing from the top. She is quiet again today, and I will her to breathe too - I can do without the drama right now.

If you plan on travelling to a place like this, please remember to do what we forgot to do this time:

  • take probiotics for a few weeks leading up to departure, and when you arrive.
  • have oregano oil in your first aid kit
  • pack Ural
  • pack lavender as it will help relax you even if it's not going to stop the pain
  • drink shit loads of water
  • watch where you eat, carefully - crowded restaurants that have a high food turnover are best, and make sure they wash salads in filtered water.
  • pack other herbal remedies for any eventuality like cranberry tablets

UTI and food poisoning or bali belly are so common here - I can't believe I got both at once.

The ayurvedic therapist told Jamie that I shoud 'let go' - in Chinese medicine, this is due to the bladder meridian which is all about storing fear - I wonder if that has any relationship to me losing it over holding my breath whilst freediving? To overcome fear, you must of course let go.

Every thing is a lesson.



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I lived in Bali many years ago, so hearing your story definitely brings back some memories. I actually picked up a pretty bad parasite while there that took me 3 years to even sort of come back from, so all I can say is, take ALL of your antibiotics, even if you start feeling better. Thanks for the update on the eruption of the volcano. My friends there haven't posted anything about it yet, but I suspect they're still in "deal with it" mode. I now have friends living near two active volcanos, Bali and Hawaii. Crazy times. What is the Earth trying to tell us?

Oh that's terrible. I've heard of people getting long term problems from bugs overseas. I haven't taken the antibiotics yet, and am a bit reluctant to. I seem to be a lot better today, so I'm going to give it a miss Ithink and rely on natural biotics. I know this might be crazy in retrospect but I'll go to a naturopath when I get back and get what I can to boost the system. that's lovely that you lived in Bali. For how long and in what context? :) xxx

The main thing with the antibiotics is, all or none. Sounds like you're on the none path and using other treatments, and hopefully that will put this behind you completely.

I was in Bali 1 year, then decided not to let my 1 year return trip period end, forcing me to buy another ticket if I wanted to return later. That felt too vulnerable to me back then. I was living there off savings mostly, learning to dance Balinese and teaching western dance styles. I spent most of my time meditating in my garden and learning how to verbally channel using a recording device. It worked!

That sounds like a amazing time....

Ithink i might have to do the antibiotics sadly... .

Well whatever you decide, I hope you feel better soon. Thankfully you're well away from the erupting volcano. Imagine trying to run for shelter right now! Small graces.

Ha well we are actually just outside the safety zone - it's literally just right there, looming out of the landscape. Amed was safe last time and I presume it'll be okay now. The funny thing is that my husband jokes that scooters go about 40 k an hour and lava flows at 60k - he is so mean!! I think there's an early warning system so we will be okay. I do like seeing her moods though - it's endlessly fascinating and the sunset with teh voclaco is amazing....

Oh no, Bali Belly is the worst!! I've had my unfortunate run-ins (pun only slightly intended) with the stomach bugs of Bali -- my last one struck just before I was boarding the ferry back from Nusa Lembongan. 🤢Hope you get feeling better soon.

That photo of Agung erupting is stunning. I was there last November when it starting erupting and the airport was shut down for a week... pure chaos for all the poor Aussies stranded their holiday. For me, it was no worries -- there are worse places to be stuck than Bali.

Oh no!!! We were going to head over to Nusa Penida yesterday, lucky I cancelled and we decided to stay in Amed. We had been to Penida before and it's been quite windy so thought we'd explore Amed more, still haven't beeen to the Wreck. Checked out your blog briefly - looking forward to reading more!!!

We came 2 years ago and we got the last flight out before it all shut down. Goodness knows how we'll go this time, but I'm not sure I really mind to be honest!!! Where did you stay whilst waiting for your flight?

Last year I didn't fly out for another month LONG after Agung settled down, so ultimately it was no worries. But two years prior I was grounded for a week when Mount Rinjani on Lombok decided to explode! I was lucky enough to have a friend who lived in Canggu so we were able to sack up at her house whilst waiting for our chance to fly out -- so basically every day was:

  1. wake up and see if flights were leaving, and
    2a) if so, go to airport is giant clusterf*ck of mess
    2b) if not, go surfing all day and try again tomorrow

It wasn't the worst of times, although my employers at the time may have felt otherwise...

Thats helpful. I guess the airport isnt too far even if we hung in Ubud. But we havent gone to Canggu so maybe will do that. Haha hows me... wishful thinking .. work will kill me lol. Last time lots of kids didnt come back to school coz they were stuck in Bali. I didnt sympathise lol.

oh you poor las! that sounds incredibly painful... im sorry for u.. i really hope things improve soon...

i think you also got good advice about the emotional linkage.. i copy what louise hay says about it as it has a few more words to ponder over..

be well!

According to Louise Hay, in her book You can Heal your Life, the emotions that are attached to toxic relationships, anger, anxiety, dwelling on past issues and being pissed off, are connected to the occurrence of UTIs and kidney stones. Hay believes that this is a fear of letting go.

this seems soooo true @eco-alex !!! God I was pissed off that I couldn't make that last dive. I really wanted to do it and I think because I'm a bit older now and have some breathing problems I just got annoyed and angry. It's a good lesson for me and this week I'm meditating with teh mantra 'let go, let go, let go!'. Isn't it amazing how the body knows!!!!

UTIs are horrible. My wife had one two months ago and it wasn't a happy time. Probiotics truly do wonders! I'm glad you met an ayurvedic healer in time of need. No matter what illness we have, the healing really begins after we have set our mind to what we need the most. :) I hope you get well soon and have more wonderful adventures!

That is so true. Ireally didn't want to take the anttibiotics, so I'm willing myself to be better tat this point - think I'm over the worse of it, but am craving probitics!!! Kombucha seems to be best bet at the moment. Theres not much arpund here. Thanks so much for your thoughts xx

Golly, sounds rough. Get well soon :)

Thanks - yeah it has been rough, that's for sure!!

Food poisoning, UTI, and a volcanic eruption - get the hell out of there! Lol. Spoken by a homebody with a major fear of tummy bugs. And a history of uti's. Cranberry pills used to go a long way with prevention for me, maybe add those to the travel bag next time.

Haha - I think it's probably best I stay and deal with it :) Tummy bugs SUCK. Yes, I'm definitely going to add that, and many other things, to my travel kit. I was stupid not to this time, was a bit laisezz faire.. stupid!!

I'm glad you are on the mend!

Hope you get better real quick :)

Thanks sweetie. Up this morning having pineapple pancakes, things are looking good.

Oh dear,I am so sorry you have been so ill. Not the way you would want to spend your vacation. Both food poisoning and UTI and not at home...the worst! Take care of yourself and rest.. hopefully you have a few more days to recover and enjoy Bali a bit more. Be well! Your photo of the volcano was phenomenal, was there any destruction to communities?

It's hard to tell if Agung will explode again. They are monitoring it closely. We're just outside the danger zone. Luckily Ihave 10 more days here, so some time yet. Thanks for your well wishes, appreciated muchly xxx

Sending you loads of healing vibes beautiful xx isn't it interesting the connection with the eruption and how you're feeling? Hope you feel better soon 💗💗💗

It is interesting, but also a bit tiresome!! Let me have a holiday, already! Thanks for your healig vibes xxx apprciated, and needed!! 💚💚💚😩

Oh no! I hope you start to feel better soon. Really does suck being sick on holidays. Sending lots of good vibes your way. Hoping for a quick recovery 😘💙

Thanks gorgeous, very much appreciated xxx

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