🌋 Mt Agung Letting Off Steem .. I mean steam! ⛰

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)


Full moon, erupting volcanoes, arak mohitos and free diving? Have I gone to heaven?

Doing the first day of a Level One free diving course with this is the background is pretty amazing!


Jamie loves volcanoes and talks about them quite a lot. I do the wife thing and nod but dont listen. Last week he was saying about volcanoes near us in Victoria. I was like yeah great honey but they havent erupted for 10 thousand years so I'm not interested.

Being 15 km from an erupting volcano, however, is fascinating. To say the least.

It let off steam about a month ago. Before that it was Christmas and no flights were going in or out of Bali. The wind direction at the moment is in our favour. It could just stop or keep going - no one really knows. After the last explosion they put a 5 kilometre exclusion zone around it. One of the taxi drivers lives 20 kilometres from it and couldn't sleep because of the constant earth rumbling! We haven't felt rumbles but we could see the lava lit up against the darkening sky. Jamie says that lava travels at 60 k an hour and scooters go at 40k. Lucky we are staying on a hill.

Anyway, for those of you wanting to know about how our holidays I may as well fill this post with a few other photos! Amed is great - kinda reminds me of Greece or Spain as it's kinda dry and there's cafes and accomodation right on the water. We are up on a hill as it's quiet there - a lot of stairs to keep me fit. It's like Kings Landing up there!



The snorkelling here is really great. No currents, clear water, great visibility and beautiful setting. We even saw a lionfish and a sea snake. Oh, and Nemo. Not that we were looking for him.


Anyway, back to the volcano. Apparently flights are suspended in and out of Bali right now. Hmm.. Well, we have 2 weeks before we fly out, so let's see. Being stranded in Bali doesn't seem so bad.

Please excuse the quality of my posts whilst on holiday. It's much harder to format on my phone. Plus... mojitos.

I wrote this last night but forgot to post. This morning Agung seems to have settled. Here's the ash cloud from the hotel, reflecting the sunrise.

Have you been stranded in Bali due to Agung? What's your volcano story?



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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Amed is great - kinda reminds me of Greece or Spain as it's kinda dry and there's cafes and accomodation right on the water.
It should be accommodation instead of accomodation.

I hope lava burns your akomadation.

Lol. Suck on that @grammarnazi!

Haha glad you appreciate both volcanoes and a pay out lol 😂😂

I'm with your husband. Volcanoes are cool.

Haha glad you’re more excited by the active volcanoes. Have to say, scary (u know devastation and all), but also super cool!! 🏝❤️🌋

Im not focussing on devastation.. not focussing on... aaahhhh

Big plumes today... fiery fire goddess of the earth whilst adrift in water under sky... all the elements... whoooa... plus Im bleeding... holy moly mother of BEAUTIFUL everything!!

😁 a totally tubular romantic incredible intense stupendous lava hot explosive whirlwind getaway!! 😘😘❤️

Oooo. Super cool.

Did Jamie not crack a joke or two about his wife being an active volcano. Letting off steam every once in a while :D

If not, he missed an opportunity right there :p

Man... you know you are lucky you live in India...

Amaaaaazing! I would be the one annoying tourist to go near the volcano and appear right after on the news hahahahahaha

Is it possible to see the lava?

Dude I love to tease and annoy Jamie, but must admit this dude likes the same stuff as I do.
Loving your journey and how you organized the photos, teach me that? xDD

Love you.

Whaaat... what did you mean about my photos????

Love you too. Apparently police arrestes the annoying tourists that went to the crater last year.

We can see the lava coming up through smoke too...

Glad you are both having a great time away.

Thanks... its awesome.

I have no volcano story but I am very impressed b yours, enjoy the steam and the diving, it is turning into a right adventure xxx

Ha yes it is... thankyou! Today is a rest day... both for me and the volcano...

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