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RE: Travel adventures - BERLIN - Day 3

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Thank you for sharing another piece of your travels. I imagine I would have some similar emotions to you traveling to a place that symbolizes such loss and many years of fear and pain. It is history worth learning about though, lest we forget and repeat our wrongs yet again.

I have a good friend from Germany who remembers the wall being up when she was young (she was born in 1980). I believe she had family in East Berlin who they would get to go visit on rare occasions. Hopefully I'm not butchering my memory of what she shared, but I believe they would have to spend any money they had while they were over there because they weren't allowed to bring it back to the West. Apparently her family has an abundance of China like tea cups and plates because that's what they ended up buying to use up their money before returning home. I think she has a few pieces with her here living in the US.

I would definitely love to see some of the vegan eats in the city! I keep hearing wonderful things about the food scene there!


Thank you for your comment Katie! I don't remember it being up or how it fell as I was a little child but I heard many sad stories about it.

On a funny note - at least they have a nice collection of cups at home :)

So many people emigrated from Germany because of the regime to save their lives..

It's a vegan paradise! There is so many restaurants that you don't even know which one to go to :D I can imagine living there going to a different place every day! I'll try to bring my vegan guide next week or the week after :) Hope you'll like it!

I have a feeling I will definitely like it! Every now and then I nudge my boyfriend about going to Poland since he still does have some family there, so maybe some day it will happen and we can hit a few other spots like Germany, too!

You should go to SteemFest! Then you can have fun, visit your family and also Berlin when you're there already :)

That would be fun, but I don't think we're going to be able to swing it this year. Are you going?

I don't know yet as I have a planned minor surgery around that time and I'm not sure yet when exactly it will be. I would love to but I'll have to see..

I love Krakow and it would be great to go there again!

Well I hope all goes smoothly with the surgery, and I would be very excited if you go because I know you would do a fantastic write up! ;)

Thank you Katie! I would love to write about SteemFest and Krakow! But let's see :)

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