"English food is boring"...NO BLOODY WAY: Two Aussie's eat their way around England

in #travelfeed6 years ago

I thought I'd do something a little different tonight and share some of the incredible meals we have been enjoying whilst holidaying in the UK. Coming from Adelaide in South Australia where we have a pretty solid food-culture I didn't really know what to expect from the food here in England however I have to say it has really surprised me from a quality and creativity perspective. Below are images of some of our meals. My apology for not being able to remember all the fine details about each one; When I eat I don't tend to record the ingredients. So...Here goes.

This was tonights meal at a pub in Wells, Somerset called The Crown just a stone's throw away from the magnificent Wells Cathedral. It was slow-cooked beef brisket with hand-cut chips covered in gravy, wilted kale, snow peas and baby carrots on a bed of beetroot and caramelised onions. One word: Superb, and all for the low price of just under 17 pounds!

Next up is a little after-dinner cheeseboard featuring cheeses all made locally in or around Falmouth, Cornwall. This was served by our friends after a spectacular dinner (which you will see later) and was a taste sensation! Clockwise from the round cheese with the red knife in it is: Helford camambert, Cornish yarg with nettle leaf rind, Cornish gouda and lastly Cornish blue cheese. All tasted spectacular and together with a glass of Merlot made for a splendid evening. (Oh yes, in case you are wondering, you eat the nettle leaf rind. So good!)

I've written about this one before, the Cornish pasty. This ingenious meal was originally brought to the Cornish miners during their work day by their wives or sisters. As the miners would have very dirty hands the side braid of pastry was designed as a handle to be used to eat the pasty and then would be thrown away. So clever. These days that braid of pastry is one of the most desirable parts! This one was purchased and eaten in a little fishing village called Porthleven, Cornwall...I have eaten way too many Cornish pasty's...But not enough! :)

In the lovely little town of Tavistock, Devon we stayed at a B&B in a 600 year old ex-monastery. The owner directed us to a little pub an easy six-minute walk away called the Whitchurch Inn. The dish you see in the foreground is homemade steak and jail ale pie served with chips, seasonal vegetables and gravy. TO...DIE...FOR! Trust me. This was spectacular!

The other dish in the background was my wife Faith's meal of cod on a bed of ratatouille and potatoes. Also very good.

Whilst on the fishy-theme below is a trio of fish Faith ordered in the lovely little harbour village of Boscastle, Cornwall. The Riverside was our accomodation and we ate our meals there also. This dish included cod, sea bass and haddock served on a bed of spring-onion mashed potatoes and vegetables and a cheese sauce. I didn't try any myself but she didn't leave any on the plate so let's assume it was awesome.

Below is my meal from the same night in Boscastle. This was a combination of chicken and beef strips they called cock and bull on the menu. It was quite a simple dish with the meat served in a thick and creamy gravy alongside horseradish mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. Simple in concept but quite scrumdidlyumptious in delivery.

Ok, it's time to take it old-school now...

To the right is your typical good old-fashioned fish and chips. We ate this meal in a fish and chip shop in Bideford, right opposite the river. My meal was the lower plate with cod, chips and garden peas. Faith had the fisherman's basket including haddock, panko prawns and squid. The third plate to the left is deep-fried camembert cheese served with a spicy plum sauce (just off camera) and salad.

This meal cost us 25 pounds all up with two drinks. Not too bad I think!

To one side of the restaurant they had a take away shop and over the hour or so we were there we saw a constant stream of customers, sometimes lined up out the door, to order. Popular little spot and rightly so. The meals were pretty good and we thought very well-priced also.

OK, considering I mentioned camembert cheese in the meal above let's stay on that theme. The dish below was a bit of a surprise. Faith and I took our friends, and hosts during our stay in Cornwall, to a thatch-roofed pub called the Punchbowl and Ladle for a last-night-there dinner. The pub is a very homely, welcoming place and one feels instantly comfortable once inside. We ordered our meals including the dish you see below which Faith and I ordered for our starter's. (One each). When they arrived and we saw how big they were we just looked at each other and said WTF!

What you are looking at is an entire round of camembert cheese crumbed (breaded, they call it) and deep fried. It's served hot on a bed of salad with cranberry sauce and some bread. We have had similar meals before (deep fried camembert, but never did they bring out a whole one! Anyway, I ate all of mine (yep, what a pig), and Faith cut her's up and shared with the other two at the table who were trying to get through their own starter's of quite large prawn cocktails.

Speaking of our hosts, G and T, we were overwhelmed with their hospitality and largesse; They were the perfect hosts and we are very grateful. The first night we arrived they prepared the meal you see below which was salmon on a bed of baked vegetables (carrot's, onion's, potato's and roasted garlic) served with snow peas and garlic bread! This was the meal that preceded the cheese platter you saw above. It was a lovely meal made better by sharing it with the best company!

OK, so I don't want to bore you too much with all the food we have eaten, but I wanted to show you a selection. It has been a revelation really; The way they source local produce and present it to diners with flair and interest. There's nothing super-complicated as far as preparation but the quality of the food and the interesting, often subtle ways it is put together speaks highly of the food-culture here. We are impressed!

Thanks for reading.

Faith & Galen x


THIS is the post I've been waiting for!!! My absolute favorite characteristic of traveling is trying local cuisine. These meals all look so amazing and it is fascinating to me how different cultures prepare basics like meats and potatoes in so many creative combinations.

My favorite selections of your post are most definitely the cheeses! If I had to choose one food item to enjoy for all of eternity, it would hands down be cheeses.

Great read and I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing these meals through your eyes. Now, I've just have to find some supper, I'm starving now!

Hey man, thanks for commenting.

I’ve just read @tarazkp’s post on the state of play here in Steemit and lack of commenting etc. so I didn’t actually expect to see many comments on my food post. It’s been hard to keep up with commenting (and indeed voting) whilst I’m travelling and it’s all I can do to smash out a post each night. I’m sure you understand.

Anyway, the food here has been very interesting. We don’t eat fast food much, and here haven’t gone near it. The food we have eaten is at pubs mainly and has been way better than we would get in a typical pub in Adelaide. Better quality of produce I think.

I always pick on the English (at home) in jest of course, but I’m starting to understand them and their ways.

Travelling does that huh?

I’ll share a cheese board with you anytime. We can converse politely over the food and then retire to the drawing room for a cigar and to discuss the weighty matters of the day like civilised Englishmen. :)

I read his article as well. It hasn't slowed my commenting down at all, but then again I'm not fishing for comment votes either. I really enjoy the interactions and social aspect of the platform I can see how it would affect a certain number of others though.

I absolutely understand about vacationing and Steemit. It was darn near impossible just to get a few posts in and stayed in country. I can only imagine the difficulties when traveling abroad.

I'll definitely take you up on the cheese plate, but i prefer retiring to the range and discussing grips and sight alignment! Lol

but i prefer retiring to the range and discussing grips and sight alignment! Lol

Talking my language now my bro!

I love the fish and the nice cheeses. The food looks very simple and sure delicious :D

Sure is. My wife is pescetarian and so at each meal here she’s had fish, pretty much. It’s been very good quality too. It seems that a lot of care goes into sourcing the better quality produce and ingredients. I’m impressed.

UK is very famous for Fish and Chips. You get the best quality in the right place :D

hiya @galenkp are you still in the UK? if you are and fancy meeting another steemian I am up for that, I am in Sheffield Which is about 5 hours from cornwall but if you end up this way drop me a message and I'll take you guys to a super cool pub I know, you can try something made with hendersons relish, it is made in sheffield too.

£25 quid for all that food you got your self a bargain there, Fish and chips with mush pies up this way will cost you £12 easy if you go to a good fish and chip shop.

If your up this way at all I can point you to some really good places to grab some food, There is an italian that we travel to twice a year because it is so good its worth the drive of 2 hours to eat there food.

thanks for sharing with us and I hope to hear from you soon:D

Hey mate, thanks for your reply. Info to the Adelaide meet-ups in Australia now and then so am always up for a meet up. I don’t think we go anywhere near Sheffield though. Heading to Weymouth today (from Wells) then Bath, Cotswolds and Oxford over the next couple of weeks. I’ll have a look on the map today though and see what’s what.

Thanks for reaching out my man. It would have been nice to join a Steemit meet up here to meet some local peeps. Getting local is our thing when we travel.

Have a great day @artonmysleeve

Thanks for the reply, these places you have to visit are all down south and miles away from me, if you decide to come up this way give me a shout I am happy to meet with you guys too.

There is a couple of steemians this way out too who I have met before and if I can sort something out for them to meet with us too then that would be super cool.

I hope your enjoying the English weather, it isn't normally hot like this, We had our aussie friends come in April and they have left the sun with us.

hope you get to eat some more amazing English food @galenkp English food has got better of the years, I think since Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver has stepped up the game.

Cheers once again


Copy that. Yes, weather is nice. It’s not really hot for us Aussie’s though. When it gets 40+ it’s starting to get hot.

Not boring to me 😬 I am hungry right now and would eat all of them.

Thanks @starlady I appreciate your comment. The food has been very nice and there’s more to come! I don’t often do food posts but thought I’d take a risk with this one. Glad you liked it.

I am new here but noticed the most famous posts are of food and cats 😬

Really? I’ve been around for a year and hadn’t noticed. It depends who you follow I guess.

You had me at ‘slow-cooked Brisket’ wow what and amazing display of dishes from your travels around England.
As a food lover all I can say is...
Thanks for sharing these delicious dishes with us all.

Hi @foodfightfriday, I have been amazed at the diversity on offer, the quality of the produce and the care that has gone into crafting the dishes. I didn’t expect it to be honest. Not that I expected bad food, just, more basic food. I’m happily surprised.

You can definitely tell that these places you stopped to eat are about pleasing their customers and producing fantastic meals that not only taste good but look the part.
Definitely isn’t McDonald’s. Lol

Hot camembert on a bed of salad and you ate it all? Galen, what about the principles..hot food touching cold food? 😄😄

Looks great! Tasting new food is one of the best things about travelling.

Haha, you have a good memory...I didn't eat the salad Daniela...And the first thing I did was separate the hot from cold. It's comical watching me do it actually...I'm pretty pedantic about it. I'm impressed with your memory! :)

@galenkp Try indian food you will love it, it doesn't look this pretty though but will taste good

You mean like Red Indian food?

What a piece, and or pieces of everything. I would go through most of that in a heartbeat, looks really tasty. Now that's my kind of traveling mate, taste taste taste.

You are at least doing quite a bit of walking or you would have gotten billed for overloading on the plane.

I'm jealous now

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