Colorado Landscape ---> Pagosa Springs & Wolf Creek Pass

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

Traveling Pagosa Springs & Wolf Creek Pass

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Pagosa Springs

Traveling alone from Denver, Colorado is quite a hike and can range up to 6 plus hours if you add in a meal or bathroom break. Ever since I first got to Colorado two years ago, I've been trying to find land in the four corners are of the state. The area is not an easy place to live since there are few jobs and expensive housing.

Pagosa Springs is a sweet town since it is home to a very popular hot springs and about an away from the area I am looking to buy land. In my opinion, it is a nice place to visit but not to live. What I like most about the town is the hot springs, and if you know anything about me then you know that is one of the main reasons I left California.

The freedom of Colorado is still on par and is one of the wealthiest in the country, mainly due to the fact that it was the first state to legalize marijuana and hemp growth as well as distribution. However, I not only adore the mountains but hot springs is really the best I have ever encountered. I have a favorite spot in California and Japan, but this state houses some pretty terrific hot springs.

These photos were taken with my Nikon D5600, on my way back to Denver, Colorado.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

If you have never seen the geological formation of what creates hot springs, then this shot will bring some clarity. This beautiful piece of natural art sits right in the center of town and anyone can go dip their hand right into it and purify their soul with its healing properties.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

I tried to get a clear photo of the steam coming straight off the top of the flowing Pagosah, using the Southern Ute Native American word for healing waters so says the town's welcoming page, but according to the Ute Dictionary the word Paghosa means smelly water. This area was a part of their lands before this land was taken for pioneer settlers back in 1891.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

In 2011, as stated by the Guinness Book of World Records, Pagosa Springs has the deepest geothermal hot spring of 1,002 feet.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The Pagosa hot spring water when it reaches the surface is approximately 150 degrees and the water has high contents of natural sulfide, which creates a strong egg odor. An amazing 700 gallons per minute is being pumped out of this hot spring and flows int San Juan River.

On this particular day I just dipped my hands into the waters and did not spend the day as I sometimes do. As I traveled further north there is Wolf Creek Pass world renown ski resort, and slightly dangerous pass.

I really had no idea what a pass was until I moved to Colorado, for the most part Highway 1 in California could unnerve many but not until you have experienced mountain life do you know how dangerous a pass can be. Mostly, from the change of weather that can happen instantaneously, and in my case this happened on the day I chose to drive home. The weather turned from slightly wet to snow in an instant. A hazy sort of snow fog dropped on my car and I felt like I was transported to the outer-limits.

Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration but I took a video just to prove how sinister the weather can be. You decide.

But first, let me show you this very cool winter waterfall that is on the way up the pass. I couldn’t help but stop this time because it sure did look nice in the freshly fallen snow.

Wolf Creek Pass

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The waterfall looks very tiny with all the trees, but it was fairly close. I hadn't received my new telephoto lens so that will have to wait for another day. I still thought this capture was pretty sweet.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Zooming in a little more I was able to take this fairly close up photo, with the waterfall amongst the trees flowing nicely. The sound of a fast flowing waterfall is music to my ears.

After the delightful waterfall experience I was shocked to see as I drove further north into the pass this is what happened (watch the video.) Fortunately, I had my favorite group Gasoline Lollipops playing in the background to ease my nerves. The song is entitled Me and Your Ghost.

Video taken by @eaglespirit

Driving about 35 miles per hour was the safest I could be, especially since I was sort of one handed driving while videotaping. Hey, hey, I lived in New York it's all good! As I made it to the top of the pass, I could breathe a sigh of relief as the snow stopped and I found a decent overlook photo to take.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Wolf Creek Passboasts an elevation of 10,857 feet and categorized as one of the most dangerous roads in America. The dangerous part comes in when local Coloradans try to run you off the road because they feel since they are from the area they can still drive the mountains doing 80 miles per hour. These are the ones you usually see flying off the mountainside or at least their crashed up vehicle.

Since I am not from Colorado originally and I wish to live a few more years I tend to drive a bit more cautiously. As I reached the top of the pass, as I mentioned earlier I saw a gushing waterfall on the side of the road. Of course, I had to share this winter-wonder-landscape with you.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

In summary, if you ever find yourself on one of America's most dangerous passes drive carefully and do not do what Eagle Spirit did -- do not take a video! Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the Spirit World. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

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Wow, those are some really beautiful pictures. I really love the ones with the waterfalls. I would have had to stop filming way before you did, that footage made me nervous for you. I'm glad you got through that nasty stuff safely. :D Please don't worry me like that again. :D
God bless you lovely lady. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

thank you so much FA!! :)
yeah the waterfalls are so gorgeous and the sound is so nice too.
yeah i prob shouldn't have videotaped .... heeheeee
GBY too! love the new calf photos. :)

You're welcome lovely lady! :D
How far away from the waterfall were you for the last waterfall picture? You look so close in that last one, compared to the first waterfall picture where it looks like you are quite far away. :D
Probably not, never keep any evidence, LOL. :D
I love the photos of Leroy too, he's so cute. I love how he hops a little more each day as his legs get stronger. :D There is something so charming about a calf hopping around and wagging its tail. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

i was across the road. :)
i did a closeup, same distance. gby always!

Wow, that's a great shot for across the road, they are all lovely pictures. :D
Sending you hugs, love, and positive vibes lovely lady. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

thanks so much! gby

You're very welcome lovely lady! :D

Really enjoyed this!
Thank you for sharing!

Have a wonderful day!

thank you so very much spell!! :)

These are amazing shots. Especially like the last waterfall. I'm about to write about some waterfalls we passed in Iceland as well. So many of them I think I'm almost sick of them haha.

The hot spring seems very nice as well, I'd probably go just for that!

thank you so much E! :) i'm doing a lot of practicing.
i can't wait to see the waterfalls you got. yeah i hear ya about being sick with them. you had a lot to capture and you did great too!
yeah, you all would like them i think. woulda been nice to see you all enjoying geothermals too :)

Ohhh I was looking at the first image and was thinking if it was a sulfur deposit but realized it is a rock that has been exposed to the different minerals

That is so cool ES to have the ability to just dip your hands there and receive some of the healing properties.

i guess i should have put that in there Mave, that the link i highlighted give more detailed geological info. i didn't want to get too much much. :)
i'll do that when i show my fav hot spring and you will see why. the mother lode for sure.
thank you for stopping by and saying chelloooo!!

Having driven the Gold Camp road from Manitou Springs to Cripple Creek a few times back in the 1970s, I can understand what you mean when you talk about a pass being a dangerous place to drive, especially in treacherous weather.

yes, i believe you have mentioned you taking that trip before ... often. it must have been quite a ride for you to remember it after these many years. god bless.

It was my favorite thing in Colorado. :-)

ahhh that makes sense. :)

Looks like an amazing place. Im from a desert so even just seeing this images makes me cold haha.

yes it's a nice place to stop and take a dip. :)
i can only imagine, desert are very dry too ... i dont like the dry too much but its also dry here in CO. :(

I love pagosa springs! Wolf creek is my absolute favorite mountain to snowboard on in the entire country! It gets tons of snow and its one of colorados best kept secrets.. I really enjoyed your article it reminded me of the beauty of that area. thanks for sharing :)

kewl!!! no kidding? even better than purgatory or any of the most famous spots in CO?
glad you stopped by and thanks so much! :)

I went down and around and around and down til I run out of ground at the edge of town. Bashed in to the side of a feed store. Downtown Pagosa Springs.... Wolf Creek Pass way up on the great divide trucking on down the other side...
C. W. McCall.. Flash backs from the past. Thank you

whaaa? you did this run? did hear the musiccc??? :p

You got to listen to all his music. Especially CJ5 for your jeep driving. It's totally 70's

LOLZZZ you didn't answer me tho, did you listen to the music that was in my blog????

Yes, that was a pretty cool video too by the way.. I'm gonna have to plan a trip up that way soon if for no other reason just to smoke a fatty with no fear. If it didn't get so C. O. L. D. up there I'd move there.

oh yay!!! you crackkkkeddd mee upppp when i saw this ... smoke a fatty with no fear .... that should be a damnn tshirt buahahahahah
yeah its the best to live in this type of freedom!! :)

I live in BC, Canada next to beautiful mountains and the sea. Got place not too far called Harrison Hot springs were just enough Creek flow mixing with the hot spring water making it perfect soaking temperature even in the cooler parts of the year. It doesn't have the Suplfide odor issues but just a crowd one since it became a popular hangout and tourist spot. I feel sleepy thinking about soaking in the water after a glass of wine.😴

i feel sleepy thinking about soaking in the water after a glass of wine.😴

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