🇬🇷 Acropolis & The Parthenon: Day Three in Athens, Greece

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

Our third, and final day in Greece, finally found us atop the Acropolis that looms over the city. In Greek, Acropolis means "the highest point." Temples in Greek cities were most often erected atop the highest point in the city, and Athens is no different. Except... The actual highest point in the city is Lykavittos Hill. While there is a temple atop Lykavittos Hill as well, it is the Parthenon that captures all of the glory, and rightly so.


Parthon Under Reconstruction - Athens, Greece

I chose this particular photo of the Parthenon, Temple of Athena, not for it's photographic splendor, but because it most accurately reflects what is happening here in Athens with Greece's historic structures. Much to my surprise, the Parthenon is not only being preserved, but it is painstakingly being reconstructed!


As you wind your way up the rather steep incline of the Acropolis towards the front gate of the Parthenon, oddly, the vastness of the structure is hidden from view. As one looks at the gate, known as Propylaea, you notice that there are several white splotches mixed in with the sand colored columns and blocks that comprise the gate. This is the first indication of what is happening here.

The white areas are where plaster has been added to complete a block that has previously eroded or broken away over the centuries. While I found that these repairs detracted somewhat from the overall aura of the Temple, I was not yet aware of the extent of what was going on here.


Once past the gate, the Parthenon looms over you. It's southern exposure masked by scaffolding, it is no less impressive a sight. The signs at the base depict the work that is ongoing here. The broken blocks on display here are individually numbered, and Archaeologists are using computers to determine exactly where each block might belong. Once they are sure, the blocks are hoisted by crane to their historic place, secured, and repaired. Much has been completed, but there is so much more to do.





Standing next to the Parthenon is Erechtheion. Erechtheion is a temple dedicated to both Athena and Poseidon who fought over control of the city according to Greek myth.

Here, on the north side of the building, is The Porch of the Caryatids. As you can see, the porch is supported by six draped maidens known as caryatids. I found these columns to be the most beautiful and romantic I witnessed in Athens.

Five of the original six caryatids are now located in the fantastic Acropolis Museum. Those you see at the temple are actually replicas. The sixth of the original caryatids was removed, or stolen, by Lord Elgin in the early 19th century, and is in the British Museum in London. Greece continues to lobby for its return.



The original caryatids in the Acropolis Museum - Athens, Greece

On the opposite side of the Temple is the entrance which remains in fairly decent condition despite its 2500 years.




What I enjoyed most about Erechtheion is that its condition allows one to better imagine how the temples looked in their glory days. Peering through the doorway intro the chamber within, it offers a more complete picture of the temple when it was in use.



Just outside the gateway to Erechtheion stands an olive tree. In Greek myth, an olive tree sprouted up where Athena struck a rock with her spear. She had been in contention for rule of Athens with her fellow God Poseidon, and each attempted to win the populace with acts of grandeur. Poseidon used his trident to create a salt water well that appears to have fallen short as his entry in their contest against each other. I mean, who really wants a salt water well, right?



From atop the Acropolis, Athens spreads out all around in a white, reflective sea.



Looking down towards the city, you see the Temple of Hephaestus. This is the best preserved Greek Temple in Greece. Set in an area that boasted many foundries and metalwork shops, it was constructed to honor Hephaestos, the god of metal working. Sadly, we were not able to make our way to this temple on this trip, so we will save to for next time!



Finally, and no less impressive, outside of the Parthenon, set into its rocky slope, is the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.


Constructed in 161 AD, the theater had a wooden roof made of Lebanon cedar. It was used as a venue for music concerts with seating for up to 5000 people. Destroyed, and left in disarray for centuries, the Odeon is now in use again, featuring concerts by many famous musicians high atop the Acropolis.



Not my best selfie, but proof that I was here...


If you make your way to Athens, you MUST climb the Acropolis and view the Parthenon and Erechtheion. Both the Temples, and the views of Athens below, are certain to inspire thought for the grandeur of Greek history, marvel at their world of art and construction, and an appreciation for the pride of Greeks everywhere, that founded modern democracy in this gorgeous, seaside land.



#travelfeed #athens #greece #travel #photography #history


Awesome shots man! I even learned some things, haha. I'd love to visit sometime, but not looking like it'll be in the near future. Haha

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