Is it Disrespectful to Question 9/11? - My Visit to the 9/11 Museum

in #travel7 years ago

I’m still used to the YouTube crowd and even though my experience on Steemit has been wonderful so far, I still want to ask everyone in advance to please be considerate and constructive with their comments. Just in case!


Last month I was on a baseball road trip with one of my closest friends. Even though I’m not a Yankee fan, a trip like this would of course, not be complete without paying a visit to Yankee Stadium. We booked 3 nights in NY because my friend had never been to the US, so I figured NY would be one of the highlights of our trip and it didn’t disappoint!

I’m not saying this to get New Yorkers or Americans on my side but I was absolutely blown away by how nice New Yorkers were. Every time we looked on our phone or a map in the subway for longer than 20 seconds or when, for some other reason, it was clear to people that we were struggling, someone went out of their way and asked us if they could be of help.


Maybe we got lucky and happened to come across the right people over and over, but it was almost surreal! People in Chicago, Atlanta, Washington etc. were really nice too, especially compared to people in Vegas where I spend most of my time when I am in the US, but New York outdid all of those other big cities.

Time to cut to the case! A visit to the 9/11 memorial was obviously on the agenda. We ended up going twice and the first time we visited, it was pretty rainy so it was nice and quiet out there. I have to say that they have done everything RIGHT. It’s a great homage to all the victims and small gestures, like putting a rose in the victim's’ engraved names on their birthday, make for an impressive and chilling personal touch.


On the memorial site is also a museum dedicated to remembering and educating about the 9/11 attacks. It was $24 to get in and we were on the fence for a moment mainly because, from the outside, it looked pretty small. Because it was rainy and we knew the weather was going to be good the next 2 days, we decided to go in and see what the museum is all about, a decision we certainly didn’t regret!

The museum is put together really well and left us speechless at times. It’s gracious and raw at the same time. Almost every storyline that had anything to do with 9/11 gets covered and the museum is HUGE. We ended up spending over 3 hours inside. Parts of the towers are on display, there are fire trucks on display, there is footage, there is information about the terrorists, there is a memorial dedicated to the victims that lets you pick “pick” a victim and listen to a loved one of theirs telling a story about them, and a LOT MORE. Far too much to list here.


What made the biggest impression on both me and my friend was a video about the plane that went down in a field in Pennsylvania, after passengers took control of their own destiny. In that video are recordings of people on the plane making calls to their loved ones. A recorded call of one woman in particular, to her husband, sent chills down our spines and had me fight back tears. She was trying to sound optimistic and brave during the call and managed to do so until, during the very last seconds of the call, she broke down and you could clearly hear the fear, desperation and incredible sadness in here voice.

The recording makes you feel, not only her pain, but her husband's and children's pain as well. A pain that, of course, they still carry with them to this day. A pain that should be considered when talking about 9/11.

I was 16 when 9/11 happened and for the first few years after it happened, I believed everything that was fed to me by the so called “mainstream” media. I always have been and still am someone who generally trusts the information provided by mainstream media outlets. Because of all the time I spend on YouTube, I have started questioning the official explanation to some extent though. For which I almost feel bad because I sometimes feel that that doubt is harassment almost, to the victims and to their surviving family and friends.


As most of you probably know, there are videos on YouTube about every major event, questioning the official accounts of what happened . When I watch those types of videos about the Sandy Hook massacre for instance, it personally pisses me off because I feel like it inflicts additional pain on the people left behind by the victims and I personally feel that the official reading is a good reflection of what happened that day (even though others do not) .

Because of my sentiments towards the Sandy Hook Massacre I am well aware that my doubts about 9/11 pisses people off and it makes me feel bad about feeling that way and even worse about expressing those doubts.

The fact that the museum has passports of the hijackers found in the rubble on display and the fact that there are only 3 blurry useless videos of the plane hitting one of the most secured buildings in the world, the Pentagon, only fueled the doubts that I am trying to fight.


In a strange way, accepting that Al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks, is the least evil and least scary explanation of what happened that day, but I’m not fully buying into that. I would never post anything about this on YouTube because the comments would get really offensive, really fast. So far my experience on Steem has been really great and people who haven’t agreed with me on other topics have only stuck to constructive criticism.

Because of that I am able to share and explain the inner struggle that I am having about 9/11. I’m doing so because visiting the memorial and the museum really made an impression on me and I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks about my stance. I’m mostly interested in hearing about how people who do not doubt the official explanation, feel about people like me, that do!


I'm in the same boat as you.
If you search 'Operation Northwoods' on google and read the first couple paragraphs of that declassified document, it's hard to take the US government serious ever again.
As far as 9/11 goes, there's a time for emotion, and a time for rational thinking. The time for rational & clear thinking has come, and the inconsistencies are just too many not to have doubt.

Would you normally feel hesitant to express that doubt?

There are scientific facts that the towers couldn't be brought down by the fire caused by the planes. Well WTC7 which is a third tower who fell on 911 wasn't even hit by a plane and totally collapse in less than 30 seconds.

There's a lot of the official story that are outright lies. I've investigate this event for probably more than 100 hours.

Here one of the most interesting documentary on the subject. I highly recommend it.

I could list a dozen more full length documentaries I highly recommend and a couple dozen more I've watched and enjoyed. I've also watch some I didn't enjoy much too. I'm probably close to 50 full length documentary on the subject and many more smaller one. I read a lot on the subject too...

THE ANATOMY OF A GREAT DECEPTION How 9 11 Woke Me Up David Hooper Film

Hey, thanks for the useful comment. I made a genuin decision at some point to not dig too deep I think because what I would find out would only frustrate me. Conscious obliviousness you could call it. Sounds weak maybe but I think I'm happier that way. Know what I mean?

I can understand where you're coming from. I'll address these topic eventually.

I have watched numerous videos/documentaries and read for hundreds of hours on this subject. There is not a doubt in my mind that the official story has more holes in it than a big piece of swiss cheese and the criminals responsible have not been charged. Nor will they, I'm sure. I have not watched the above mentioned documentary @teamsteem but I will. Thanks.

That's good to read. I think it's a very interesting topic.

best fact, that the towers couldn't be brought down by fire is that the Grenfell Tower in London has burnt nearly 24 hours and is still standing, even though the fire protection was of a low quality. And I totally agree with you - WTC7 wasn't hit by a plane. This is not just a simple argument. It's the nail in a coffin to bury the hole official story.

No, the truth is important. However i also don't start that conversation generally these days anymore either. With the amount of information overload we have to deal with, it's best to focus on things you can have some control over. Like your personal physical and mental health, success, relationships and so forth.

I'm somewhat in the same boat as you, However, while I don't start out the conversations with 9/11 I certainly, do broach the conspiracy subject with everyone. However, I go a lot deeper than 9/11 with people. Topics like this are almost 101 for me anymore, I find it difficult to believe that most people don't already know this. When I talk with someone who actually believes the official story, I'm actually kind of thrown back a bit. Which sucks because there are so many more greater truths out there and 9/11 is like the tip of the Antarctic ice wall so to speak. My 2 cents anyway.

If you don't then there is no freedom of speech.
Though I will speak out depends on my audience. I can argue all day long with my friends because I knew them. I will have a different approach with others.

I voted up. Please up vote and follow me @yehey

Anonymous's channel just happened to post this article of theirs today: "It’s Official: European Scientific Journal Concludes 9/11 was a Controlled Demolition", so "there's that"...

not to "diminish" the 9/11 topic, but was this one of those cross-country road trips? sounds like that could be a pretty interesting story too. how often do you make your way to NYC?

btw, I can also relate to the "Sometimes, Ignorance is Bliss" aspect of this and many other things. However, my curiosity to "dig deeper" usually ends up getting the better of me! lol

All ways question.

9/11 was an inside job. All terrorist attacks are planned and staged.

The earth is Flat, researched it!

I am resteeming this because I think it is a very good article. Thank you for this very rational point of view!

Side note: Has anyone else been watching the History Channel's War on Drugs series? They basically admitted that the war on terror is based on the drug trade as well as our desire for the Russians to experience their own Vietnam. They also threw the CIA under the bus for shipping drugs into the country in order to fund foreign wars.

Haven't seen it but it sounds interesting, especially cause it's a production by the History channel which I like!

I watched a few episodes a couple nights ago and I was really impressed at their unbias and factual approach to the subject. There was no attempt to sugar coat anything.

I feel it's disrespectful NOT to question the official narrative. Too many inconsistencies to list, but WTC7 is what did it for me. There are even families of victims who question the official narrative and have been fighting for the truth since it happened. It's not something I feel comfortable bringing up in polite conversation because in spite of all the mounting evidence to suggest and in some cases has proven that there's more to the story that we don't know, most people will just roll their eyes at the notion.

I want to share it

I don't believe that it is disrespectful to question 9/11. No matter what side you are on I believe that 9/11 was a HUGE day for all Americans and as Americans, we all have the right to believe what we choose.

Due to my extensive research on this matter via good ol Youtube, I too have seen both sides of the story.

I have heard just about every conspiracy theory, and some of them are very convincing.

Noone knows if we will ever have the full truth as to what went on that day and who was behind it all I know is we have stories and whichever you believe is what makes you an American.

All I know is someone is responsible for taking thousands of lives that day.

I feel for all families involved.

I don't think that many people believe that the FULL truth is out, even people who accept the official reading. Thanks for your respectful comment. Both sides is exactly how I feel.

WOW! I understand what you are saying, and i appreciate that you are talking about what you fell or think. It seems harder and harder to just express ones self without a back lash. Thank you for making this post. The truth is and always will be a very important.

It would be disrespectful not to question 9/11.

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