World Travel Report: Costa RicasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

Costa Rica, a country that brings to mind a tropical paradise by the Caribbean. It's true this country is beautiful, but it isn't called the Switzerland of Central America for nothing.

Behind Costa Rica's beauty lies a nation battling problems like most countries in the world. Costa Rica exports almost nothing and imports just about everything, and the country as a whole is suffering from housing and food inflation. Combined with a thuggy street culture and below average food at above average prices. Costa Rica does not rate well on my travel rating scale from 1-5.

Travel Score = 2.5
Affordability= 2
Food= 2
Culture = 2
Safety = 3
Activities = 4
Hotel Value= 2
Transportation = 2.5

Sticking to my budget of 20 dollars a day I found impossible. Just a large pizza was on sale at Pizza Hut for 22 dollars. You better be prepared to spend if you plan to visit this heavily touristed nation.

Costa Rica has a lot to offer when it comes to attractions and activities. The Arenal Volcanic National Park is a big attraction as well as bird watching, pristine jungles, gorgeous beaches, surfing, diving, snorkeling and more.

Hotels range from about 30 dollars and up for anything decent. There are some dorm options for about 20 dollars a night. But there were no deals to be had like in neighboring countries.

Culturally I didn't see a high moral standard. The big thing to watch out for in the capital of San Jose is Taxi scams. There is a high population in their twenties and thirties and they seem to have adopted a more street look and attitude. Compared to Hindu Bali, Indonesia I was not impressed.

Costa Rica has a problem with food inflation. The average worker makes 600 dollars a month yet food prices are that of Europe. A litter bottle of water is two dollars. In neighboring Nicaragua it's 30 cents. Everyone here especially the locals complain about how expensive the food is. The country occasionally has labor strikes. In the supermarket I saw an 8oz package of provolone cheese for fifteen dollars!

The food itself was nothing to write home about. Rice, beans, plantains, a little piece of grilled meat, and maybe a little salad common in most Central and South American countries. But in Costa Rica you pay two to three times as much. There are no 60 cent tacos like in Mexico. No 3 dollar almuerzos like in Ecuador, no 2 dollar quarter chicken and potatoes like in Colombia.

Another let down is the public transportation. Getting around the country is best done by bus during the day. They charge more than neighboring countries, the seats are smaller to cram more people in, and often many end up standing in the isle for as long as 6 plus hours!

I found myself in a Pay More Get Less Country. I wanted to leave rather than rip a whole through my savings. After checking out Puerto Viejo on the Caribbean side I stayed one night in San Jose and took a bus to neighboring Nicaragua. There I scored a great studio apartment for 8 dollars a night in the beach town of San Juan Del Sur. You can read more about this place here.

Also see...
Travel Tip #3: Enjoy the Market Place

Thank you,


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Good and fun rating as always.

Hi World Travel Pro. It was so nice to see your uplifting comment today. Not many will have the courage to stand up to bullies, and I appreciated you using your voice in a kind way that promoted reason.

Costa Rica...I feel sad reading the review, because surely the Indigenous people of that land have suffered so much. At one time, they were able to support themselves, and now, they are caught up in the tourist trap. Almost everything imported...that is so scary. And for prices to be so high, I wonder how people with very little money, survive.

Much love, and I am following you now!

Yeah you don't want to feed into any of that stuff. It's strange seeing people all argumentative like that. Yes, the indigenous people have been through a lot on almost every corner of the planet. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts. Glad to have run into you on steemit! Enjoy!

You are 100% correct about the Indigenous, and I am so happy to have met a like mind! It's rare to find someone like you, who is awake and aware of colonialism and the way it has affected the most vulnerable people.

Couldn't have said it better myself. It very nice to meet like minded people on here who are unique and interesting as well. Great to have you as a new Steemit friend! Have a great day! -Dan

Thank you for telling me your name, Dan <3 I appreciate it, feels like we are really friends now <3

Yes. I am a real person, we can even be real friends! Going around referring to myself as The World Travel Pro, seems a bit pompous and cheesy! lol

LOL I love the word pompous! Makes me smile. And yes, from now on, I will call you Dan <3 <3

Excellent work dear friend @ world-travel-pro congratulations.
You have a lot of potential, you just have to have cosiness and preseverance and you will achieve success.
Have a great day

Hey Dan - back from KL - quite a whirlwind but I loved that city. nothing to complain about and a fantastic pool :)

I hope you are getting it together and ready to travel - I'll see you soon :)

Upvoted and resteemed - Costa Rica was definitely on my list until reading this! But Pizza hut!?

I'm glad you had a great time in KL. Yeah, Costa Rica was a real bust. If spending a 1000 dollars a week is nothing for you. Go to Costa Rica. But other wise it's a pay more get less country.

yikes! I will pass - i'm under that for a month, for sure here in Bangkok.

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