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RE: Travel Pro Adventure #2: Lost in Railey Peninsula Thailand! Part One (45 Incredible Travel Photos!)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Been so so busy, lately. Sorry I missed your comment George (hope it's ok I call you that) I makes me feel I'm communicating with a real person. Speaking of that between real life and steemit world. I'm trying not to get run down. The rewards are just so good I'm trying to post 3 times a days. Maybe it's too much.

There were bats in there. They were way up in the ceiling of the cave. Sometimes it's hard to get good photos when you are just on the go and trying to capture whatever, in whatever lighting. Phillippines is cool place, spend a couple weeks there. May have to go back but I was blown away by the food or culture, just leave it at that. Anyway brother. Hope you get included into the sndbox. That would great! Have a good day! -Dan


Haha, nooooo! No one can know my name! JK, it's all good. Also prefer the personal touch a bit more. Wow, 3 times a day is a lot! Hope you can keep it up, and yes the rewards are great lately! Wish I could post more of my own blogs but my main focus is on my projects for now.

Those caves are awesome, and even though so many hate the smell I find it quite refreshing. Something totally different that adds to the experience.

I have filled in my Sndbox form and hope for the best. I know they mostly support individuals instead of projects. Let's hope though, this way they could support 440+ individuals =P

Thanks again for everything!

Have a good one!

  • George

Ha ha. I know what you mean. Some people like to keep their real name it maters so much. I'm just telling people my name is No it really is! Dan Gardner, 35 from Albany NY! How that for a personal touch! lol With all the NSA spying and crap, I've thrown in the towel and have gone Travel Pro Public! haha

So I've got my fingers crossed for you that you get in. It would be good for you, me, and hundreds more. I'm looking forward to seeing what they think.

Where abouts in Korea are yo? I lived in Seoul for four years. From age 20-24. I miss the place every now and then and still get strange cravings for Kim-chi on a weekly basis!

Have a great day my friend!


Super late reply! Hahaha, I kind of know what you mean. With all the new tech we surround ourselves with, most of our personal info is out there. Still, try to keep it safe though.

Also got my fingers crossed and waiting eagerly to hear from the Sndbox Team. I am in Ulsan, it's a City not too far from Busan. The kim-chi craving will never die! Better to come visit and share some kimchi together!

Cheers mate and enjoy the holiday season! =)

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