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RE: Real Life Captured #61: Mercado Este Guayaquil Ecuador! Part One (12 photos) Meet My Friend Luise and Learn Why Teaching English in Ecuador is Not a Wise Decision.

in #travel6 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind comment. In the travel and teaching world of information, everyone is trying to sell you something. There for information like I share here on steemit is almost impossible to find generally speaking. What I love about what I can do here on steemit is be "real" and this article is prime example of that! Hope to see you again soon. -Dan


Yes it looks like you tell it like it is, or like you live it at least.
I taught ESL in Asia for 7 years and had my fair share of unpleasant surprises. Good ones too, but I sure could have used a few pointers at times.

I first built a business teacing English in South Korea at 20 years old. I was my own boss and earned enough to retire age 24. I know the business inside and out. If you even need help, or ideas with the teaching in Korea. Let me know! :)

Thanks Dan. I'm out of ESL now and a Montessori teacher, but I will definitely recommend others to read your posts and seek your advice should they need it.
Built your own business at 20?! You sure didn't wait around trying to figure out what to do with your life like most 20 year olds..
Have you been on the road since then?

Yes I've been basically living out of a backpack for 11 of the last 15 years. Were a few years like when I bought my house at age 22 when I tried to play home maker, but not at this stage in my life. I've accumulated so much travel knowledge with over decade of budget travel this is why I'm able to be so "Travel Pro!" lol :)

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