Leaving Rishikesh today: Yoga Powers Activate!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Headed to JODHPUR in Rajasthan. I have to catch an hour long tuk tuk ride to Haridwar where I catch a 5pm sleeper bus that arrives in Jodhpur 12-13 hours later. Good times.

I’ll miss the cafe lattes at the Pumpernickel German Bakery. They always do the fancy coffee art stuff on your latte...


It’s not very Indian, but it was nice. I’ll miss their vegan resses balls too (chocolate/peanut butter cake balls). I’ll miss my friends Kelsy and Veronika, they’re still here for two more weeks (Veronika may be here for a couple months).

I won’t miss much else though and I’m looking foward very much to seeing more of India. I’m entirely done with the everything yoga and everything related to things yoga town. I missed the Dali Lama yesterday. His appearance was part of the reason I stayed until today.

I had some troubles and aggravation obtaining transportation out of town yesterday. That’s why I missed the Big DL. I had to use my new yoga powers of calm and acceptance to get through it. Yoga Powers activate! (Fizzle...spark...fizzle...nothing) Yoga Powers ACTIVATE!!! (Sputter... sputter... phhpht... gag... no activation) ..I said, YOGA POWERS ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!! (And, BING! -Somewhat forgiving and not entirely angry -A very low wattage power, but good enough).


Lol I practice taiji an internal martial art. To tame the mind is very hard, but you should notice a difference. I struggle in peak hour traffic, although focus and slowly release my breath seems to work wonders ;)

It takes practice. I did a lot of reading this month about how meditation and breathing exercises re-shape the brain in beneficial ways. I already feel myself reacting differently. It’s a process but a worthwhile one.

Keep at it. Some teachers / gurus say that one thing to do is NOT to react, but simply to act. Just do things as they "come" to you. If you're in the right state of mind (or No Mind), you'll inevitably do the right thing.

And when someone does something that upsets / angers / pleases / stimulates you, there's really no point in reacting. Responding is proper, but reacting may lead you away from your internal peace.


Oh im sorry you missed him. :/

Maybe in our next life ; -)

Is that the coffee shop right up a little rocky hill, on the west side of the river near the bridge.

The second day we were in Rishikesh, it rained, so we spent the entire morning and most of the afternoon in that shop.

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