Traveling the World #32 (Europe Series) Bike Riding around Salzburg @ Austria 🇦🇹 - 向世界出發 #32 (歐洲系列) - 騎自行車遊薩爾斯堡 @ 奧地利 🇦🇹

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians

While visiting Salzburg, we have noticed there were quite a lot of people riding bikes around the city. We asked our hotel and found that if we rode a bike, we can actually go out of the city and visit some of the parklands. Not only we can go further, we can see visit more sites and also have the energy to explore town when we come back for the evening. After we hired our bikes, we rode towards the edge of town and started our adventure.

我們在薩爾斯堡期間,發現很多人會在市區騎自行車. 再問酒店服務業,原來我們可以租他們的自行車到城外遊覽. 騎自行車我們不只是可以出外面看看,也可以參觀更多景點而最最重要的是可以回到市區可以有力氣看其他東西。在酒店租完自行車就出發到城外。

There were hardly anyone on these routes as they were mainly used by locals living outside of town and few tourist like us riding around. Everywhere seemed so peaceful and quiet. The sun was shining which of course we took the opportunity to take heaps of photos.

在外面不是很多人,只有當地人或者偶爾看到跟我們一樣的遊客來看看風景。這裡周圍的環境都很安靜, 很舒服。太陽先生今天有是對我們很好所以可以拍到很多很好的照片。





If you were to go on a bike ride, remember to bring some water with you as there were no shops along the way if you needed something to drink. Also remember to wear a hat and sunglasses as it does get hot and sunny.

如果你要騎自行車, 記住帶一些水因為沿途沒有商店可以買東西喝和吃。還有記住帶帽子和太陽眼鏡。




After a few hours of riding around the countryside, we are back to explore the town. We love going into small alleys as you sometimes can find some unexpected shops along the way. Back in town, there are many stores selling Mozart merchandises as it is his home town and was baptised in Salzburg Cathedral. You can read my previous post here on Salzburg Cathedral. Everywhere we go, we see these Mozart chocolates.

過了幾個小時之後,我們回到城市裡。我們超喜歡到小巷裡因為有時候你可以找到你意想不到的好東西。會到城裡,我們看見周圍都是買莫扎特的紀念品 - 是因為薩爾斯堡是莫扎特的家鄉而且薩爾斯堡主教座堂是他洗禮的地方。 你可以到這裡 看我介紹薩爾斯堡主教座堂。每一個角落都是印著他頭像的巧克力

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We had this hotdog as a snack one night and it was so delicious!

我們有一晚吃了這個特別熱狗,這個真是很好吃 - 特別推介!

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If you don't like to ride your bikes around, you can always take these carriages pulled by the horses.

如果你不喜歡騎自行車, 你可以坐這些馬車遊覽真個城市

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Salzburg is a beautiful town. It has a lot of history, culture and people welcome tourists with open arms. Lastly, I included a picture of this dog in my post as he kept on looking back at us as we were walking behind him. I wonder what he was looking at ....

薩爾斯堡真是一個很漂亮的城市. 這裡有很多歷史,文化而且他們的人民很歡迎遊客來遊覽。之後,我放了一張狗狗的照片是因為他不只是可愛,但我們到現在都想不到為什麼它常常回頭看著我們呢 ....



謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:
以下是我過往寫過的博客,請支持一下 💁🏻

Salzburg Cathedral @ Salzburg, Austria

Bio Fest @ Salzburg, Austria

Sound of Music Tour @ Salzburg

Byron Bay Light House @ Australia

Glebe Markets @ Sydney


Salzburg looks awesome. I wish I visit there someday. Thanks

Definitely check it out if you have a chance

Great article!

thanks for reading :)


Awesome place for spent holidays....

Certainly was . Thanks for reading :)

Hi @travelgirl, Just followed you and I look forward to accompanying you in your travels through steemit. Keep posting!

Hi! Thanks for reading and definitely will share more :)

Haha that pug

great photos and story, i love making friends who love to travel as i do , so I am now following you and have upvoted you

Thanks for reading - will be sharing more posts about my travels and other topics :)


Lucky 我的公司給我假期所以可以常常去旅行

Hi @travelgirl, glad to see you are making very good progress. Your Minnows Accelerator Project prize of 200 delegated SP for 7 days has now expired - because these things are done manually, you actually got about 12 hours extra!

Don't forget to come to the MAP Members Only Discord chatroom as there further resources.

Thanks again for the support

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

I love Salzburg, I went many times when I was making my living as a musician, these photos brought back memories. Thanks, and I followed you.

It is a lovely city and there are so much to see. Thanks for reading

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