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RE: The Most Prominent Masterpiece Among the Relics in Sinan Shipwreck

in #travel7 years ago

Hmmm, you get so many replies that I sometimes wonder if I should even add to the 100's you get. But anyway, 2 things. I agree, from the vases and exchibits you showed us, that one is the nicest in opinion. I like that colour and form better than the others, even though the others are beautiful.
Secondly, capitalism is frustrating me too. Not that I disagree with the principle, but that therre seem to be so many people taking advantage of the system that now EVERYTHING has a price on it.
I just posted yesterday on how water is also becoming a commodity that the capitilist steamrollers are also using and controlling. To see anything of artistic value, it costs money, to appreciate areas of beauty, they are now fencing them in and charging admission fees. Its not slowing down but speeding up.....quite frustrating.
Thanks then for sharing this with the world, its good to see these sorts of things...howbeit on a PC screen on the other side of the world.


Thank you for your comment.
I wish new technology of blockchain would ease that phenomenon that you talk about

Well its fast heading in that direction, and history tells us that these societies or societal structures that consume and plunder all around ALL fail at some point. Perhaps this is the next step in that direction?
As the Band Muse said in a song called Unsustainable:

All natural and technological processes
Proceed in such a way that the availability
Of the remaining energy decreases
In all energy exchanges, if no energy
Enters or leaves an isolated system
The entropy of that system increases
Energy continuously flows from being
Concentrated to becoming dispersed
Spread out, wasted and useless
New energy cannot be created and high grade
Energy is being destroyed
An economy based on endless growth is

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