The most hospitable sofa in the world

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

610 words, 3 img

Translation of a text in Italian.


New arrival, new city, new research. We leave the umpteenth bus behind us, while an anthill of passengers is crowded to retrieve their luggage and tries to navigate by road signs and maps on their phones. But we continue safe and do not waste time, we have precise directions and in a few minutes we are facing our temporary roof over the head.

Two-storey building, red roof (the only one in the city), wooden gate and a big meek newfoundland named Lex right next to the entrance. We open the gate with caution, a little caress to this big dog to establish a friendly relationship and we open the door with the key already in the lock. A young man welcomes us with the same gentle air of the dog. He makes us sit down and apologizes because he has to end a phone call, so he disappears upstairs.

We are in the living room as if we were in the doctor's waiting room, not knowing what to do, inhibited from wandering in other's house. Shortly thereafter, two Spanish girls come in with their hands tucked in a plastic bag, inside which an exploded can of beer would like to drip everywhere. We look at each other perplexed, thinking that maybe we are not the only guests. Yep, this time no hostel, we are hosted free of charge in a Chilean house by its owner. It is our official debut in the community of sofa surfers or better said couchsurfing.

Would you host a stranger in your house, sharing the contents of the fridge and offering free access? My home is your home. Not a way of saying, but a predisposition of mind. In a certain way it is a philosophy of life and also a possibility of traveling with your guests while staying in your living room. You share the experiences of your life, the culture of your country, you make yourself available show your city out of the tourist routes.

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Vittorio, the owner, is a kind soul and welcomes us as if we were his old friends. As accommodation offers us a whole bedroom - all for us, so this time no uncomfortable couch to surf. He makes haste so that we don't miss anything, from doing our laundry to wi-fi connection.

The evening is a hymn to the multi cultural sharing that begins with an excellent Pisco, a typical Chilean aperitif, followed by appetizer - sevillian-style madrileno and a hearty amatriciana dish. Andrè and melodies of local folk dances share the musical background, while a lively discussion about our linguistic differences and lexical nuances takes place. Instantly a relaxed and friendly atmosphere is established, we are not thousands of kilometers from home, home is here and now. And amazingly, it does not surprise us at all.

Tamara, Vittorio, Natalia, Alessandra, Brian. Who is the guest and who is the host? We all come from different countries, think different ways. All at the same table with the desire to get to know each other and to exchange ideas, participate in listening and willing to welcome differences without too many preclusion. In the end we are and we all feel like citizens of this same small and varied planet.


Thanks to Vittorio and Lex for hospitality, availability and friendship.

Images belong to the author (road2horizon)

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