
Cool- congrats on that first of all! That's quite an impressive timeline! Personally, I have experienced that some people find that when I use the word cruel as in cruelty free etc, I am attacking them by insinuating that what they're eating is cruel... I never like to make people feel that they need to follow what I am doing but just showing how I benefit. Personally, I am not just a vegan anyway, I'm vegan plus lol... I don't eat a lot of crap that qualifies as vegan so my labeling is always boxing me into quarters that never feel quite right. But all the power to you for finding what feels comfortable for you- I love that!! It can be so hard with so many words and meanings and feelings circulating out there. For myself, on Steemit I have chosen to identify as "vegan" because most people recognize and understand what that means and so I find I am meeting them on that understanding ground =D

I try to use to word ahimsa diet. But I rarely use these terms anyway. Maybe I should say I eat a diet that aims at maximizing compassion.

I'm currently eating 99% raw juice for the past 48 hours. I'll be looking to extend this as much as possible.

How has this been going for you man? Sounds pretty tough, how much liquid are you consuming in 24 hours?

Around 4 to 8 liters of juice. I juice 10+pounds of citrus.

That's a lot of liquid!

I need a drink!

I need to correct my mistake.

It's 2 to 4 liters. I talked to fast.

ahhh right :D well done man, healthy stuff

I love maximizing compassion- beautiful! I might try that one too! I try to just explain it from my point of view (why I do this, it makes me feel etc)

I'd love to hear how that juice cleanse went! I love juice cleansing! I water fast usually about once a month when I am on schedule but juicing is so much yummier haha

=D I hope it worked out for you! I'm traveling atm so I am not so on top of keeping up with everything here!

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