Travel with me #32 : Lets try some Xiamen Nightmarket food

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Friends:

Today, i'd like to share another part of my recent trip to Xiamen where me and my friends had the opportunity to visit down town Xiamen's most bustling area - Zhongshan Road. This road connects the popular Zhongshan park (one of many parks in China honouring Sun Yat-Sen) and the island Gulanyu just off the coast of Xiamen. Both are very popular tourist locations, well known for their scenic backdrops.

This road has an uncanny resemblance to Taiwan's Shilin, Hong Kong's Tung Lo Wan or Beijing's Wang fu Jing, all are flourishing with a lot of night time activity.

Zhongshan road was selected as the no. 1 landmark of Xiamen out of 30 nominations.

Below, lets adventure deeper into Xiamen's most symbolic speciality.


Walk with me into Zhongshan road:

This road was established in 1925, however it has existed for several hundred years constantly being rebuilt. Today, it doesn't look too archaic and fit's the fast growing economy of Xiamen.


These are dried meats with Sesame seeds. I believe they're similar to what the west would called Jerky's. The little bowls are for tasting before you buy. I thought they actually tasted really nice so I bought myself a large pack.


Like in most places in China, there are many people who produce their own fruits and sell them on street stalls. Carrying them on their shoulders must be quite tiring!

Since Xiamen is located at the very south of China, the weather and temperature is very good all year round. As such, the exotic fruits are particularly juicy and are available all year.


The steam of these roasted meats being cooked on the sidewalk can be smelt from far away. Don't they just make you salivate?


The host of this barbecue kebab stall brought along his friend to help setup his stall. Isn't it adorable? With such a cute co-host, there were many people who came along just to pay it a visit. Business must be quite good with the cute dog around!


This must be an example of Earning a living with your face. Except in this case it's a dog!


As expected the queues for this stall were very long. Me and my friends joined in the party and had 3 or 4 kebabs each. They were actually really tasty, juicy and flavoursome.


To 'spice' the kebabs up, we added a little Chilli powder. Makes it very fragrant!


And just like that, we devoured one kebab followed by another. It really was like "Once you pop, you can't stop".


Barbeque Roast Squid


As you can see, the road is not too busy. This is because we visited during the weekdays. During the weekend, the road would be full to the brim with people, all jostling for their share of the delicious food.


Like a shot from the 90's, we have stalls selling kids toys in a rainbow variety of colours.


At the front of many stalls, you'll often see mini statues of Guanyin (Bodhisattva of Compassion) or the god of wealth. This of course is a superstition believed to help bring business and prosperity to the owner.


Owing to the warm climate of Xiamen all year round, exotic flowers are in abundance here, as such, they are often used as decoration on store fronts as well as inside. People here really do like their flowers.


Sipunculid worm jelly is a produce very well known in the Xiamen, Quanzhou prefecture. These little seafood snacks are actually made from a kind of sea worm. These worms naturally produce a sort of gelatinous matter which is what the jelly is made from.


I coughed up some bravery and tried a piece of this Worm jelly, and added plenty of soy sauce, vinegar and minced garlic. It actually tasted alright. Unfortunately, I only found out about this Worm jelly being worms after I ate it.


Wide variety of exotic fruits.


These are various tea's made from the petals of Xiamen's exotic flowers.


Of course, there were also desserts such as these cute Ice creams and the Candied fruit snacks.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my adventure to the Xiamen night-market, there are actually many more stalls I would like to share in a future post.

If you were given the opportunity to try the Worm Jelly snack, would you be daring enough to eat it?


今天和大家一起去游一游下面市区最繁华的地段---中山路,,它连接了中山公园和鼓浪屿两个重要旅游景区,这条路给人的感觉就像,台湾的士林夜市,香港的铜锣湾,北京的王府井一样热闹。中山路在厦门2008年30个地标选举中,获得第一名。下面我们就来探索一下中山路上的厦门标志性的特点吧! 下面请跟我一起走进中山路:这条路建于1925年,经历近百年的修修补补,看上去也不那么陈旧。带着香芝麻的肉脯,上面摆的碗里是供游客试吃的,试了好吃就大包买下了。这家卖烧烤肉串的主人带着他的朋友出来摆摊了,我想说这位朋友长得太萌了,看他这张脸这么可爱,招来不少顾客围观,生意一定不会太差。这是不是也算作靠颜值吃饭的狗狗呀!现烤得肉串加了点辣椒粉,味道太香了。我们就这样一串接一串的停不下来。因为今天不是周末,所以路上人不是很多。玩具铺五颜六色的,很吸引人。很多店铺门口摆着观音和财神,有很好的寓意,能够保佑店铺生意红火。厦门的店铺非常喜欢用花朵来作装饰,因为常年温暖的天气,这里盛产各种美丽的花,所以厦门的人们都很爱花朵。土笋冻是厦门泉州著名海鲜类小吃, 制作土笋冻的原材料土笋其实是一种蠕虫,虫子所含胶质凝成果冻一样。我勇敢的尝了几块,这是我第一次吃虫子吧,配上酱油,醋和蒜蓉。最主要是在我吃了之后才搞清楚,土笋冻不是果冻而是虫子= = 这是各种花瓣果实泡的茶。各种新鲜的水果。谢谢你们的观看,希望你们喜欢我的夜市之旅,其实还有更多有趣的店铺会在之后的文章中分享。如果你遇到土笋冻之类的食物,你会敢于尝试这种奇怪的虫子吗?


This post made my munchies even bigger waaaannaaa eat eat XD hahaha i'm not fat i'm just big boned(eric cartman-southpark) XD

Haha, that's totally viable reason!

@sweetsssj I want all of those ice cream! yum yum!
and bbqued squid please argggghhhh... we don't have that here

It's so hot here, honestly ice cream is perfect for cooling down. Really, no bbq squid where you are? THat's such a shame.. perhaps you could make it yourself?

@sweetsssj lucky you - very cold here and yes, there's no bbq squid here not at all, I tried looking at the toko store - one time there was - my friends and I hoarded but I think they only sell it in summer - cause then we could bbq outside but these days where I buy my seaweed - they don't have them. Shame indeed -

This is an interesting story I enjoyed today. You already have lots of followers, add little more follower now :) See you again.

thank you bontonstory, glad you enjoyed it. You have some pretty incredible blogs too, i follow :)

Super im hungry.good work.regards from germany

Hello from China! Always good to learn about some new foods. I'm certainly excited every time i see new foods to try..

鼓浪屿台湾妹子做的冰激凌你一定要去尝尝 :) 好吃,不要怕长胖

哈哈 我已经胖很多了😂

I will have one of the bunny lollies please, you can keep the worm jelly!

The jelly actually doesn't taste bad at all. Its just the thought of it being worms..

Thanks for sharing this awesome post! Those foods look so tasety.

You're very welcome lazariko12, glad you enjoyed checking out the food.

They ate of the white dog?

no no, the white dog was there as a helper. To attract customers and help set up the stall :P

oh god you made me hungry

that's the idea!

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