Fly the Friendly Skies? Yeah, Right.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Or, Hell-to-the-No, I Will Not Get on a Plane, and Neither Should You. Here's Why.

(Do you like my alternate title? I like it.)

Okay, so I hate flying. Like really, really loathe it with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. It's not my thing. And, it's not because I've never been on a plane, so don't go getting any crazy ideas. I've flown, many times. That's how I know I hate it. 

Why I Hate Flying (Do You See Any of Your Own Reasons on This List?)

Things about flying that make me despise it:

  • High ticket prices for short trips
  • That feeling of being irradiated by the sun once you get up above the clouds. It's why I always shut my window blind.
  • The possibility of getting stuck in a window or middle seat. I need aisle. The plane is a bit too confined of an environment for my tastes, so at least give me the illusion of space with an aisle seat.
  • The possibility of having to sit anywhere but in the very back of the plane. There's probably nothing scientific to base this on, but I just feel it's safer back there if the plane were to crash.
  • That "Oh, crap, we're off the ground!" feeling upon takeoff.
  • That "Oh crap, we're going to crash" feeling upon approaching the runway for landing.
  • Invasive searches at airport security.
  • Bad attitudes of airport security people. One of those gestapo dudes actually threatened to call the police on my husband once when he complained about US Airway's customer service and said he hoped they went out of business. He didn't even say it to the security dude. The guy just heard him say it, and got all, "We will not be questioned!" on him
  • Always having to get wanded down because I have two titanium knees (I've had both knees replaced).
  • My knees swelling up every single damn time I fly, which causes me to limp off the plane.
  • Boarding and take-off delays.
  • Crowded airports.
  • Overpriced overnight airport parking ($90 one time, in Manchester, NH, seriously).
  • Dirty planes that clearly haven't been cleaned or serviced in ages.
  • Tiny bathrooms.
  • Turbulence.
  • The high and mighty attitude of the airlines in general, as if they think they are my only choice of transportation.

And, that's just a list of the highlights of reasons I hate flying.

The good news is that I haven't been on a plane since 2005. And, if I have it my way, I won't get on one again. Now, I actually DO love to travel. But planes? No way.

On the other hand, I LOVE, ADORE train travel. It's the best way to get anywhere, as far as I'm concerned. I don't care that it takes longer. The train ride is part of the fun of the journey. And for going overseas? Ships, baby.

Despite my PERSONAL reasons for not wanting to get on a plane, there are a few practical reasons why NO ONE should. The airlines need a national boycott. Not just one company. The entire industry. 

Do you want to know why? Believe me, the reasons for NOT flying benefit us all. Read on, and learn why flying is the worst form of travel for anyone.

Three Good Reasons to Never Fly

1. The Airlines are Arrogant and Abusive to Their Customers

You've read the stories of horribly abusive practices by the airlines toward their customers. They're all bad, but a few of them are truly horrific. And, I know there are two sides to every story, but some of these stories just have no justification for the airline doing what it did to a paying customer, regardless of anything else.

It seems like we're reading more of these stories all the time. And, these are just the ones that make it into the news. Imagine all the hundreds, thousands, or more that don't.

Why do they do it? Because millions of people have decided to let them. All the people who get on an airplane after hearing how badly it treated one or more of its customers are telling that airline it is okay for them to keep doing it. They will keep doing it, as long as they believe you would rather put up with their nonsense than take an alternative form of travel.

The only way to get them to stop, take stock of their policies, and change them to be more customer-friendly is if we all collectively say, "No more," and refuse to get on another plane on any carrier until things change industry-wide.

Of course, it's not just airline personnel who are assholes to their customers. It is the people who work at the airports, too. The security agents at the checkpoints are basically elementary school dropouts on power trips, and airport police are thugs in uniforms who think they have more authority than they do. 

It's going to take a lot of lawsuits by abused customers to bring about the governmental oversight and reform the industry needs. It's going to take a boycott that gives them a noticeable hit in the wallet for them to change of their own accord. 

If we keep buying those tickets and getting on the planes, we're telling them their abusive practices are okay, and that we will put up with it. I, for one, will not. And, I urge everyone who reads this to do the same. Show them you won't take their crap anymore and make them respect you as the paying (and presumably non-violent, non-criminal) customer you are.

2. Flying is Actually Physically Not Good for You

Most everyone knows that flying carries a risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is caused from sitting in cramped conditions for long periods of time. It can be fatal if not caught and treated quickly. More than one seemingly healthy young person has died because of this while on a flight. Getting up and walking around the plane as much as possible, and drinking lots of water while in the air to avoid dehydration, can reduce the risk. However, it is not always possible to do these things while flying, or at least not as much as you should.

It goes beyond that, though. You get insane radiation exposure when you fly. Those who fly frequently, like business travelers and flight attendants, get more radiation exposure than people who work at nuclear power plants.

Then, there's jet lag. If you cross time zones, even just one, you can be subject to it, and it is so not good for you. According to Newsweek, jet lag can cause fatigue and gastrointestinal issues. However, it can do more. If you experience frequent jet lag, you can age faster, get a damaged immune system, develop an increased risk for heart attack or stroke, and develop some cognitive impairments, such as memory loss and poor concentration abilities.

Do you really want to take that kind of chance with your health just to fly the unfriendly skies?

3. Air Travel is Bad for the Environment

There is no such thing as an environmentally friendly flight. It simply doesn't exist with our current technology. Maybe one day in a far distant, utopian future, but definitely not now. If an airline says they're green, they're lying.

Planes use fossil fuels to fly. That's bad enough, and something we should have moved away from long ago. We've had alternative energy sources for decades, people. So, every time you get on a plane, you're supporting the fossil fuel industry and the destruction of the environment.

Sure, you could say the same thing about cars, and you would be right. However, planes are bigger offenders. They use more fuel than cars, they don't come in electric or hybrid versions as some cars do, and they travel longer distances, often needing to land and re-fuel on long trips.

But, fossil fuels aren't air travel's biggest environmental problem. It's greenhouse emissions. Planes are huge offenders in this area. According to The Guardian, planes account for about 15% of the UK's total greenhouse emissions, and those emissions are produced by a small number of people who frequently fly. It's probably worse in the USA, and comparable in other developed nations.

Then, there's the waste dumping from a plane's bathrooms. The earth weeps at this constant assault (I would's not like we're on a first-name basis with each other or anything).

Bottom Line--Airplanes and the Airline Industry are Not Your Friends, or the Planet's

I'm not saying don't travel. In fact, as I said above, I love to travel. But, really, think twice before getting on a plane. Not only are you putting your health and the planet at risk when you do, you're also supporting an industry that has no problems abusing its fellow humans for the sake of raking in additional profits. We can make them stop, if we band together. Change can happen. We ALL just have to want it.

And, there are nicer forms of travel. Have you ever taken an overnight trip on a train with your own room and dining car service? You should. It's a delightful experience, and you're treated like gold. Train personnel are excellent examples of good customer service. 

You can also drive, or take a bus. Either way, do yourself and the rest of humanity a favor, and try to avoid those planes. Join me on my personal boycott of any and all airlines. You know you want to. ;)

As for me, you'll find me riding the friendly rails on my next vacation.

If you enjoyed this post (and I hope you did), please take a moment to follow me here at @stephmckenzie to get more articles from me on life, the universe, and everything. Thank you!  


Really excellent point of view. So many clear parallels to my own thinking!

I'm glad you agree and happy you liked the article. It's something I feel pretty strongly about, as you could probably tell. Flying is the worst.

I don't mind air travel within New Zealand as the flights are fairly short. And flying to Australia I can cope with, as its only about 3 hours. But long haul is horrendous. Last year I went to Vegas with some friends for a 50th birthday week long celebration. I loved being there but getting there and back was not fun. No sleep either way.

While we were there we did a helicopter flight to and into the grand Canyon. That I did enjoy. I've wanted to go in a helicopter for a long time.

That is actually on my list of things I want to do at some point....take a helicopter down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It sounds like the best way to do it. My great-grandmother did it in the 1950's on the back of a donkey. Can you imagine going all the way to the bottom of the canyon on a donkey. Apparently, it took all day in the blazing hot sun. She was an amazing woman, with far more strength and stamina than me.

It was an awesome experience, I'd recommend it to anyone. Jeepers, your grandmother is tougher than me too!

I went on a plane in 93 but it wasn't my gig - helicopters are are a lot better!

I've never been on a helicopter, but it looks like fun.

They actually feel much more natural to be in, BUT they have a poor safety record. NZ has the most helicopters per capita of any country

They give helicopter rides to the public out in the vast tourist trap area just past Disney and right before you get into the Orlando city limits. A guy in my creative writing class in college was a helicopter pilot there, and offered my friend and me a free ride. We never did it, but I still think about maybe giving it a try every time I drive by that place on the highway. It looks like it might be fun.

They also have a tethered hot air balloon ride near there, which is the ONLY way I'm ever getting in a hot air balloon voluntarily. It's tethered to the ground, so you only go up so far, and you don't drift.

Many years ago @kiwideb talked me into going tandem paragliding!

Off this:

Whoa. That's very adventurous and brave of you.

Sadly, my excitement about flying on the paraglider was overpowered by the airsick feeling I got as soon as we took off. So I ended up not enjoying it at all. But I'd do it again wearing travel bands, to see if that was better.

I would be so worried the thing would fall or crash.

I wholeheartedly agree. Haven't flown in over 20 years for all of the reasons you mentioned. That boycott thing would be the best thing for everyone. Just boycott for a few days and they would make major changes. I, of course, would not fly anyway until they get rid of that TSA bs.

Wow that's a long time not to fly but all good. That means you're much less stressed, more healthy, and likely suffer from 0 gastro-intestinal issues. 😂 And thx again for my 1st resteem on my intro post. ✌👊

Pleasure. You are onntastic!

😄👍 Ayyyy

Absolutely. No more sexual harassment with TSA and a brief nationwide boycott, and there would be much-needed change ASAP.

Great article! Are there any places in the world you'd like to visit but can't because of your dislike of flying?

Not that I can think of. I have a friend who is a travel agent. Anywhere I really wanted to go that was over vast amounts of ocean, she can book me on a ship to get there. Other places, I can take a ship to the nearest port, then travel by train to where I want to go, like most countries in Europe.

It's funny that we think travelling by plane is faster (which is true in terms of speed in the air), but once you factor in the time taken to get to the airport, check-in, clear security, fly, wait for luggage, get a taxi to your actual destination (which could be miles and miles from the airport), it makes more sense to take a train or a bus that can give you much quicker door-to-door service!

Absolutely. It doesn't save much time at all, if any (depending on where you're going), and it's the worst form of travel ever. Why do it?

another one great blog from you steph...


Great content! I don't disagree with any of what you have to say, you've earned yourself a follower, upvote and a resteem. Anybody who wants to travel during the holiday season through the air needs their head examined!

Most definitely! I don't know why anyone would put themselves through that kind of torture. Just leave a day early and take the train. Or drive.

Thanks for the follow, upvote, and re-steem. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you liked and related to the article.

they have made air travel is getting ridiculous! Awesome post @stephmckenzie

Thanks, @tylerdurden000. Airplane travel is the worst. I'm glad you liked the post. :)

I HATE flying. The whole process about going through the airport is horrid to me. But I do love to travel. I never considered cross-country train travel but perhaps it's a great idea to avoid the skies!

Kick the airlines where it hurts. Force reform. And, join us on the wonderful rails. You'll love it.

Good post, thanks for sharing
Please come visit and read this interesting post:

Thank you for reading. I'm glad you liked it. :)

U are welcome my friend

This comment has received a 0.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

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