
Perhaps of interest for your bug file? Did some minor editing of this post and got another notification. Sometimes when I check the entire context of my post I see both worldmap notifications, sometimes only one! I thought it might be because I mis-numbered my original post and after a few minutes edited the title line, but I don't think this is the cause.

Edit Sept. 18 - just did another test. Edited post, deleted worldmap line and updated. Pin disappeared, which actually surprised me because I expected it to be locked in your database. Waited about 5 minutes and edited again, adding worldmap line back in but changing lat long slightly, updated. No notification, pin re-appeared (I assume with location shifted slightly though I can't tell), but original title mis-numbering is still there (locked in your database or steemit database?). Not sure if this is helpful to you at all.

Edit Sept. 19: @martibis - anybody home? A little concerned you've not been replying to my tests. Is it due to workload picking up, here on map or at uni? No problem if you don't get back to me, just wanted to know all is OK!

There should only be one showing up, I'll have to talk it through with @blueorgy to see what's going on here!

If you remove it from your post, we take it out of the database as well, and I think the title is linked to Steemit so not sure if we can update that, would have to take a look! Definitely helpful information though, will take a look into it!

Sorry that I haven't been active the last few days, real life has gotten incredibly hectic all of a sudden, too many things I need to do at once right now! Probably I'll be a little less active in the upcoming one or two weeks or so, after that we'll be back to normal! But definitely no need to worry! Catching up on everything related to the Steemit Worldmap now!

Hi @steemitworldmap, I see you have mentioned me.
This is automatic response so that I may respond to your mention later.

No problem - just checking in on my guys! If you want me to try another test or replicate something let me know. I'm a little busy now too so haven't posted to Australia for a couple days - hopefully tomorrow.

Definitely will do, actually I got something for you to test and I think you will like it!
Try to click on a post link to the map! 😉

Used this post for test:

Author link got all my posts. Your challenge, should you accept it, is to insert the author's handle somewhere top centre in case the viewer has a brain gap and forgets who they were viewing. (Edit: just tried another of my posts, noticed the author's handle is in the 'www' line - no I don't know what you tech folks actually call it - so maybe my comment isn't valid. But, it would be nice to have the handle in a big box with flashing lights etc.!)

Post link got my post. But... ! It's out of view. Your challenge, should you accept it, is to centre the view on to the post link location.

Of the two challenges, # 2 is more important. Hopefully this is not Mission Impossible...

Great job guys!

The second one (center on the post), is the one I just implemented normally!

So if you click the post link (not the author link), it should center on the post location now!

If you're not sure what author you're viewing after clicking the author link / or being in the search, you can always click the search again (it stays on your last search query)!

Fixed the two latest posts with missing 'r', tried them both, neither is centering on the post link as you describe. Do we have different understandings of what 'centering' means lol?
Clicked 'search' and got the author info - you should include that in your guide/FAQ.

I'm not sure what is going on!
Just to be sure for this post if you go to: the marker does not appear in the center of your browser, correct?
I should indeed, I think I'll do a whole rewrite at some point!

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