in #travel7 years ago

OK, OK, now even I must admit the timing is a little off.

BUT, I think, I might just be the first to list my house for sale in Steemit! AND maybe, just maybe, there is someone out there in Steem Land that might want to buy my house.
(it really is listed for sale)

Have a look and tell me what you think...should I keep my day job and leave the house sales to the pros. All comments are appreciated!

5323 Map.jpg

A visual location of your potential new home! Look where the red indicator is.

Calling all Fishermen!

Since the house is located at the end of the canal, it is fishing HAVEN!! We get Snook, and a plethora of other wonderful delicious eating fish.

For your viewing pleasure, Manatee are not unusual to be seen in the canal. And well, with the coming Hurricane Irma...even the dolphins are going to hide out in our canal.

Canal.jpgJust to entice you more...this could be YOUR VIEW! Mind you, it might look somewhat different in the next day or two.

If you would like to see the full listing (inside and the asking price $$) click here

rsz_1rsz_all_pics_off_lanas_iphone_1285_2half.jpg Follow me....
For the next Where In The World Is Steem-Samiam ?????


If it survives Irma I will give you 10 cents on the dollar of your asking price for the house.....ROFL!

Lol, that might be too much if it's going to be an underwater castle!

Okay wait.. Is that your house?? Those pictures are stunning.

It is my house :) Thanks!

@fyrstikken Better buy that house :) it's going to be the best prospect yet

best of luck :)

Wow, thanks so much for that link....very interesting :)

Well this looks absolutely gorgeous! Can we pay with crypto's?! ;)

You can, but I wouldn't advise paying 1.2 mil with the crypto' moving sooo much :). Thanks for asking!

if I see you are very potential people why should be sold a house that is so luxurious and elegant and beautiful but maybe there is something more needed to have a buyer immediately if it wants to be sold quickly it should be in the ads

Lol, love your gif!!

Realy nice property. I hope you find a good buyer.Good luck!
About the sale, if you can not be in Florida to sell it there, I would leave it to a pro.

Thanks for the luck!!! This one is inline to take a direct hit from Irma....fingers crossed it survives :) Appreciate your comment!

I'll buy it for 100 SBD.

Lol! A few more zero's and you have a deal!

I've got exactly 0.00000000000000000000000000 SBD. That okay?

Lol, too fun :)

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