Roadtrip: Scottish Highlands Part One

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

My daughter recently went on a 4 day trip to Paris, so @bingbabe and I decided we would do our own trip to Scotland. This is not the first time we have done this road trip to the highlands, the last one being 10 years ago.


After an uneventful four hour drive, we arrived at our first destination of Balloch which is on the south shores of Loch Lomand.


After checking in to what looked like somebody’s house with a B&B sign attached outside (the Arbor Travel Lodge), we went for a stroll to the edge of the Loch to search of something to eat.

Unfortunately I had not listened properly to the B&B owner’s advice and we found nothing but the Loch, a few locals and some nice views. We had to backtrack back to the town before we found what we were looking for.



@bingbabe was eying up the location in terms of scenery with anticipation of her ‘crack of dawn’ run. It looked really picturesque on the Loch and in the surrounding areas.


After being refused at a very busy Italian town centre restaurant, I had a quick look on TripAdvisor and we settled on the Tullie Inn. The reviews were adequate at best but there was nowhere else to eat without waiting in a queue.


We had two choices, sit outside (it was a getting a little chilly in the shade), or boil inside in the conservatory. Yes, it’s tough finding a place to eat in Balloch during the busy periods. I had to run back to my car and grab my jacket for @bingbabe as we chose the shade outside.

There was some live music in the Tullie Inn, so I had to shout to get my order in. I grabbed some Scampi and @bingbabe, the Fish and Chips.


The food was quite boring to say the least. Mine was barely edible and @bingbabe struggled to finish hers. Grey fish is not so appetising. The place looked decent but the food was just frozen junk reheated.

It was not our best introduction to Scottish cuisine, but Balloch was just our starting point, or that’s what I told myself.

Nearing the end of our meal, we heard a commotion in the streets. Maybe 12 lads appeared all having no shirts on, and were seemingly hassling some other lads, who also were shirtless while throwing abuse and generally making a lot of noise.

A couple of them had large sticks and happy slappers, and one had quite a lot of blood on his bare chest. Maybe he was into self harm?



They proceeded up the street right past us, threatening to beat the hell out of the second lot of ‘bare-chests’ and then vanished around the corner where the train station was located.

I thought about taking some shots, but didn’t really want to feel the end of a happy slapper coming toward me.

Next there were a few genuine screams and shouts, followed by a dozen of the thugs running back they way they had original started from. The cops were on the scene shortly after, chasing some of them down, and arresting the lad with the blood-laden chest. An ambulance appeared; it seems the happy slapper had seen some action.

They really weren’t doing them selves any favours by taunting the cops and goading them on. Was that our evening’s entertainment, or was it a regular show in Balloch? I don’t think we will ever know.

The weather was particularly hot and humid for sleeping and we were in an attic room with no A/C, so didn’t get much sleep that night. There was a huge skylight window that I was tempted to leave it open all night, but had this nagging feeling that we were going to be robbed.


It was a question of short-term poverty or to be boiled alive; we chose the latter and fortunately survived without incurring a heat stroke.

After a cold breakfast of meat, cheese, bread and yoghurt (no full English breakfast at this place), we were off heading north again. The proprietor of the Arbor Travel Lodge was such a nice bloke and recommended we took a different route if we wanted some better scenery.

If we were to travel via Arrochar and Inveraray instead of directly up the A82, we would be rewarded with lovely views.

We did take his advice, set our destination to Oban on the North West coast and commenced our travelling. He was quite correct; it was about the get a lot more rugged and picturesque.

To be continued...

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Scotland has cuisine? (Yeah, like haggis? Which I hear most people would rather starve than eat?)

The cuisine improved as we got further north. Haggis is everywhere, as you will see on the menus I will present in future articles. It's quite spicy and eatable but not really to my palate.

her ‘crack of dawn’ run.

There's something wrong with people like that. Srsly.

Its a habit she has got, and can't break. Every morning she runs for miles.

Lovely place. I cycled all along there when I did LEJOG in 2011. Looking forward to the rest. That fish does look particularly cheap and horrid. Maybe it's that awful toxic river cobbler from Vietnam :)

More like awful toxic river cobbler from Icelands's freezer section I think :)

Yep...probably. I always check the labels to see if the fish has come from the Mekong river. This river is now full of toxic waste washed down from the northernmost territory of Laos which the Chinese have leased for 99 years. After signing the lease the Chinese now dump lots of their toxic waste into the Mekong which has devastated communities along the river.

That's a place I still want to go sometimes, Scotland... But I will skip the restaurant if you don't mind... Some great pic's... See you at the next episode !

It was a terrible start to the holiday, but did get better. I thought about doing some tasteem reviews, but they seem to be cracking back, and only accept bakery ones for the moment.

I have to laugh at this, as Balloch is my home territory - or was until a couple of years ago, when a series of misfortunes led me to move back in with my mum in Glasgow.
Were you visiting on a Saturday night? The lads you describe are generally easy to outwit (I could describe them as not the brightest, but that sounds a bit patronising) and in my experience the local police are pretty good.
I moved to the edge of a notorious housing estate in Balloch in 2002 and the only thing I've had stolen is a water butt in my garden which I'd bought for about a fiver. And my wheelie bin, around November 5th - apparently they get used to set off fireworks.
To be honest, it's the kind of place where the neighbours look out for each other. Maybe not the ideal place for gourmet food! I'd have driven 10 mins up the road to Gartocharn, or on a bit further, to Drymen.
Looking forward to reading the next episodes! I've just returned from a fantastic long weekend in the north of Scotland - hillwalking of course. I think the heat must have got to me, as I've been too tired to do anything but eat, sleep and read since I got back. Only just starting to come back to life! I'm do love my country in many ways, but the hospitality can be quite varied!

It was a Friday night, so close enough! The cops arrived early, but seemed to be chasing ghosts for a while. The thugs were taunting them somewhat, knowing they couldn't really be arrested just for going bare-chested.

It was the low point of our trip for food, it gets better after this :)

Good! The heat makes people here a bit crazier than usual! Still, that kind of behaviour is not exactly a rare occurrence in Balloch, despite its location at the foot of one of Scotland's most beautiful and iconic lochs!
Also the police know the local thugs. I used to play tennis and one of the local cops was our tennis tutor - a lovely guy who knew the idiots who tried to break into the empty flat next door to me (they failed as they were making such a racket that I phoned the cops and they were there in minutes. The gang members kept yelling out the gang leader's name, which was quite a helpful identifying feature.)

We have only ever been to Scotland once and we loved it! I wish the weather would be better! Hopefully, you and the @bingbabe will find some nice Scottish cuisine! And happy travelling!

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Sounds like a good time for you guys. The Arbor Travel Lodge represents totally i cinematic formed impression of Scotland!

Oh dear. What a welcome to Scotland @slobberchops.

At least the sun was out. That's no small win as far as I'm concerned! 😊

Hope you had a better day today.

*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Nice post! It is too bad that the food wasn't that great. I had a similar experience this past weekend at a place that was supposed to be really good. I think maybe I just ordered the wrong thing. My wife wasn't impressed either though. Why did they turn you away from the Italian place?

The Italian had a 40 minute wait, so they didn't turn us away technically. We were a little hungry to wait for an 'untested' restaurant.

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