
Rad post. There is a lot here even though you were hindered.

On astrology, I've recently become more interested in it after watching the Magical Egypt documentary. It's one of the lost arts that we write off in modern times. I think there is more to it.

On the pictures. OH MY GOSH. The picture of the castle under the cave looked like it was from some crazy James Bond movie. Really cool.
The Colosseum is somewhere I've dreamed of going forever.

On technology vs your trip: I'm the same in some ways. I feel happy when I'm working hard and being productive (making posts). But there is a balance where too much and I stop enjoying the moment and it becomes pointless. On a small level I've tried stepping away from Steemit over the weekend. We'll see how it works.

Cheers man. I appreciate the amazing photos. You're inspiring me and the wifey to pack up and hit the road. Maybe for our 1 year anniversary in March.

Congrats on your year. Peace.

Thanks. Appreciate your thorough,thoughtful comment, and glad to hear this may have been of some inspiration to raise the bar for your anniversary celebrations. This trip's timing turned out coincidentally for us and wasn't planned around ours, but am grateful it did as it sure did make for an awesome celebration of year one... :-)

Pic no 3: you got the derek jeter look. Pic no 5: imagine the roar of the crowd watching gladiator games.

Happy Anniversary @rok-sivante and Nia 🌈🥂😍

Let's hope that we'll all survive from this Mercury Retrograding in the house of Virgo! 🙏🏼

Nice life :)

Amazing views! Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing! Cheers from Mexico!

Beautiful pictures and congrats. Sorry to hear that you had so many issues with your phone but they are one of those electronics that go on the fritz often during Mercury Retrograde. I recently wrote an article about it on my account.

Romantic story :)

wow! that is nice! I wish I could visit there some day..

Happy anniversary. Beyond financial rewards, there are a lot other areas hat we could invest us to in my lens.

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