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in #travel6 years ago

First I was like: PUA, incel comics and Trump? Stereotypical douche. but then I saw

That black guy's name? Abraham Lincoln.

You raise a few good points, a few bad points and a few whatever points but honestly it is hard to discern what you are serious about and what not ;)

A big chunk of the whole PUA and incel crowd is entitled little boys who think they deserve life on a plate, while being an ass. Would be interesting to hear your opinion on that crowd.

Your post reads nice but it seems that the goal was to offend people. Sure, but honestly, I still don't know what actually you wanted to say with it :D


First of all, you can’t lump incels together with puas in the same category. Incels are people who have given up on improving themselves. Puas go out regularly to risk rejection in an attempt to better themselves. I recommend you learn more about the latter.

Second, Pepe and Wojack memes are not incel memes. They are commonly used images on 4chan to depict different emotional states in response to comments from other posters. Wojack is used as more of a sad/helpless filter, while Pepe can be more snide but also helpless. They are not alt right, incel, nazi specific and people who state that only show that they have done zero research and just believe whatever they read in the Washington post.

To your point, the incel crowd is garbage because all they do is complain. PUAs deserve respect because they risk their ego every time they attempt a social interaction with a member of the opposite sex as they generally are not confident 6’4” bodybuilders but don’t want to let that prevent them from sexual relationships with attractive women.

Fourth, the goal of this post is not to offend anyone and that comment makes me wonder if you actually read it or just skimmed it and commented based on the Pepe memes. The goal was to tell a story with as much authenticity as possible, even the dark parts that would paint me in a vulnerable light.

I find that this is the best way to resonate with an audience as you establish credibility when you admit that you are not perfect and give specific examples of your shortcomings. Not just give it lip service and reframe your faults as “that’s just my personality.”

For example I didn’t say that I didn’t find the Canadian girl attractive and that I wanted to sleep so I could get up early and work out. I told it like it was, saying that I bitched out because I was too scared to make a move. That is the truth, and anyone who spends time on sites like 4chan would know that anything less than admitting your faults in a gut wrenchingly honest way is unacceptable.

The purpose of the post was not to offend anyone. It was to tell a story that adhered to the actual events as closely as possible, warts and all. If my opinions or actions offended anyone, that’s just a coincidence. There are many people who read that any are able to identify with my responses to the situations there without them offending their enlightened sensibilities. At the end of the day it’s just a story. Think of it like a journal entry

My general experience with pua and incel is that both groups have a tendency to see women as the abstract withholders of sex and not as people. Fits great with messages like: 'all women want x' and sure, the way they approach it is generally different, their attitude towards women is similarly toxic, same as Christians and Muslims are both religious and for an atheist can be lumped together as theists.

I meant the Chad meme, pepe is used for almost everything right now 🙃

I respect puas for them going out and risking rejection. What I don't respect is an often heard notion of 'find insecure girls, insult them so that every affection you give them is something they crave' which is a highly toxic attitude. Treating others as things is the root of all evil. And honestly, if you go out and talk to people, you are brave, not a pua, at least from my definition. But I would be happy to see a good example of how pua is not a weird abusive predators game thing, I love changing my mind about this 😊

The offending part was because of 'oh no, meetoo people police everything I say' and then 'I know how all women rate restaurants'. It felt forced edgy for me 😅

I really like that you don't whitewash what you are. It is a great quality to have! And it is what made me want to interact with you. If your intent is not to offend but to show yourself, would you mind me commenting on future stories with my opinion, tips, feedback and food for thoughts? The best puas are not puas but themselves. Emotinal honesty, great communication, consent and being brave open many doors. I think I would enjoy talking with you about this more!

Comment away brother. You don’t need my permission.

That said, I think you are reducing puas to something way too simple. It’s not about finding insecure girls and insulting them. I assume you’re talking about a neg, which is very misunderstood since people get their information from Cosmo and not the actual source.

A neg is just a way of teasing a girl. You don’t tell her that her makeup looks like shit, you joke around and tell her that her nose wiggles when she laughs. Huge difference.

Second, as far as viewing women as withholders of sex, that is true on some level. But again I think you’re letting your preconceived notions of the community paint your “observations” in a negative light. The fact is that a woman can get sex within the hour if she wants just by asking who wants it, whereas a man needs to prove his value before even being considered. Game is all about crafting yourself into a better person so that you’re he type of man that women want.

Most guys are under socialized, awkward and have bad hygiene. They have no idea how to keep a conversation entertaining let alone get a woman into bed without being overly aggressive or inappropriate.

Game is all about teaching these skills. There is a lot of fake it till you make it going on from the sheer volume of approaches that you have to do to get to the level where you can confidently approach stunners and give the impression that you are on their level. Straight up, that’s something that most guys cannot do given their present state. Takes an enormous amount of work and eating shit to get there. Rejection is not fun.

The Chad vs virgin meme is fairly common now these days as well. Not only used for sexual things. In this case it just speaks to the lack of confidence that many men have when it comes to women. We have stiff competition these days and girls have thousands of eager competitors no more than a right swipe away. There is not as much room for error unless you see them regularly face to face.

As far as game being a weird abusive predator thing... that’s so ridiculous I literally don’t even know what to say. Maybe google some of the communities, read some of the literature out there other than what you find in girly magazines? It’s all about making yourself a better person through rejection. It’s true that from the amount of approaches people do you can tend to commoditize the interaction, but that’s only because you want to improve your skills. It’s not even really about the girls, it’s about yourself.

Also I never said I know how all women rate restaurants. I said that women are more easily influenced by branding and reputation and I assume that’s obvious enough that I don’t have to back it up with specific examples. Once again, the comment was said tongue in cheek and the two of them took it as an opportunity to do some virtual signaling and jerk each other off at my expense. Irritating to say the least.

The best puas are themselves... thank you captain obvious. We call those “naturals” and guess what, either you are or you aren’t one. If you’re not because you spent your childhood playing RPGs and jerking off to tentacle hentai, what do you suggest is the proper course of action when you see a real life girl who you want to start a conversation with? Talk about elder scrolls 3 and how it’s so much better on pc than PlayStation? Come on bro. You need to play the game if you want to have a chance. That’s why it’s called the game. It’s all about learning how to turn yourself into a more normal human being by getting hobbies, cleaning up your appearance and desensitizing yourself to the fear of approaching/talking to women because of their perceived elevated status in society and your natural biological triggers. That shit doesn’t come easy and it’s not natural unless you were lucky enough to have a few sisters and be around women your whole life.

don’t take my word for it. You’re welcome to do your own research.

I researched pua a few years back. And it probably depends on where you are in the community. I found many advices on using someones insecurities to get them into bed and that put me off a lot.

I said that women are more easily influenced by branding and reputation and I assume that’s obvious enough that I don’t have to back it up with specific examples.

I don't think that that is generally true. But then again it doesn't really matter.

As for being a natural, I disagree. No one is a natural. It takes bravery to overcome your fears and be yourself. And there is this huge notion of being someone who you think 'all women like' and the advice of being yourself is to go against that notion.

From what I found, women can get bad sex everywhere, sure, but so can men. Actually connecting with someone is what takes bravery and authenticity.

I really like the saying: If you are not happy with yourself, why do you expect someone else to be happy with you. Don't expect others to fix your own shit.

So if you want to talk about games all day, find people who want to do that too. I met enough women who are bigger gamers than I am. They exist :D

Hit me up on discord if you want, responding on chain is tiresome, this post does not load well on mobile :/

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